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Jäsen: vitun hapan pappaosasto.
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[quote:93a3f033f0="ydinaukio"]nostattelin kiimaa kattelemalla youtubessa näiden livevideoita. niillä oli lavalla marshallin kaapit eikä mitään orangeja [/quote:93a3f033f0]
rental-firmojen kanssa ei oo varaa valita. ampeg, marshall, fender, roland (jazz chorus). siinä ne on. millä mennään?
niin eihän sunnokaan pysty pelkillä sunneilla euroopassa vetämään... muilla merkeillä paikkaillaan riviä...
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
liput hallussa, tapnalle kans.
Viimeisimpänä halutaan kieltää eräs viime vuosien lupaavimmista uusista finanssialan innovaatioista, nimittäin pikavipit.
liput hallussa.
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
Varasin jipun mut en oo varma saako lapaselle vahtia. Peltorit päähän ja mukaan eiq mitäs
menen nyt nukkumaan ajatellen Jan Vapaavuorta
Varasin jipun mut en oo varma saako lapaselle vahtia. Peltorit päähän ja mukaan eiq mitäs
suattaa olla peltorit tarpeen vähä vanhemmillakin... huh, sunno))):n murinavalleja muistellessa..
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
Perhana, alkoi tehdä mieli tuonne Borikseen, mutta rahatilanne ei sitä suo.
No vittu eihän se edes maksa juuri mitään, ja tehän kaiken lisäks asutte jossain turussa tai helsingissä.
No vittu eihän se edes maksa juuri mitään, ja tehän kaiken lisäks asutte jossain turussa tai helsingissä.
12 eukkaa, kamoon... lepso keikalle
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
Vois ehkä tulla Turkuun kattomaan
This must be what jail / I will scratch
Ei Turkuun kannata kun Helsingissä on kovemmat perspanot.
Ja tiukemmat
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Varasin jipun mut en oo varma saako lapaselle vahtia. Peltorit päähän ja mukaan eiq mitäs
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
[quote:4305b7f515="artsy"]taitaa jäähä borikset näkemäti kun samana iltana dtm:ssä lavalla
KAIJA KOO !!!!!! ja kaiken lisäks toi growing on aivan turhaa musaa[/quote:4305b7f515]
nyt odotellen dtm:n mainoksia... "soittoaika jo 22 eli täältä ehtii vielä tavastialle borikseen!!"
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
tyyppi toiselta foorumilta kirjoitti:
[quote:7caa533b29]I am the happiest guy in the world right now. I've seen Boris tonight.
They played in Nijmegen, at the Doornrosje, great venue. To my surprise Michio Kurihara was setting up his gear. They announced him as guest guitar player but he performed as a fourth member adding his usual great playing (his tones...). They played basically the american Smile version with three tracks in between (one of them new, a melodic song with Wata and Takeshi on vocals). When i saw them last year (sans Michio) they sounded like a jet engine going off in the venue but with Michio added it was total sonic overload. They just fried the place (and i would be so deaf without my earplugs). Umbrella (with drum machine intro) and the Bonus Song were so amazing, i just don't can't think of any better group right now. Plus they played Farewell as an encore (with three guitars!). Catch them if they play anywhere near you![/quote:7caa533b29]
En tykkää hirveästi Smilestä, mutta Pink rokkaa. Taidan siis jättää menemättä keikalla.
kannattaa toki kuunnella myös niitä parempia levyjä
Smilen pari ekaa biisiä oli pettymyksiä mutta onneks meno parani loppua kohden. Menisin kyl keikalle mut noi päivät ei sovi ollenkaan.
Älä niin ne oli siel ku siel oli.
[quote:43e674640a="ydinaukio"]tyyppi toiselta foorumilta kirjoitti:
[quote:43e674640a]I am the happiest guy in the world right now. I've seen Boris tonight.
They played in Nijmegen, at the Doornrosje, great venue. To my surprise Michio Kurihara was setting up his gear. They announced him as guest guitar player but he performed as a fourth member adding his usual great playing (his tones...). They played basically the american Smile version with three tracks in between (one of them new, a melodic song with Wata and Takeshi on vocals). When i saw them last year (sans Michio) they sounded like a jet engine going off in the venue but with Michio added it was total sonic overload. They just fried the place (and i would be so deaf without my earplugs). Umbrella (with drum machine intro) and the Bonus Song were so amazing, i just don't can't think of any better group right now. Plus they played Farewell as an encore (with three guitars!). Catch them if they play anywhere near you![/quote:43e674640a]
MICHIO KURIHARA! [/quote:43e674640a]
MItä vittua, onks se tulossa messissä?
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
no toivottavasti!
kysyin samalta jampalta että oliko niillä iso myyntipöytä, tällaista vastasi:
[quote:fd4b888b37]Man i wish i could catch them again on this tour.
Concerning your question, they sold nearly all Boris cds (japanese and american) and most of the Pedal Records (Kurihara related) releases, japanese Smile vinyl (about 4 copies per show), Rainbow vinyl, Rainbow box set (a mere snippet at 170 Euro), the Stupid Babies Go Mad split 10''/DVD (do yourself a favour!!!), the Ai Aso / Wata split, Statement 7'', lots of t-shirts, posters, they even sold the inoxia plastic bags blink.gif
Enju herself, patron saint of mailorder businesses, is running the merch table. Prices are about what you would pay by ordering from, minus shipping of course. So if you have to take priorities i would buy vinyl to avoid future EMS shipping. Btw, the japanese Smile vinyl was sold on ebay for about 300 dollars, currently it's usually about 80 euros, at the table it went for 35 euros. But don't worry, after the tour prices will go up again so you might consider buying one for your pension plan.[/quote:fd4b888b37]
Kyllähän tämä Smile toimii ainakin muutaman kaljan jälkeen, mutta kyllähän tuo Pink vahvempi on.
Yhtä kaikki, odotettavissa hieno keikka, ehkä...
[quote:2b89e343e0="Jean-Babtiste"][quote:2b89e343e0="ydinaukio"]tyyppi toiselta foorumilta kirjoitti:
[quote:2b89e343e0]I am the happiest guy in the world right now. I've seen Boris tonight.
They played in Nijmegen, at the Doornrosje, great venue. To my surprise Michio Kurihara was setting up his gear. They announced him as guest guitar player but he performed as a fourth member adding his usual great playing (his tones...). They played basically the american Smile version with three tracks in between (one of them new, a melodic song with Wata and Takeshi on vocals). When i saw them last year (sans Michio) they sounded like a jet engine going off in the venue but with Michio added it was total sonic overload. They just fried the place (and i would be so deaf without my earplugs). Umbrella (with drum machine intro) and the Bonus Song were so amazing, i just don't can't think of any better group right now. Plus they played Farewell as an encore (with three guitars!). Catch them if they play anywhere near you![/quote:2b89e343e0]
MICHIO KURIHARA! [/quote:2b89e343e0]
MItä vittua, onks se tulossa messissä?[/quote:2b89e343e0]
Käsittääkseni on koko Euroopan kiertueen.
Roadburnissakin oli ja joku siellä väitti varmana tietona että mies on mukana myös koko loppu Euroopan kiertueen. Mitään virallista julkistusta tuosta ei vissiin kumminkaa ole annettu.
Ei jumalauta... Tietääköhän Bro JMT tästä?
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS