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Vuoden 2006 tulevia julkaisuja:
"A repo man's always intense"
[quote:e705f946c0="Leif Erikson"]Vuoden 2006 tulevia julkaisuja:[/quote:e705f946c0]
Huh, tämä sai vasta ajattelemaan, miten paljon tänäkin vuonna on mahdollisesti hyvää musiikkia tulossa. Erityisen arvoituksellinen yllätys oli tämä: 11 Apr Tuesday
Aphex Twin Chosen Lords
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
[quote:68edc3f6e7="Laatu"][quote:68edc3f6e7="Leif Erikson"]Vuoden 2006 tulevia julkaisuja:[/quote:68edc3f6e7]
Huh, tämä sai vasta ajattelemaan, miten paljon tänäkin vuonna on mahdollisesti hyvää musiikkia tulossa. Erityisen arvoituksellinen yllätys oli tämä: 11 Apr Tuesday
Aphex Twin Chosen Lords
Selvisipä tämä itselleni ja muille kiinnostuneille, tuolle levylle on valikoitu Analord-sarjasta 10 biisiä, eli ei mitään uutta tiedossa...
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
Albumit - Viikko 05/2006
nro viime vko listavkot
1. Yön valoisa puoli YÖ - POKO UUSI
2. Mimic47 DIABLO - Good56/Emi 1. 2
3. Confessions on a Dance Floor MADONNA - Warner Music 2. 11
4. Highest Hopes - The Best Of Nightwish NIGHTWISH - SPINEFARM 3. 18
5. Miero VÄRTTINÄ - Real World/Emi UUSI
6. Till Death Unites Us NORTHER - Spinefarm UUSI
7. Muanpiällinen helevetti VERJNUARMU - MERCURY UUSI
8. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not ARCTIC MONKEYS - Domino/Playground UUSI
9. Toivotaan, toivotaan: 40 unohtumatonta laulua vol. 2 JAMPPA TUOMINEN - BLUEBIRD/SONY BMG 23. 3
10. Breakaway KELLY CLARKSON - RCA/19 Entertainment 6. 3
Miettikää, kaikkien aikojen viidenneksi paras brittilevy Suomen listan kasina.
This must be what jail / I will scratch
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
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Keuhkojen Kake Puhuu Radio Helsingissä Njassan vieraana torstaina 26.1. klo 18-19.
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
Offline … 2PZFAJK7AA
tuolla kokoelma (3 cd:n) 80-luvun new/no/räg-waveseiskatuumaisia...fallista ja cabaret voltairesta obskuurimpaan päin...loistava on, vähän iso mutta silti
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Miettikää, kaikkien aikojen viidenneksi paras brittilevy Suomen listan kasina.
hyvä suomi, me ollaan niin hip!
toi on kai se lista mistä räkislistalla on puhuttu viime aikoina... mulla on sieltä 50 levyä sadasta mutta arctic monkeys loistanee poissaolollaan jatkossakin. yhden biisin oon kuullut, "ihan kivaa" retrorokkia jos sellasesta tykkää mut eipä sen kummempaa. unohtunee nopeammin kuin oasis, jota ihme kyllä jotkut vielä muistelee välillä...
Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi
Jamppa Tuomisen kokoelma vasta yhdeksäntenä!
Onko tuo uus Sigur Rós parhutta?
Onko tuo uus Sigur Rós parhutta?
On se tietyssä mielessä. Jos ei ole kuunnellut puhki bändin muuta tuotantoa, niin tuosta voi saada varmaan paljonkin kiksejä, mutta paatuneelle fanille se on vähän liian samanlaista kuin kaikki muutkin, vaikka sisältääkin yhtyeen parhaimpia yksittäisiä biisejä.
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
kattokaapa Dragonforcen video
on se...siisteintä kun heppu pitää tauon ja kumoaa olutta siemauksen, vain palatakseen pelastamaan maailmaa kitaraurheilullaan.
ovatkohan ruotsalaisia, ajavatkohan volvoa?
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
[quote:ced0ef349f="babriga"]kattokaapa Dragonforcen video
on se...siisteintä kun heppu pitää tauon ja kumoaa olutta siemauksen, vain palatakseen pelastamaan maailmaa kitaraurheilullaan. [/quote:ced0ef349f]
Loppuneljännes oli kyllä niin parhautta, tuo soolojen taistelu.
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
no nyt sain senkin toimimaan...aiemmin pätkäisi heti alusta … ODL2Gz4i3o
komeata kun tulee muutaman sekunnin pätkä Mario Bros-tunnaria ja hevareilla menee kuppi ihan nurin "hei sekin syö sieniä!"
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
komeata kun tulee muutaman sekunnin pätkä Mario Bros-tunnaria ja hevareilla menee kuppi ihan nurin "hei sekin syö sieniä!"
