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Eihän tuo oikeastaan ole edes mikään huono boksi jos ei yhtään Pink Floydin levyä omista... Tosin tuon DVD:N saisivat kyllä julkaista ihan erillisenäkin.
Mä voisin periaatteessa olla kohderyhmää kun ei ole kuin Piper cd:nä ja Relics, Dark side of the moon ja Wall vinyylinä...mut en taatusti jaksais noita kaikkia kuunnella.
Eihän tuo oikeastaan ole edes mikään huono boksi jos ei yhtään Pink Floydin levyä omista...
silloin tietenkin mitä mainioin, mut niillä joita tuo kiinnostaa on luultavasti jo jokunen levy hyllyssään... että en oikein ymmärrä ton julkaisun pointtia.
Alxity wrote:Eihän tuo oikeastaan ole edes mikään huono boksi jos ei yhtään Pink Floydin levyä omista... Tosin tuon DVD:N saisivat kyllä julkaista ihan erillisenäkin.
Mä voisin periaatteessa olla kohderyhmää kun ei ole kuin Piper cd:nä ja Relics, Dark side of the moon ja Wall vinyylinä...mut en taatusti jaksais noita kaikkia kuunnella.
Minusta tuossa ei ole kuin A Momentary Lapse of Reason sellainen, mitä en kyllä hyllyyni välttämättä haluaisi. Tosin eipä noita kaikkia kyllä siltikään löydy...
Ja onhan se vähän niinkin, että jos kiinnostaa niin jotain jo on, mutta toisaalta yksi kaveri osti silloin joskus sen edellisen boxin kun sillä ei mitään noista levyistä ollut ja kovasti kyllä tykkäili.
<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki
aloittelevalle PF-fanille toki suositeltava paketti. momentary lapse ikävä kyllä löytyy edelleen hyllystä mut final cutin vopis joskus hankkia. åhå paljastuksissa nämä
Olettekos muuten ikinä miettiineet miten Gilmourin tilutus edelleenkin kulkee, vaikkei sitä päällepäin uskoisi. Mies näyttää ihan joltain eläkkeellä olevalta kaivostyöläiseltä ja sormetkin on grillimakkaran paksuiset. On siinä ihmettelemistä kun joskus itse yrittää kitaraan tarttua ja sormet on aina toistensa tiellä ja väärässä paikassa...
<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki
Olettekos muuten ikinä miettiineet miten Gilmourin tilutus edelleenkin kulkee, vaikkei sitä päällepäin uskoisi. Mies näyttää ihan joltain eläkkeellä olevalta kaivostyöläiseltä ja sormetkin on grillimakkaran paksuiset. On siinä ihmettelemistä kun joskus itse yrittää kitaraan tarttua ja sormet on aina toistensa tiellä ja väärässä paikassa...
Harjoitus tekee mestarin...tai sitten ei. Sattuipa somasti, just latasin tämän.
tuolla ennenkuulumaton syd barrett -haastis:
Yes, it is Syd. A major find.
I heard of this yesterday but was keeping mum--thing being, I'd like to
encourage people to BUY this, so I was hoping he'd sell a few copies before
it hits every P2P network and the point is moot.No big deal, but the guy did do the interview 40 years ago, preserved the
tape, ripped it, processed it, put together a nice li'l intro. For this,
what does he ask? $1. One dollar. I think that's only fair, to hear a 15
minute conversation with Syd.(The other ones look intriguing too--Zappa, Hendrix, Donovan, Kesey, Garcia.
He got around.)To purchase this, go to … fdad7bdbe0Then, under the Categories section, click on "Zeeber Gold." You'll see the
listing of available downloads. (You'll want to click one more time for
Page 2, because Syd is interview #23.)If you have Paypal, this can be yours in under five minutes.
