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#601 08.01.2009 14:30

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: the Fall

grasskirt wrote:

[quote:e60ea6994d="risto_m"]Light User Syndrome soinut viime aikoina albumeista eniten, se on yllättävän hauska levy, vähän unohdettu tuossa Fall-katalogissa, mut melkeinpä top kympin ovia kolkuttelee meikällä. Spinetrak! Powder Keg! DIY Meat![/quote:e60ea6994d]

Light User Syndrome on ensimmäinen Fallin levy, jota kuulin ja siksi erittäin rakas. Kirjastosta ei aikoinaan löytynyt muita kuin tuo ja Middle Class Revolt, enkä moneen vuoteen edes hankkinut kuulolle muita bändin tuotoksia. Powder Keg  peuk

Middle Class Revolt oli taasen eka mun kuulema. Molemmat vallan perusmainioita Fall-levyjä.

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#602 08.01.2009 18:24

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

jostain syystä light user syndrome tuntui hiipuvan alkuhuuman jälkeen, hieman ylipitkä levy ehkä mut voishan sitä taas joskus koittaa.

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#603 26.01.2009 18:02

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

on toi fall-boxi (1976-2007) kyllä kumma julkaisu, ehkei faneja pitäisi päästää kokoamaan moisia icon_lol

jonkinlainen peelosessio-boksin sisarjulkaisu, jossa ymmärtääkseni pyrittiin välttelemään 50,000 fall fans can't be wrong -tuplan biisejä (mulla ei sitä edes ole... vielä icon_rolleyes), ja siksi (lähes) kaikki parhaat loistaa poissaolollaan, tosi kummasti valitut biisit, jokunen muualla julkaisematon versio mut ei ne silti kovin kummoisia yleisesti ottaen ole (no ylläri). silti scareball ja pari muuta harvinaisuutta puuttuu. vika levy sitten liveharvinaisuuksia eli lähinnä biisejä joista ei studioversioita edes ole, for completist only -meiningillä. ja miksi 5 levyä ku peel-sessiolevyjä on 6... sinänsä hyvä vihkonen tulee kuitenkin mukana, täys diskografia ja ihan mielenkiintoista juttua. mutta, jos halutaan pistää vähemmän soitettuja biisejä ja harvinaisuuksia levylle niin 90-luvun  tuotantoon keskittyvää a world bewitced -tuplaa paremmin ei asiaa voi tehdä, sitä suosittelen edelleen joka kotiin colorflash

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#604 26.01.2009 18:55

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: the Fall

Se vitoslevy oli noista mulle tarpeeks hyvä syy hankkia boxi, vaikken mikään Fall-kompletisti olekaan.

Ihan höhlä julkaisuhan tuo kokonaisuutena on.

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#605 03.02.2009 00:52

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

[quote:adffe21bb2="janne m."]Se vitoslevy oli noista mulle tarpeeks hyvä syy hankkia boxi, vaikken mikään Fall-kompletisti olekaan.

Ihan höhlä julkaisuhan tuo kokonaisuutena on.[/quote:adffe21bb2]
[quote:adffe21bb2="psykokarkki"]nyssoi: the fall - hey! marc riley

miten ei muka löytynyt studioversiota tälle boksille, mullakin on siitä kopio joka on taatusti parempisoundinen kuin tää livetulkinta  icon_lol[/quote:adffe21bb2]

toi mark e smithin ja ed blaneyn yhteislevy on muuten jäänyt ihan turhan vähälle huomiolle, jo nyt noussut mun viime vuoden top-kybään, muutama aivan mahtava biisi kuten toi VU-coveri tai transfusion ja jotenki sellanen rennompi meininki mitä vaikka fallin viimevuotisella, ainakin kaikkien fanien kandee tsekkailla dance

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#606 15.04.2009 16:12

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

fall-foorumilla peel session cup 2009 loppukilpailu alkanut, new face in hell vs. new puritan dance

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#607 21.04.2009 15:30

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

ei-niin-yllättäen paras biisi voitti; hail the new puritan dance

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#608 05.05.2009 16:34

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#609 09.05.2009 00:10

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

imperial wax solvent kuulostaa pienen tauon jälkeen aivan käsittämättömän hyvältä. mitähän seuraavaksi, dominolleko nää on nyt sainattu?

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#610 09.05.2009 00:15

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: the Fall

Imperial Wax Solvent on kyllä tosi rautanen levy. Dominolla taitaa seuraava levy tulla, vissiin joku mahis olemassa, että levy tulossa vielä tämän vuoden puolella?

