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#1 07.05.2010 21:17

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763


tehdäänpä taas yksi yksinpuhelutopikki, olkoonkin että tästä bändistä tai suorastaan "mystisestä kollektiivista" on paha sanoa oikein mitään, ovat tehneet muutaman levyn joita yhdistää lähinnä se, ettei niillä ole nimiä, eikä taida olla nimiä biiseilläkään, ja tyylitkin vaihtelevat metsäfolkista hämmentäviin psykedeelisiin jumituksiin (kuulostaa paikoin jopa carolinerilta, åhå miksi lopetitte lukemisen tähän), primitiiviseen gospeliin ja milloin mihinkin. bändin huikea debyytti-cdr julkaistiin äskettäin time-lag recordsin toimesta punaiselle vinyylille painettuna tupla-albumina, limited edition of 266 kpl (meitsillä nro 241) ja levy-yhtiö sanoo asiasta näin:

Time-Lag Records wrote:

another in our RED RECORDS series. this one is especially close to my heart. a deluxe vinyl version of the band’s mega-limited private press cdr debut from about 5 years back… recorded & self released at the very inception of the band, this was an out-of-nowhere 77 minute mind-blower. elements of their more distilled untitled time-lag lp are present in new-born form, but overall this is a far wider ranging & raw trip… a home recorded mix of roughhewed songs & spontaneous improvisation melding together primitive bedroom acidfolk, fuzzy sci-fi psych-outs, bent occult trance ritual, fake xian folk, loose cosmic jamming, spooked drones, pagan mysteries, and some stuff thats just pretty much beyond words… the whole trip is totally psychedelic, deeply textured, dripping vibes, wide-eyed, and more than anything else wickedly fun. one of those rare documents of a young band unselfconsciously doing their thing, and ‘their thing’ pretty much rules… absolutely zero info as always, but this time you get a few rather amusing band photos for extra charm. pressed on two slabs of 180gm bright red vinyl & packaged in an ultra-minimal heavy art paper gatefold cover with raised plastic ink screen printed cover text, paste-on interior polaroid photo sticker, stamped & hand numbered spine. printed & hand stamped labels. plus each copy is enclosed in a two-tone stitched synthetic felt (made from 100% recycled plastic bottles) envelope pouch in various color combinations, hand assembled one at a time by my mom (thanx mom!) limited & numbered edition of 266 copies.

ensimmäinen time-lagin julkaisu oli nimetön cdr joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Visitations (I Wish We Could Look into the Future)", taisi tulla ulos vuonna 2005 ja sitten 78 rpm pyörivä huippu-limited käsin kaiverrettu kymppituumainen nimeltä "big hoot" (jota en ole ikinä pystynyt oikealla nopeudella kuuntelemaan) ja sitten näiltä on mang discin julkaisema nimetön cdr, josta sanotaan näin:

back in print new version of this awesome disc from maine mystery lo-fi psych folk cosmic drone wonders. some of their most wickedly loose, far-out & twisted jams released yet. a real wild ride featuring guest skot spears aka id m theft able. totally hand made recycled flying squirrel packaging. highly awesome & highly recommended.

paitsi että loppuunmyytyhän tuo jo varmaan on, ja sitten time-lagin julkaisema nimetön kiekko:

Time-Lag wrote:

digital version of the sold out lp. well, here you have it. maine’s cosmic mystery trio captured for eternity, just for you… while everyone & their mother seems to have some sort of bedroom folk/psych project going these days, you’d be hard pressed to find another unit as pure in spirit & process as these here bodies/buddies. one of those rare vortexes of creation existing totally apart from all hype, pressure or pretense; in other words, timeless. always balanced on that fine and beautiful line between cosmic joke & aching depth. a simple & unadorned unfurling of strummed & fingered instruments, heartaching female vocals, woodland creatures, earthy male vocals, contrasting half written & totally spontaneous songs, twisting lyrics, haunted melancholy, lysergic joy, and a heavy dose of spooked new england lore. in a way, the recording scene itself is an almost perfect parallel to the sounds & vibes captured here: three shadowy figures laugh & sing around a dim campfire. no ones slept in days. they’re nestled amidst ancient stone buildings, creeping foliage, and mounds of exotic flowers. the sun is setting over the mountains. but its all frozen in time. the clouds aren’t moving. and that campfire, it’s a microphone, isn’t it? and all those flowers: plastic. the stone: paint. is it all fake? well, it is an ancient stone church. and those three really are making some very sweet sounds. in fact, its almost hyper real. almost impossibly so… is that reel-to-reel rolling? yes, it sure is… exquisitely packaged with a tri-fold double thick duotone art paper cover. outside is white paper with edge to edge antique letterpress printed eyeball melting hyper detailed art by the band plus glow-in-the-dark screen printing. inside is black paper with red/orange screen printing. woven japanese inner sleeves. two cover variations, limited to 400 each, for a total cd edition of 800 copies.

