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Ei tarvi hiuksia siirrellä (ei ei ei)
kun ne kutittaa pahasti tyynyllä (ei ei ei)
ei kukaan huutele "Hei tyttö!" (Hei tyttö!)
vaan ne näkee että olen valtion mies.
on kevät taas, voin odottaa
että sulaa jäät, saa linnut laulamaan
ja löydän tyttöni kauan sitten kadonneen
tunteet elikkäs fiilikset, ne on aitoja, niistä kannattaa pitää kiinni
Laitetaan poppikoneet soimaan
Laitetaan taas
Tätä venettämme vuotavaa on aika käydä korjaamaan
Laitetaan poppikoneet soimaan
Laitetaan taas
Ei ne päivät muutu suremalla suuntaan parempaan
Olit mennyt jo kauan huonoja teitä
Eikä minunkaan elämä voitolla makeillut
Ei ollut pitkään aikaan onni potkinut meitä
Oli rautainen tahto ruosteeksi rakoillut
Niin me tänäänkin tultiin taas tähän baariin,
Jossa suurimmat saavutukset hankittu on
Ja piirrettiin taas samat viivat elämän kaariin
Niistä viivoista tarina tullut on onneton
Sulla olis se firma, mutta mihin se kaatui
Sitä kumpikaan meistä vieläkään tiedä ei
Mulla oli ne laulut, jotka syntyessään jo maatui
Halpa kitara, jonka se vouti sittemmin vei
Me käytiin ne koulut loppuun ja tehtiin töitä
Hankittiin lapset ja perhettä perustettiin
Erottiin vauhdilla, ryypättiin pitkiä öitä
Sen kaiken keskellä jotain jo unohdettiin
Vaikka tähän on tultu niin tässä ei tarvitse olla
Meidän alusta pitäisi alkaa taas uudestaan
Ei kai kenenkään tarvitse lopulta olla vain nolla,
Joka rahat ja huolensa kantaa kapakkaan
Yhdet vielä ja sitten jo huomista kohti
Kyllä puheita riittää, mutta vähemmän toimintaa
Moni meitäkin ennen varmasti sellaista pohti
Ei se elämä ole vain pisteiden poimintaa
refrain (2x)
perussuomalainen paskajallitus, köyhä köyhää vastaan ikivanha kusetus, sinivalkokuorrutettu musta taantumus, perussuomalainen paskajallitus!
Viimeisimpänä halutaan kieltää eräs viime vuosien lupaavimmista uusista finanssialan innovaatioista, nimittäin pikavipit.
anna mulle kymppi röökiin ja kaksi kaljaan
Schnabel Ralf, kai kannatat sä viittä vuotta/
suunnitelmataloudessa lepää kansanvoima/
Kommunismissa ei vikaa oo vaan ihmisissä/
tuskin pois pääsen täältä konsanaan
Mestari sanoi minulle,
"Kyllä se mulle sopii"
Älä päästä painiks sitä
Peter is smart,
he knows each European country by heart.
He likes to sit under an apple tree on his yard
and wait for an apple to fall.
When Peter is nine
his teacher tells him that this planet is dying,
that someone needs to put an end to it all
and so when Peter comes home
he tells his mom:
"I'm going out in the world
to save our planet.
And I ain't coming back
until she's saved.
I'll walk my way to see
the King and parliament.
If they don't help
I'll do it by myself.
I don't wanna be
Da da dam
da da da da da da
da da dam"
Peter is young,
he tries to talk
but no one listens to him.
Everybody's busy living and dying,
not thinking about what they're doing.
But look at the boy who
went out in the world
to save our planet.
And he ain't coming back
until she's saved.
He walked his way to see
the King and parliament.
But they all turned their heads
and walked away
Da da dam...
And now I'm going out in the world
to save our planet.
And I ain't coming back
until she's saved.
I'm walking in the footsteps
that young Peter made.
And everybody is welcome to join,
and sing with me:
Da da dam...
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl
Schnabel Ralf, kai kannatat sä viittä vuotta/
suunnitelmataloudessa lepää kansanvoima/
Kommunismissa ei vikaa oo vaan ihmisissä/
tuskin pois pääsen täältä konsanaan
The Golf Wang hooligans, is fuckin' up the school again
And showin' you and yours that breakin' rules is fuckin' cool again
I'm goin' harder than a midget jumpin' over me
Chronic youth, I'm shovin' blunt wraps in bitches ovaries
Schnabel Ralf, kai kannatat sä viittä vuotta/
suunnitelmataloudessa lepää kansanvoima/
Kommunismissa ei vikaa oo vaan ihmisissä/
tuskin pois pääsen täältä konsanaan
Älä päästä painiks sitä
Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to
Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti ravittu, joten
totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
c'est la vie c'est la vie
com si com sa
Oon allerginen sellaiselle teoreettiselle höpinälle, jossa länsimainen yhteiskunta on tuhoon tuomittu vailla selityksiä tai avauksia siitä miksi näin välttämättä on ja miten se kiteytyy erityisen hyvin berliiniläisessä cappuccinossa ja sushikebabissa
1. Jo pukkas glaiduu aikaa
on kesis viimeinkin.