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#611 11.05.2009 15:31

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall

voi uuh, missasin tenttirupeaman takia kavereitten Fall-tribuuttibändin keikan. toivottavasti ei ollu ainoo ikinä ikinä ikinä

vois ehkä pyytää soittaan ens vuonna kolmikymppisiini tms dance


Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#612 12.05.2009 14:41

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#613 12.05.2009 14:54

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall

"in retrospect, even sonic youth look good now" biggrin

"jack black, what a twat he is, he must die, what a twat!" peuk

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#614 14.05.2009 11:06

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


[quote:2c1f56723e="Mark E. Smith"]HEREWITH annual May missive message from I, Mark E. Smith
on this day of celebration/reformation:

ANOTHER year has passed - rapidly for some, too slowly for I,
one-legged yet again.
And yet, things re: The Fall improve, our new label, although young, are coping just about with 'The Fall".
Yea, in a Castleford studio built on gravel the group cracked down some odd things.
The main concern to avoid the much-ripped off already 'Imperial'.
Our next record will be something that scum like that choke on.
We will not be playing 'I.O.W.' 'FEST' either but will play the Mojo sick-trio.


I love you all but i cannot embrace you all/
-As of last year,
your dearest pal-

for 'The Fall'

As I type this in the swirling gales of consequence I wish you, my pals, all the very best.

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#615 03.06.2009 17:01

267 tearz
From: summerisle
Registered: 03.03.2008
Posts: 13,266

Re: the Fall

åhå putos vahingossa hetkex kakkossivulle.

niin sitä piti vaan  sanoa että toi viimevuotinen imperial wax solvent vaan paranee joka kuuntelulla, aivan mahtava levy colorflash

voodoo jippu biggrinpeuk eiq people bez magic people

lol apua kulli

deadhorse kaka ultravox kaka 017 finger wanha ff sheeplove deadhorse tongue finger tongue sheeplove


#616 24.06.2009 16:10

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

[quote:9d3623c7db="psychocandy"]oli valunu kakkossivulle joten spåmmitään ylös.

[quote:9d3623c7db]You feel depressed 'cause you've missed the day
Then you have to go to the hall

Whip wire
Whip wire
Hawk man
Slip down easy
Don't make me a go-between
This is Mr. and Mrs. Smith
To whom you are speaking
Slang King
Words from a cheap man
Part-paid type who got his style
From a press treatise
2 pound 50
Bottle of Brut and nausea
It's no longer a journey down the road for him
It is now escape route
Bright, turn off sign
Swing, 14, turns off, between
Swingo greets lime green receptionist
All here is ace, All here is ace, All here is ace
Escape route
Slang King
Swoop swoop
Foll media krieg, for his honour's binge
During his Scandinavian stint
He said hi to Horst, the viking
Hi Lo-l-lord Swingo
At his triumphant procession
Down the road of quease
Dropping off, he stopped
At a British shop
Swoop scoop
Slang King
At a British shop
Take it down easy
During a lull in his attack
3 little girls with only 50 pence
Had to take, had to put
The Curly Wurly back
Swoop swoop, scoop scoop
Slip down easy
Slip away at court or him and his bloody mother
We'll go together
Sugar down
Slip down easy
Slang King
Watch, the word had right
Biz by word processor
We'll go together, slip down down away
Hyper, with the young designers
The young designers are always there
Always wanted to be there
Slip down, caca-phony
Whip wire, whip wire
Slip down easy, sugar
Slip down easy, sugar
Slip down away, sugar
Hawkman, whip wire, whip wire
Slang King[/quote:9d3623c7db][/quote:9d3623c7db]

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#617 22.07.2009 03:52

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

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#618 07.08.2009 00:59

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

näin unta että nää soitti suomessa, paikka näytti 6nnelta linjalta mut oli vähän erilainen kuitenki. olin vähän turhan kåpnish ja sit vaan tajusin et ei oo totta, teh fall soitti just enkä muista siitä mitn vaik olin eturivissä. sit ihmettelin et mullahan on farkkujen taskussa vielä kaljatölkki, join siitä ja päätin spämmätä foorumille vain että:


ja toivoa et joku kertois lisää keikasta ni ehkä muisti palailis pätkittäin icon_lol tongue

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#619 07.08.2009 01:12

From: Hala Suuressa Magellanin pilve
Registered: 07.02.2007
Posts: 27,774

Re: the Fall

icon_lol peuk
Robert Pollard-lookille erikseen peuk

bzort glorf bööth


#620 07.08.2009 02:54

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall

näin se tulee tapahtumaan, kun "sen" aika on peuk

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#621 07.08.2009 12:04

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,911

Re: the Fall

Kuuntelinpa tuossa eilen This Nation's Saving Gracea ja en muistanutkaan sen olevan NIIN kova levy. Täytynee vihdoinkin yrittää hankkia se The Wonderful And Frightening World...

