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NIGHT ON EARTH proudly presents you an evening with the greatest and most danceable world music selected by devoted record collectors such as Fredrik Lavik - a norwegian record collector, who put together Kenya Special compilation from his record founds and Markus Setä - one of the top DJ's in Finlands Soul & Funk scen
e - now playing a set of his French Caribbean record founds!
NIGHT ON EARTH is an event where you can dance to the psychedelic funk sounds and exotic rhythms all through the night!
You are warmly welcomed to join the dance!
DJ FREDRIK LAVIK (Norway) / / Jazzaggression / Soundway
Sweaty Benga, lingala/soukouss, taarab and other East African obscurities
DJ Markus-Setä
Original Vinyls from the French Caribbean
DJ Arsi Negele
Danceable West African rhythms and mystic vibes from Ethio-Jazz vinyls & lo-fi tapes
DJ Otto J
Cumbia, West African quitar sounds and SE Asian grooves
April 12th
Salakapakka: about 2 km from keskustori, Tampere
Only for registered persons (contact via email)
Entry 5
starting from 20:00
music and dancing continues til the break of dawn
for registration and exact location, contact:
mercurialframe @ gmail com
Give your (and your well known and behaving avecs) name, we will get back to you on friday evening with the location.
...Nothing is mine. How treasured rich am I. I have the treasure of nothing... -Sun Ra
tämä tapahtuma saa jatkoa ystävänpäivän tienoilla...
stay tuned
...Nothing is mine. How treasured rich am I. I have the treasure of nothing... -Sun Ra
NIGHT: February 14th, 2015
TIME: 20:00 - break of dawn
PLACE: Only for RSVPd persons, about 2 km from Tampere city center. The exact location will be emailed to all participants SOON!
Only for registered persons
kannattaa ilmoittautua tuon googlen kautta melko ripeästi. lista on jo miltein täysi, ja tanssipaikan kapasiteetti on rajallinen!
...Nothing is mine. How treasured rich am I. I have the treasure of nothing... -Sun Ra