Pahoittelen, mutta uskottavuutesi meni juuri lopullisesti.
En vain pysty uskomaan mitään tyypiltä, joka ei erota Simpsonien tunnaria Mario Bros-tunnarista.
Hevarit vain tunnistivat kiipparistin kaltaisekseen rankaksi kapinalliseksi, joka elää "Don't have a cow, man"-elämänfilosofian mukaan ja palkitsivat veriveljen innokkailla suosionosoituksilla.
Tero saatana, s'olet gay!
noho, tunnistanhan kyllä, tuo oli vain niin kimurantin intellektuelli kommentointi nykykulttuurin tilaan...äh, en viitsi edes selittää, se vain pitää tajuta
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Ambassadorin ohi kävellessäni huomasin - Dragonforcella on täällä keikka maaliskuussa! Taitaa olla miitin paikka, if societykin voi pistää distron ulkopuolelle pystyyn
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Ambassadorin ohi kävellessäni huomasin - Dragonforcella on täällä keikka maaliskuussa! Taitaa olla miitin paikka, if societykin voi pistää distron ulkopuolelle pystyyn
Ai niin, sä asuit jossain ambomaassa, jonne ei tuu edes VR:n junat tai kutosen ratikka. Muuten olisi voinut tulla.
Voisi ehkä julkaista Dragonforcen seuraavan levyn täällä. Täytynee aloitella neuvottelut yhtyettä edustavien tahojen kanssa. Vituttaa muutenkin kaikenlaisen soittotaidoltaan kyseenalaisen kuonan julkaiseminen.
Kaikki meidän bändit käy ekana läpi kuitenkin tän:
Tero saatana, s'olet gay!
kyl tääl jotain ratikoita menee...oon kuullu että internet-aikakautta kun eletään niin on vapaa liikkuvuus ja materia vaihtaa paikkaansa sekunnin osissa, jonain kilobitteinä tms
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
kyl tääl jotain ratikoita menee...oon kuullu että internet-aikakautta kun eletään niin on vapaa liikkuvuus ja materia vaihtaa paikkaansa sekunnin osissa, jonain kilobitteinä tms
Emmä noista ATK-jutuista tiiä, mutta ihan tasavarmasti en pääse sinne jos kutoseen hyppään Hietsun kirppiksen pysäkiltä!
"Vapaa liikkuvuus" on vissiin joku uusi aerobic-juttu. Vähä niinku spinning, hydrobic tms. Emmää jaxa.
Tero saatana, s'olet gay!
[quote:5c403b52c7="forssto"]Kaikki meidän bändit käy ekana läpi kuitenkin tän:[/quote:5c403b52c7]
Parhaita foorumille pastettuja linkkejä ikinä. Mullisti ajatteluni soitonharjoittelun intuitiivisuudesta.
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
Jay Dee/J Dilla rip.
Juha, olet miespuolinen Jippu. Onnea!
Näin unta että olin Paavoharjun keikalla. Bändi soitti pelkästään ilkeän kuuloista harsh noisea ja lisäksi bändin jäsenet ammuskelivat yleisöä jousipyssyillä.
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
paavoharjusta puheen ollen, tilatkaapa levyjä fonalilta, kaikkien yli (15?) e ostosten mukaan bonuslevy jolla mm. julkaisematonta paavoharjua ja islajaa kaikkien vanhojen hittien seassa... itse tilasin shogun kunitokin ja islaja/tv-respa splitin... ja huomenna pitäis saapua.
Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi
[quote:2b5895b811]The Samaritans have today recruited 600 extra staff to deal with an expected surge in calls as troubled fans come to terms with today's revelations about rocker and teen icon Pete Doherty. In a surprise press conference today, the men behind Doherty's career reveled themselves - and admitted that the Libertines, Babyshambles, the tales of drug use, the armed robberies and the affair with supermodel Kate Moss have all been part of one of the largest hoaxes in British history.
The men behind the scandal - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty, who were themselves infamous popstars under the name The KLF - admitted how they plucked a young Buddy Holly impersonator Doherty from obscurity and made him a media darling. "It was a meant to be a quick stunt to show the frailties of our celbrity-obsessed culture," said Cauty, adding, "there are too many people who are famous despite their lack of talent, usefulness and basic intelligence. We wanted to do something that held a mirror up to that." Mr Drummond called Britain's pop-culture "sick" and said that although he regretted the hurt caused to Doherty's many fans, he hoped "this incident taught us all some important things".
In a prepared statement, the two men - famous for many other pop pranks, including the famous burning of GBP1million on a remote Scottish island - detailed how they manipulated the British Press into making Doherty an icon. Doherty - whose real name has now been revealed to be Trevor McDermott - was making a living as a part-time Buddy Holly impersonator in the Cornwall holiday circuit. He began a short-lived affair with the singer of a well known 80's rock band, and was introduced to Drummond and Cauty at a backstage party in London's West End. The men described how a drunken McDermott amused them with his slurred singing and frenetic dance movements, and how they then realised that this would be the perfect "dupe" for a plan they had been hatching for some time.