EDIT: jaa tällaista Beggars Banquetin kotisivuilta:

"As many fans are aware from The Fall site
Beggars Banquet will be releasing Omnibus Editions of two of their finest albums – The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall (1984) and This Nation’s Saving Grace (1985)
Master tapes were sent to Loud Mastering – our studio of choice – back in January but with the log jam caused by our Gary Numan / The Cult / Bauhaus packages (not to mention Franz Ferdinand) we’re still awaiting for the digital transfers to be done. The virtues of patience."

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#622 07.08.2009 13:23

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

joo, tällä hetkellä arvio on että 2010 julkaistais mut saa nähdä... ikuisuusprojekti. natikasta tuli tosin remasteroitu vinyylipainos taannoin.

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#623 27.08.2009 13:31

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

[quote:b83ec85918="The Fall Online"]Here's a treat for you. Bob unearthed a tape he made of a show Mark E. Smith did for the tiny Greenwich Sound radio station sometime in 1983. Mark plays some records (inc. trucker songs, Spandau Ballet(!), live Fall stuff), reads a few poems, and chats with the DJ. Here's my tentative running order:

Mark E. Smith
"Creatures What You Never Knew About"
Greenwich Sound radio station - http://www.cliffosbourne.co.uk/1673/25401.html
Greenwich, London
prob. Feb or March 1983

54min 30sec

- The Fall - Words of Expectation (live: Arena, Rotterdam, 12 Feb. 1983)
- Mark E. Smith's Guide to Writing Guide & London (both printed in "vII")
- M.E.S. poem - Manchester (bit of this spliced into Garden on PBL)
- Spandau Ballet - Communication
- Greenwich Sound promo
- The Fall - Fantastic Life (studio)
- chat with Greenwich Sound, part 1
- Slim Jacobs - That's Truck Drivin'
- M.E.S. poem - first line: "The rouge smeared on the aged profile of the local THF Cologne branch chairman"
- M.E.S. poem - Village Bug
- M.E.S. poem - Amsterdam
- The Fall - Totally Wired (studio)
- chat, part 2
- Bobby Sykes - Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves
- Greenwich Sound radio promo
- Willie Nelson & Dolly Parton - Everything's Beautiful
- Smith reads "a piece I found in an international newspaper on the floor"
- The Fall - Hexen Definitive/Strife Knot (Live: Rotterdam 12 Feb 83)
- crickets

If someone wants to ID the live Fall stuff, please do.

Link to the original 99mb mp3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1v8jwv

Link to remastered 99mb mp3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zg7vjd[/quote:b83ec85918]

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#624 04.09.2009 16:32

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

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#625 16.09.2009 12:12

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


Catalogue number: VP503CD
Release date: 19/10/2009
Format: CD
Label: Voiceprint

The Fall's Mark E Smith and Ed Blaney - The Train (Part 3)

Mark E Smith has been called a Maverick over the last thirty plus years he has led the Fall. Many people have tried to bend Mark E Smith to their will and failed time and time again. If making music under your own terms and whenever and with whomever you want then Mark E Smith is a maverick. Plainly speaking Mark E Smith does what he wants and you are either with him or against him. If you are against him then the relationship is usually terminated as many former members of the Fall can attest. Mark E Smith has a clear idea of what he wants and an even clearer idea of what he doesn't want.

Ed Blaney was a member of the Fall during late 2000-2001 playing on the album Are You Are Missing Winner released in late 2001.

In 2008 Smith and Blaney embarked on what seemed like a spontaneous project recording and releasing a number of limited edition singles. These singles were then collected together and released on an album entitled The Fall's Mark E Smith and Ed Blaney.

Train is the second album recorded by the duo outside of the Fall activities.

Mark E Smith and Ed Blaney's latest collaboration carries the title The Train part 3 and is described as an Open Street Recordings of the past present and future.