Ja minne vaan kun tsiigaa,
nii hittaa blumsterin.
Ja kaiken uusiks duunaa
noi säteet suulperin.
Ne stadin nyyaks puunaa,
vek stikkaan perperin.
2. Taas nurtsit vihannoivat
ja hiffaat fogelin.
Puut Pitskun huminoivat
Valgan ja Ogelin.
Nyt ei sun tarvii snärkkää
tai tinttaa humalaa:
Kyl ihmehommat järkkää
toi meidän Jumala.
baby it ain't over 'til it's over
tunteet elikkäs fiilikset, ne on aitoja, niistä kannattaa pitää kiinni
But even the president of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked
Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti ravittu, joten
totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fuckingFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenLet go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of mePlease, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let goFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fucking, fucking, fucking in HeavenFatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in Heaven
Fatboy Slim is fucking in HeavenLet go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of mePlease, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of me
Please, let go of meFatboy Slim is fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking
Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking- Alright, please don't play this for anybody
I don't normally do this.
Taistelu jättiputkea vastaan lähes voitettu Kainuussa
Turn and run
Nothing can stop them
Around every river and canal their
Power is growing
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odour
They are invincible
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Long ago in the Russian hills
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
He captured it and brought it home
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Royal beast did not forget
He came home to London
And made a present of the Hogweed to the Royal Gardens at Kew
Waste no time
They are approaching
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Strike by night
They are defenceless
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Still they're invincible
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Fashionable country gentlemen had some cultivated wild gardens
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Royal beast did not forget
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Preparing for an onslaught
Threatening the human race
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
Human bodies soon will know anger
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Last edited by hezma (25.05.2011 22:18)
And just like the ocean under the moon
Well that's the same emotion that I get from you
You got the kind of lovin that can be so smooth
Gimme your heart, make it real
Or else forget about it
Or else forget about it
Or else forget about it
Or else forget about it
I could change my life to better suit your mood
Cause you're so smooth
There's mayhem in this mansion,
Since the cows were coming home,
With delirium no sleepum,
In a cloud of nylon foam.
But release scours the outhouse,
And a hard rain sears the sky,
But if you let the pigs decide it,
They will put you in the sty.
I think I'll get a picture,
And I think I'll put it on a nail.
I think I'll get another one,
And put it in a pail.
But the pail got so rusty
I called it red, red, red for fun,
And I laughed like a leaver
till you ought to seen it run.
I mixed stones and water
just to see what it would do.
And the water it got stoney,
and the stones got watery too.
So I mixed my feet with water
just to see what could be seen,
And the water it got dirty,
and the feet they got quite clean.
tunteet elikkäs fiilikset, ne on aitoja, niistä kannattaa pitää kiinni
jos et sä osaa päätäs käyttää niin voisit sä ainaki munaas näyttää
With no complications
Fifteen generations
(of mine)
All honouring Nature
Until I arrived
(With incredible style)
I'm the end of the line
The end of the family line
The end of the line
No baby pulled screaming
Out into this seeming world
By chance or whim
(Or even love ?)
Our family tree hacked into decline
And I'm spared the pain
Of ever saying "Goodbye"
I'm the end of the line
The end of the family line
The end of the line
The decision is mine
The end of the family line
The end of the line
I'm the end of the line
The end of the family line
The end of the ...
Chemical Brothers - Snow
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Your love keeps lifting me
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
(Your love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
(Your love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me higher
Lifting me higher
(Your love keeps lifting me)
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
Saksa jäljittää eheciä Hampurissa ja Lyypekissä
Maistui laimealta viini vieraitten,
liian katkeralta kuohut kaljojen
Tulen Euroopasta, pohjolasta päin
kainalossa vasta, sauna nimittäin
Oon mä juonu viinii Wienissä
monta pitkää kylmää Lyypekissä
niiden juomiseenkin vain on syy Peggyssä
Saksan Hampurissa pientä lohtuu sain
Vuokraseslongissa ulvoin kaipuutain
Peggy tuntui siltä, että ei ne muut
tunnu siltä miltä Peggyn "I love you"
tunteet elikkäs fiilikset, ne on aitoja, niistä kannattaa pitää kiinni
Man it's a hot one
Like seven inches from the midday sun
I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone
But you stay so cool
My munequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa
Your my reason for reason
The step in my groove
I could change my life to better suit your mood
Cause you're so smooth
summertime the roughest time
Just got paid today,
got me a pocket full of change.
Said, I just got paid today,
got me a pocket full of change.
It's the root of all evil and you know the rest,
but it's way ahead of what's second best.
Älä päästä painiks sitä
now his mind will start to wander
when he's not at his computer
Älä päästä painiks sitä
Chaos Reigns!
(Tombs - Black Hole of Summer)
Sent from my iPhone 16