sitten on vielä big bloodin kanssa tehty splitti, jota mulla ei edes ole icon_eekicon_lol

niin, ei tästä varmaan ota hirveesti selvää, lisäksi oli joku mystinen cdr jossa oli visitations-porukkaa tai ehkä se oli jopa jonkun soolo, nyt en tähän hätään muista edes sen nimeä.

semmosta ff

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#2 07.05.2010 21:59

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763

Re: Visitations

psykokarkki wrote:

lisäksi oli joku mystinen cdr jossa oli visitations-porukkaa tai ehkä se oli jopa jonkun soolo, nyt en tähän hätään muista edes sen nimeä.

sehän olikin nimellä garm julkaistu levy nimeltä "the acid skull 205" ja tuota googlettamalla löytyikin hyvä hyvä visitations-sivu jossa on paljon tietoa dance

tuolta on myös linkki tähän arvosteluun mutta siinä siis käydään perusteellisesti tuo mahtava debyytti (joka siis nyt julkaistu tupla-lp:nä) läpi

yhdestä keikkamainoksesta löytyi vielä tämmöinen maininta:
AM FRANK (visitations synth punk alter ego!)


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#3 07.05.2010 22:44

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763

Re: Visitations

tosta time-lagin 2007 julkaisemasta albumista vielä:

very special art edition that's the same music & artwork but with totally insane deluxe packaging. this version is a custom uni-pak cover made from four thick layers of paper stitched together on a antique sailboat sail sewing machine. inside screen printing is multi-color. includes a bonus cd version in a special alternate hand stamped & screen printed cover. numbered edition of 88 copies.

meitsillä toki tämä versio mutta nyt en jaksa mennä etsimään mikä numero mulla on icon_redface

also, if you can believe it, there will be a CASSETTE version of the album available in very limited numbers soon, so you tape junkies stay tuned...

tätä mulla ei sentään ole biggrin

kuva debyytistä:
mulla toi kansi on beige ja tässä uudessa tuplavinyyliversiossa (suurimmaksi osaksi) vaaleanpunainen rainbow

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#4 22.05.2010 12:27

Registered: 21.05.2010
Posts: 7

Re: Visitations

Mulla on toi 78 rpm myös + sit muut vinyylijulkaisut. Mut minkälainen kansi sulla tossa 78:ssa on?
Ku mun tietääkseni tohon kuuluu jotain muutakin ku vaan tuollainen oranssi sisäpussi jossa mulla teksti "hand cut edition of 30 copies. this is copy 22". Muistikuvia jostain jokaisen bändinjäsenen puremajäljistä jossain pahvissa tms?!?


#5 22.05.2010 16:08

From: outhouse of the pryeeeeeee
Registered: 04.07.2005
Posts: 11,662

Re: Visitations

Psykokarkki palannee asiaan ensiviikolla jos löytää levyn.

Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi tongue


#6 24.06.2010 20:01

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763

Re: Visitations

mahtisonni wrote:

Mulla on toi 78 rpm myös + sit muut vinyylijulkaisut. Mut minkälainen kansi sulla tossa 78:ssa on?
Ku mun tietääkseni tohon kuuluu jotain muutakin ku vaan tuollainen oranssi sisäpussi jossa mulla teksti "hand cut edition of 30 copies. this is copy 22". Muistikuvia jostain jokaisen bändinjäsenen puremajäljistä jossain pahvissa tms?!?

väliaikatietona kerrottakoon etten ole ehtinyt kaivaa levyä esille kun en oo ihan varma missä se on ja kyseinen huone on muutenkin ihan täynnä romua niin ei oo helppoa. mutta palaan asiaan kun se löytyy.

sillä aikaa kuuntelen vaikka tätä big bloodin kanssa tehtyä levyä, ostin tän jo pari viikkoa sitten mutta nyt vasta ehdin laittaa soimaan, eka biisi mennyt reilu 10 minuuttia ja ihan hyvät rituaalidronepsykehulinat menossa vaan nyt ne loppu ja lähti toinen raita liikenteeseen, jotain huiluja ja torvia ja muita kilistimiä, eiköhän tääkin tästä, palaillaan colorflash

niin ja ymmärsin että nää ekat biisit olis jotain late night sessioita jotka edelsi varsinaisia biisejä jotka löytyy myös tolta 7"-vinyyliltä (cdr siis soitossa), ja siellä toinen puoli visitations feat. big blood ja toinen sit toisinpäin. tarkempaa infoa paha mennä sanomaan kun biiseillä ei perinteiden mukaan ole nimiä eikä muutakaan infoa oikein löydy biggrin