No, I don't know the guy, it's just there's never been a moment in the last
30 years I wouldn't gladly have paid $1 to hear a previously-unknown
interview with Syd Barrett circa 8/67. Let's make it worth his while for
doing this.The conversation? It's intense. The album has just come out and *already*
he's talking about taking a break from music to get back to painting. Both
of them are very spaced. Syd is very reasonable and polite, but you can
practically feel him staring at the interviewer, trying to collect his
thoughts. Long pauses. He wants to communicate but can't quite find the
words to use. It's poignant, pretty much what you'd expect, but you really
have to hear it.
tossa toi haastis. haastavaa luettavaa kyl
Syd Barrett interview, London, 1967.
SYD: Well I'll, I'll say.. for example, painting at an art school. Or
painting, say, in infants school. The initial desire to paint or
initial suc-first successes at painting arised, I think, out of a very
genuine basic, um, drive one way or another. So, an-and because of
family and social set ups are channeled into success or otherwise and,
er, er, through schools and such like and one gets different things.
And I think un-and, course, one comes across teachers and people like
that, teaching and, sort of, instruction and to talk to and there
came, and I feel now that having left art school that there are a lot
of I could do. A lot of things I see now, a lot of
things went in to me, into my head and thinking that these would,
perhaps, changing and altering things. For instance I made a painting
the other day...and... it's I could I see and hear very clearly, sort
of, different instructions and different criticisms going in to the
picture which were in fact p-um-criticisms that I could relate back to
art schools and teachers and various things that'd come at that time.
So...maybe...this would be very valuable, this break. I don't
know..and, er, sort of, to... try painting again after a break of
going in to pop music and going to.. playing this sort of
music....just might work out that, get more, sort of, basic freedom. I
don't know, it's something to d-, just things like shape of the paper
and, er.. seem to be a lot of assumptions taken place.
INTERVIEWER: When you were saying criticisms you had, criti-, your own
criticisms of your work is that what you (??) outside other people?
SYD: Um, criticisms that I, I, I, really, d- yeah..
INTERVIEWER: Of your own criticisms of your own work...
SYD: Yeah.
INTERVIEWER: ...that were, sort of, put in to you by teachers and so on.
SYD: They were what I was channeling into my own criticisms, yah, they
were wh-, they were what were governing what I was doing, in to
pai-,er, why it was happening.
INTERVIEWER: Do you ever... get... I don't know... frightened by, I
use this word because it's, it applies to me by, er, the systems that,
I mean this, in a sense, I don't know, could be better worded, this in
a sense, you know, is a system, when, when you're, realise that the
criticisms that you're using... on... have been put in to you, y'know,
sort of, conditioned. But, but when you realise more and more what it
is that controls all the systems that, you know, system upon system,
sort of, working your way through one in to another and another..does
this really...bother you...or even frighten you? The feeling that
you'll never be free, that you'll always be a prisoner? But, maybe you
don't have that feeling?
SYD:......Yeah I do!....
INTERVIEWER: Do you think that you can be free if you can realise, I
mean, get to a point where you know, more and more and
more systems (??)
SYD: Er yeah. I think, er, m-maybe, maybes...
INTERVIEWER: The realisation's, sort of, freeing you on and that..
SYD: Yeah, well, yes, in slowly in time, ya know, it's-ss, well it
happened with this painting, I mean-er, I finished a picture I got
through... a lot of things...I wanna, it's quite enjoyable, you
know...and the idea is, to, I would like to get hold of that and be
able to assimilate the, um, the system as it comes in, rather than.. know, see it as it goes out.
INTERVIEWER: Yep..... Do you find yourself in patterns and constantly
repeating the same patterns (??)
SYD: Mmmmm!
(Long pause)
INTERVIEWER: What are you.. working on at the moment in... inside
yourself?... Do you know?
SYD: (Pause) Yeah.
INTERVIEWER: Do you care to say?
SYD: Umm, I carn- er, sort of... I can't really say, because it's
obviously taking too much time to think about it. I don't, I,
ss-um.....(pause) It's not really difficult.
(Long pause)
INTERVIEWER: Do you ever feel when you see people, or do you often
feel when you see people that you could tell them something about
themselves that they don't already know (??)? Or do you look at people
that way?... I feel you do, that you really sort of observe people...
Do you?
