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america (is dying slowly):
wu-tang is for the children
ja tähän väliin huippuklassikko raekwonilta
Do You Want To Feature On GZA/Genius's Next Album?
In conjunction with the launch of his new website, hip-hop ninja GZA is inviting fans to put their MC skills to the test in a contest called Duel of the Iron Mic, named after his track of the same name. The contest winner, which is also judged by GZA, will appear on a future GZA album.
To enter the contest, entrants must rap the first verse of the track Liquid Swords, record it on video, upload it to Vimeo, and posting it on GZAs website. More info about the contest will be announced when the website launches next week.
In the last second of life, they're gonna show you how,
how they run this show.
Bobby Digital Cartoon Pilot
^ oisit saman tien tullu moikkaan kun kerran kuvankin otit
tein just kännykkään wu-tang soittolistan, kaikki wu-biisit mitä siellä oli, 107 kpl ja pituutta vajaa 7 tuntia
pannan välillä musaakin, ja ihan sitä parasta klassikko-osastoa, tästä ei meinaan hommat enää parane:
viime aikoina parhaiten pudonnu ghostfacen soolot, tää on jotenki ihan sairaan kova biizi
ODB back in the air
en kyllä tajuu miksei tota a son uniqueta julkaista virallisesti
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
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GZA from the Wu-Tang Clan Takes on Space in 'Dark Matter' Album
If you like the ambience of rap music, but prefer contemplating space-time and stars over money and cars, a record tailored to your tastes is in the making. The hip-hop artist GZA, a founding member of the renowned Wu-Tang Clan rap group, will wax lyrical about the magnificence of the cosmos in a forthcoming album called "Dark Matter," slated for release this fall.
GZA from the Wu-Tang Clan Takes on Space in 'Dark Matter' Album … 0/gza2.jpg
If you like the ambience of rap music, but prefer contemplating space-time and stars over money and cars, a record tailored to your tastes is in the making. The hip-hop artist GZA, a founding member of the renowned Wu-Tang Clan rap group, will wax lyrical about the magnificence of the cosmos in a forthcoming album called "Dark Matter," slated for release this fall.
psykokarkki wrote:GZA from the Wu-Tang Clan Takes on Space in 'Dark Matter' Album … 0/gza2.jpg
If you like the ambience of rap music, but prefer contemplating space-time and stars over money and cars, a record tailored to your tastes is in the making. The hip-hop artist GZA, a founding member of the renowned Wu-Tang Clan rap group, will wax lyrical about the magnificence of the cosmos in a forthcoming album called "Dark Matter," slated for release this fall.
"He'd been doing his homework on the oceans," said Penny Chisholm, an expert on ocean phytoplankton at MIT, who met with GZA last December. "I was struck by his appreciation of the complexity of ecology and physics, and his views on life. I think he's now on a new mission, and he could play an important role in getting various messages out through his art form about the earth, and science. That's why I've become a fan."
Oon allerginen sellaiselle teoreettiselle höpinälle, jossa länsimainen yhteiskunta on tuhoon tuomittu vailla selityksiä tai avauksia siitä miksi näin välttämättä on ja miten se kiteytyy erityisen hyvin berliiniläisessä cappuccinossa ja sushikebabissa
Skeletonni wrote:psykokarkki wrote:GZA from the Wu-Tang Clan Takes on Space in 'Dark Matter' Album … 0/gza2.jpg
If you like the ambience of rap music, but prefer contemplating space-time and stars over money and cars, a record tailored to your tastes is in the making. The hip-hop artist GZA, a founding member of the renowned Wu-Tang Clan rap group, will wax lyrical about the magnificence of the cosmos in a forthcoming album called "Dark Matter," slated for release this fall.
"He'd been doing his homework on the oceans," said Penny Chisholm, an expert on ocean phytoplankton at MIT, who met with GZA last December. "I was struck by his appreciation of the complexity of ecology and physics, and his views on life. I think he's now on a new mission, and he could play an important role in getting various messages out through his art form about the earth, and science. That's why I've become a fan."
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
mikä tää on, joku uus deluxe edition?
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
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mikä tää on, joku uus deluxe edition?
Online music boutique, Get on Down, will be releasing a special edition two-CD box set of Wu-Tang Clan member GZA's classic album "Liquid Swords".
The set contains a remastered version of the album from the original tapes along with an instrumental edition on the second disc.
There will also be a 20-page book included in this special collection. The book was written by Boston Phoenix reporter Chris Faraone and contains an interview with the legendary GZA. It also consists of original album and single artwork from the "Liquid Swords" LP.
Look for the Wu-Tang member to perform cuts from his classic album at Bonnaroo on June 9th as well as Northern Festival in Brooklyn just five days later on the 14th.
This special edition set is set to release on July 24th.
uus raekwon-video
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
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voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
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36 chambersin sensuroitu versio:
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
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