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#7 20.09.2010 19:23

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763

Re: Visitations

Time-Lag Records wrote:

PRISMA ~ THE COSMIC COIL ~ lp & cd (TIME-LAG 050) $23.00
the feminine entities of visitations / attar cups step forward, duo style, for their debut longplayer... and what a debut it is... these magical ladies have been oh so subtly wowing locals with their rare live sets for a few years now, and as hard as it is to imagine, this album manages to surpass their live wonder in both intimacy & intensity... a mesmerizing cycle of ultra-hush dreamtime lullabies, ethereal ghost pop, lost folk, and trance-state sonic whirlpools. the songs are hazy shimmerings of dusty splendor, delivered with utter beauty & fragility, yet shrouded in a thick veil of mystery & sadness. the drones seem to be pulled from between the cracks in silence by some woozy late-night ritual, summoning an edgy & ecstatic presence into the very spirit of the sound... recorded to analog tape with minimal equipment and much spontaneity, the rural autumn / winter setting of the process has no doubt penetrated the creation, and suits the cozy / lonely vibe perfectly... packaged in a truly cool & unusual three color screen printed double-sided foldout art paper cover, with a flocked / screen printed fuzzy mini-poster insert. pressed on highest quality 180gm vinyl with full color photo printed labels. each copy also includes a bonus cd version of the album in its own metallic printed cover (different from the standard cd cover) for easy all night repeat-o-play. hand numbered edition of 400 copies.

nice price digital version of the lp in a two color offset printed double-sided foldout cover, with woven inner sleeve. limited to 600 copies.

~ this group is pretty unknown, but i’m quite confident anyone on this list will find a lot to enjoy here. certainly if you’ve dug the more mellow, feminine side of visitations you’ll be very happy to lay ears on this gem. the cover are super cool too, and were each hand printed by blood press, the new print studio run by the big blood folks. a real “family” project this one... an assembly heavy release as well, so expect copies to start shipping next week.

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#8 11.02.2011 23:05

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,763

Re: Visitations

jees, toi prisman albumi saapui ja soi tossa, rauhallista meininkiä, välillä jopa pienet pink floyd -vibat.

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#9 18.11.2012 23:15

267 tearz
From: summerisle
Registered: 03.03.2008
Posts: 13,267

Re: Visitations

Time-Lag Records wrote:

GARM, B.R. ~ GARMSQUIRM2012 ~ cassette (no basement is deep enough, serbia) $12.00
"my previous releases have all been 'unheard except by a few'; this tape will be very seldom heard as well. get it now! the human animal bag is foul. it squirms n' offers, plus, drips creams and salves. one drop "made my baby", another "made this tape". the baby came out just in time for spring, the tape comes out just in time for halloween. the tape haunts in your headphones like the ghost of the music you used to put in and dislike but now shames you in your search for shit sounds has lead you to this goop. these songs are about things squirming out of you whether you like them to or not. i'd be embarrassed to sing these songs to you. they are the grossest jokes that i know, this tape is the sonic equivalent of a foul odor. (for fans of worms, flies, crusts, babies, bristles, snaps, and the doctor's dumpster)" -- from b.r.garm... this dweller on the treshold of chromosome damage - né brendan evans- prefers to not trim the matriarchal mould growing savagely in his kitchenette. after all,the petri dish population invented punk rock, not england. instead of gardening his fridge, proud dad and tender lover tomy g. rather likes to wander through the borderless province of the mellow mind by taking a naughty nap in his recently inherited orgone accumulator, massaging the pineal glands of his fellow faux xian soul trippers in visitations, riding the magnetic suicide dwarf am frank, or recollecting our wisdom teeth in his strange maine wunderkammer. this satanic audio cookbook for squeamish children and their moms can be caught by the horns right after you tamed "this eros", the epilectic goat sister of his dystopian punk-folk opus "the 78th morning tide" (http://cassettegods.blogspot.com/2011/1 … ature.html). and although the cerebrum-wrenching liason between deep-fried inseminations, psychotic digressions and misinterpreted girl feelings should have ended up being animal-friendly, you will still keep on hearing the birds of passage clang and bang against the copper dome of your free will. these raw animals were killed, skinned, butchered, cooked and redressed by vladimir lenhart to get good seats in this steaming sonic stew. ltd. to 54 copies and comes in unclean fish-scale panties to satisfy the flexitarian fetishists among you... suitably wild / weird / cool hand done packaging!

voodoo jippu biggrinpeuk eiq people bez magic people

lol apua kulli

deadhorse kaka ultravox kaka 017 finger wanha ff sheeplove deadhorse tongue finger tongue sheeplove


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