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Aika reteeltä paahdoltahan toi Charlie vaikuttaa.
Lapsena tykkäsin seurata kun kanat paistuivat isossa karusellissa kaupan lihatiskillä.
Aika reteeltä paahdoltahan toi Charlie vaikuttaa.
no älä.
Yasukon haastattelu kuultavissa osana Radio Noisen Ilosaarirock 2011 -spesiaalia --->
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Onko melt banana länsimaista musiikkia?
Tuanoi saatana.
Ei tää nyt kauheen kaukana oo cause for effectistä.
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Nää on Japanista
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Kyllähän mä nyt sen tiesin!
Tuanoi saatana.
No miks sit kysyit Saatana!?
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Kaikki japanilainenhan on mix länsimaista ja japanilaista
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Oon nähny melt banskun livenä tokiossa 2 kertaa vuosina 2001 ja 2008
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Kysymys on validi.
Tuanoi saatana.
Ei oo enää
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Uusi levy tupsahtaa tänä perjantaina