Recorded in October Nov3ember and December 2008 these are field recordings that have been edited in the studio. The recordings were made in Blackpool, Salford, York and shire, the midnight train from Sophia-Karnobat (Bulgaria) and finally edited in Blueprint Studios Salford by Gary Hadfield under the production supervision of both Mark E Smith and Ed Blaney.

The collaboration will no doubt appeal to the large and dedicated Fall fan base and also lovers of audio-verite.

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#626 17.09.2009 20:58

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

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#627 22.09.2009 23:39

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


[quote:81512ee547]The ultimate train album really. It reads like a 40 minute version of the song "The train" (from their first album) intercepted and intercut continuously with sounds from trains, trainstations + voices. After a while the whole concoction gets to having a mezmerising slightly hypnotizing effect on one as a listener. Guitars, voices and sounds drift in and out of the soundscape of the piece as a whole. As the journey through sounds continue one looses track of time and space and start to feel trapped on an absurd trainride with Mr. Mark E Smith and Ed Blaney. Snippets of conversations, singing and read texts causes the mind to snap back to focus from time to time as the recurring guitar motif continues to blur the edges of reality. If one listens intently it gets to be a gentle journey disguised as a mindfuck, but it also works well as a backdrop of sound or in headphones while out on a journey of some sort.

I think this album works really well. It makes for a fascinating listen more rewarding with each spin. I have yet to try to listen to this album while riding an actual train but I can imagine that it would make an ideal soundtrack to any trainride. In any way, the album is a fascinating trainride in and of itself.

I would imagine this kind of album could serve as fuel for detractors who would like to suggest that Mark E Smith has "lost it". But for me personally this album only adds another little piece to the puzzle of one of the greatest artist legacys ever. Maybe not the most significant piece but a piece I wouldn´t want to do without nonetheless.[/quote:81512ee547]

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#628 01.10.2009 16:31

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

jossain väitettiin myös että levy olis nimeltään unseen ja ilmestyisi vasta tammikuussa mutta saa nyt nähdä icon_rolleyes

liikkuu myös huhuja että mark e -setä vierailisi gorillazin tulevalla levyllä, toivottavasti kuitenkaan ei icon_smile

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#629 07.10.2009 13:58

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

elenan haastis


[quote:73a00f564c]What is the Fall up to at the moment?
Finished our new LP called ‘Our Future Your Clutter’ and that’s going to be out on Domino at the end of January. We’re going on tour in November, too, and playing in Milan and Hamburg before that.[/quote:73a00f564c]
koska suomeen? icon_sad

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#630 08.10.2009 17:32

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

[quote:b55252337b]If you count the near-countless dodgy live albums and compilations, the new Fall album will be their 100th! Many thanks to Stephen Fall for listing them all. Naturally there's a heated debate about what should and should not be on the list on the forum.

01: 1979a – Live At The Witch Trials
02: 1979b – Dragnet

03: 1980a – Totale's Turns (It's Now or Never) [live 1979 & 1980]
04: 1980b – Grotesque (After The Gramme)
05: 1981a – Slates [mini-album]
06: 1981b – Early Years 77-79
07: 1982a – Legendary Chaos Tape a.k.a. Live At Acklam Hall, London 1980 [11/12/80]
08: 1982b – Hex Enduction Hour
09: 1982c – A Part Of America Therein, 1981 [live]
10: 1982d – Room To Live (Undilutable Slang Truth)
11: 1983a – Fall In A Hole [2CD] [live 21/08/82]
12: 1983b – Perverted By Language
13: 1984a – The Wonderful & Frightening World Of The Fall
14: 1985a – Hip Priest And Kamerads
15: 1985b – This Nation's Saving Grace
16: 1986a – Nord-West Gas
17: 1986b – Bend Sinister
18: 1987a – In: Palace Of Swords Reversed
19: 1988a – The Frenz Experiment
20: 1988b – I Am Kurious Oranj
21: 1989a – Seminal Live [half studio/half live]