"The plan involved proving three theories we have about current British society," reads the statement. "The first is that in the so-called "alternative" scene, everybody is too scared of missing The Next Big Thing to worry about anything else." To prove this, some session musicians were provided to compose the rest of the "band", The Libertines, and rumours of exposive gigs were leaked to the media. "The gigs in question never actually took place, but we didn't have to worry about that. Soon the buzz around The Libertines was so frenetic, journalists were falling over themselves to claim to have been at the front of every single fictional gig." Within weeks, The Libertines were appearing on magazines and receiving record offers. Gigs sold out in minutes, while their first album "Up The Bracket" flew off shelves.
Feeling that their first point had been proved, Drummond and Cauty moved to their second theory: "We feel that our culture has become an enormous soap opera. We don't care what a person thinks, or creates, or contributes. We just care about what they do in their normal lives. Especially when it's something they shouldn't be doing."
To demonstrate this, the men co-ordinated a number of scandals. First was a robbery staged in the house of one of the band members. When this took place, McDermott (aka Doherty) was unknown outside of the alternative music scene. An incident of this calibre was sufficient, however, to catapult McDermott onto the front page of every major national tabloid. "One day we has just another singer, the next day he was 'Disgraced Celebrity Rocker', and he hasn't been out of the papers since". Further revelations about drug abuse and violence kept McDermott and The Libertines on the front pages for months.
One thing that took even Drummond and Cauty by surprise was the affair with model Kate Moss. "That was not something that we planned or had any involvement. Whether she knew about the hoax is something we are not party to. We have never had any contact with Miss Moss." However, this was the boost their project needed - where the drugs and crime had made McDermott a media sensation, the relationship with one of fashion's most famous women catapulted him into the world of true celebrity. "While we had not planned this, it certainly proved our point. There are many superior artists in the country today, but they never appear in Heat or The Sun, because they don't have the words 'boyfriend of Kate Moss' after their name."
Despite this boost, the project began running into a major setback for Drummond and Cauty. Just as they were preparing to enter the final phase of their scheme, Doherty decided that he wanted to part company with them, the fake band, and begin seriously recording music. He stopped all contact with the men, and threatened legal actions if any details were leaked to the press. "We were upset at the apparent failure of our grand project, and also at the monster we had created in Pete Doherty. Our third theorem - that 'If enough people say that a piece of s*** is a bar of gold, we'll believe it's a bar of gold' - seemed to have been beyond salvation. Fortunately, at that point Pete released the first Babyshambles album."
In the time since then, Drummond and Cauty have been locked in a vicious legal battle, which was eventually settled out of court by the discovery of a videotape showing McDermott singing "Peggy Sue" at a Butlin's in Devon. Publicly, McDermott still strongly denies all charges. How this affects the future career of Pete Doherty remains to be seen. [/quote:2b5895b811]
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
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Keane song 'triggered outburst'
Tom Chaplin of Keane at T in the Park
Lindsay said the Keane song had reminded him of his late brother
A T in the Park reveller lashed out at other festival-goers after becoming depressed listening to Keane.
Lawrence Lindsay, who had taken valium and drunk alcohol, ran amok after hearing a song which had been played at his brother's funeral days earlier.
The 36-year-old claimed the Keane hit, Somewhere Only We Know, had reminded him of his late brother Stephen, 38.
Lindsay, from Clackmannanshire, was fined £500 at Perth Sheriff Court after admitting breach of the peace.
A not guilty plea to a second charge of assaulting a police officer by attempting to bite him at the festival on 9 July 2005 was accepted by the Crown.
Solicitor Brian Black, defending, said Lindsay's brother had hanged himself two weeks before the incident.
'Little recollection'
He went on: "The accused went to T in the Park, which was an event he attended each year with his brother.
"The trigger point for this was that Keane had just come on and started their set.
"He has very little recollection of what happened thereafter and accepts that his conduct was quite simply unacceptable."
The court was told how Lindsay, from Tullibody, had tried to punch and kick people in the audience as Keane played on stage.
When security staff and police arrived on the scene he continued to shout and swear and tried to grapple with them.
Fiscal Depute Hannah Kennedy said the accused had tried to bite one of the officers, but added: "He has no teeth so he wasn't really a great threat". [/quote:3f7b3397ba]
ja tämä oli BBCn sivuilta, eikä teh onionista
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
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Fiscal Depute Hannah Kennedy said the accused had tried to bite one of the officers, but added: "He has no teeth so he wasn't really a great threat". [/quote:ccd18dde98]
Keane on aika hampaatonta indie-poppia, ja niin ovat kuuntelijansakin.
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.