22: 1990a – Extricate
23: 1990b – 45 8489 A Sides
24: 1990c – 45 8489 B Sides [2CD]
25: 1991a – Shift-Work
26: 1992a – Code: Selfish
27: 1993a – The Collection
28: 1993b – The Infotainment Scan
29: 1993c – BBC Radio 1 ‘Live In Concert’ [25/05/87]
30: 1994a – Middle Class Revolt
31: 1995a – Cerebral Caustic
32: 1995b – The Twenty-Seven Points [2CD] [live]
33: 1996a – Sinister Waltz
34: 1996b – Fiend With A Violin
35: 1996c – Oswald Defence Lawyer
36: 1996d – The Light User Syndrome
37: 1997a – In The City... [live 20-22/03/95]
38: 1997b – Archive Series
39: 1997c – The Less You Look, The More You Find
40: 1997d – 15 Ways To Leave Your Man [live 26/06/96]
41: 1997e – Levitate
42: 1997f – Oxymoron
43: 1997g – Cheetham Hill
44: 1998a – Smile…It's The Best Of The Fall
45: 1998b – Live To Air In Melbourne '82 [2CD] [02/08/82]
46: 1998c – Northern Attitude
47: 1998d – The Post-Nearly Man [Mark E. Smith]
48: 1998e – Live Various Years [93, 97, 98]
49: 1998f – Nottingham '92 [live 15/03/92]
50: 1999a – The Peel Sessions
51: 1999b – The Marshall Suite

52: 2000a – Live 1977 [23/12/77]
53: 2000b – A Past Gone Mad
54: 2000c – I Am As Pure As Oranj [live 17/08/88]
55: 2000d – Psychic Dancehall [3CD]
56: 2000e – Live In Cambridge 1988 [19/03/88]
57: 2000f – The Unutterable
58: 2001a – Austurbaejarbio Reykjavik May 6 1983 [live]
59: 2001b – Backdrop
60: 2001c – A World Bewitched [2CD]
61: 2001d – Liverpool 78 [live 22/08/78]
62: 2001e – Live In Zagreb [15/04/90]
63: 2001f – Are You Are Missing Winner
64: 2002a – 2G + 2 [live 11/01]
65: 2002b – Totally Wired: The Rough Trade Anthology [2CD]
66: 2002c – Pander! Panda! Panzer! [Mark E. Smith]
67: 2002d – High Tension Line [2CD]
68: 2002e – Listening In: Lost Singles Tracks 1990-92
69: 2002f – Early Singles
70: 2003a – It's The New Thing!: The Step Forward Years
71: 2003b – Words Of Expectation: BBC Sessions [2CD]
72: 2003c – Touch Senstive...Bootleg Box Set [5CD] [live 2001]
73: 2003d – The Idiot Joy Show [2CD] [live 1995/1996] (also available as two separate LPs/CDs, The Idiot Joy Show and Pearl City)
74: 2003e – The Rough Trade Singles Collection [vinyl-only]
75: 2003f – Live At The Phoenix Festival [1995/1996]
76: 2003g – The War Against Intelligence: The Fontana Years
77: 2003h – The Real New Fall LP (Formerly ‘Country On The Click’)
78: 2003i – Rebellious Jukebox [2CD plus DVD]
79: 2004a – 50,000 Fall Fans Can't Be Wrong
80: 2004b – Interim
81: 2005a – The Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004
82: 2005b – Live At Deeply Vale [22/07/78]
83: 2005c – Live From the Vaults: Oldham 1978 [21/08/78]
84: 2005d – Live From the Vaults: Retford 1979 [16/11/79]
85: 2005e – Live From the Vaults: Los Angeles 1979 [14/12/79]
86: 2005f – Fall Heads Roll
87: 2005g – Live From the Vaults: Glasgow 1981
88: 2005h – Live From the Vaults: Hof Alter Banhoff 1981
89: 2006a – The Permanent Years (Paranoia Man In Cheap Sh*t Room)
90: 2007a – Live At The Knitting Factory, New York, 9 April 2004
91: 2007b – Live At The Garage, London, 20 April 2002
92: 2007c – Reformation Post TLC
93: 2007d – Live At The Knitting Factory, LA, 14 November 2001
94: 2007e – Live At The ATP Festival, 28 April 2002
95: 2007f – Box Set 1976–2007
96: 2008a – Imperial Wax Solvent
97: 2008b – I Never Felt Better in My Life: 1979–1982
98: 2009a – Last Night At The Palais: Live at Hammersmith Palais April 1st 2007 [CD and DVD]
99: 2009b – Rebellious Jukebox, Volume 2

Von Südenfed and Smith/Blaney releases are not included. However, The Post Nearly Man and Pander! Panda! Panzer! are included because they include Fall music and lyrics.[/quote:b55252337b]
laskujeni mukaan multa puuttuu noista 33, kaikki jotain  hämäriä kokoelmia tai livejä (yksi niistä tosin jo tilauksessa).

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