SYD: Nah I think it's something about... um.. wow, really gets...
pretty... involved... this stage.. I can't.. see... yeah there is a, I
certainly do get a ss-feeling of what people are like and, er... it
really, the really, the, the complication comes out in talking, but
this only comes out at certain times because of a feeling that talking
is, in fact, a much, a far less, er, valuable thing than, er, and it's
almost superfluous, to...wha-... to... to everything else, you know,
to sort of, general, as-s, I don't know, sensing people (??) value of
people...But the same time, it's a contradiction that the wor-, that
words and talking to the people should be difficult in any way. So
one... goes, one is hesitant to say 'No I can't say anything', you
know... An- an I know as well this is something that occurs only at
times, ya know, other times it doesn't.. and it's cool.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah maybe that I think more in terms of words when I, ya
know, see someone and have an impression. I mean like, your impression
of me.. which you must have... on... would you care to tell me? And be
like absolutely honest... Do you have one?
SYD: In words?
SYD: Um...Wow!
INTERVIEWER: (Laughs)... I mean really be honest. And I'm asking this
cos you may have something to give me, I don't know.
(Long pause)
INTERVIEWER: Not the general things, I mean whatever, mean what the
main thing that sort of hits you. And I-I'm not asking for a
personality critique, ya know, cos I know enough about myself that I
don't need that.
SYD: Well... (mumbles) there's so many different things, that on
different levels, that I could... say, that of impressions of you, so
I give us, I don't know, I just, maybe the most strange thing is,
um... meeting you, talk, sort of s-saying... eh... very strange to
meet you... Well it tisn't really strange, it's not many people
that...that sort of... one can...wr-interviewers and such like, as,
as, and you came in to that class. Erm... sort of, used to, I mean
generally it just sort of say hello and to get to say the questions
and go again... I don't know... very, I don't know (laughs) Wow.
INTERVIEWER: (Laughing) I see you're holding back.
SYD: Yeah,
INTERVIEWER: I mean, I mean I don't c-, you know, it maybe something
that sends me back, I don-, maybe, you know, probably not anything I'm
going to want, want anyone to hear.. and it's sort
SYD: No- (Laughs) Not at all! I, I understand. I think I learn a lot
from you... and er... (stammers) the thing, th-th-that you see,
there's the... I... I'm not, I know I feel from you that in, you not,
really, that I could say anything and do anything and you would st-,
I mean, you are recording it and that's cool and, er... But I could..
and I know that applies to you, to me and you, you know, cos really I
, I, you are, I assure you, you can do anything you want, but... And
in talking, I mean, that includes if... I want to... if I wanted to
say nothing or if I... I want to act in an extr-extraordinary way...
then I feel that that too is justified
INTERVIEWER: You have your relatives?
(cut in tape)
INTERVIEWER: Because, I don't know, ya know maybe in a sense there's
something I could tell you I don't know what it would be. And the same
thing, ya know, I've done this a couple of times, not, not in
interviews... but ya know, when I met someone who, you can see in
their eyes this-s, dopes(?), what am I saying... do you have anything
to tell me?
SYD: (Laughs)
SYD: (deep breath)
(tape cuts off)
Nyt alkaa mennä pelottavaksi...
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
voihan pippeli
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
tossa toi haastis.
Kiitos & kumarrus.
Kuvaaja-stalkkerille maksimaalinen
Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.
HYGIY Mach II alkaa valmistua:
Volume One
length: 67:23
01 Lucy Leave (May/June? 1965) 02:55
02 King Bee (May/June? 1965) 03:06
03 Green Onions (17Dec67 "Tomorrow's World" BBC-TV) 01:58
04 Interstellar Overdrive (31Oct66 demo 1st gen) 15:07
05 Interview + Interstellar Overdrive (Dec66, CBC) 10:37
06 Matilda Mother (20Jan67, UFO) 02:52
07 Interstellar Overdrive (20Jan67, UFO no voiceover) 04:17
08 Let's Roll Another One (22Jan67 rehearsal) 01:58
09 Instrumental (22Jan67 rehearsal) 01:10
10 Arnold Layne (28Jan67 acetate) 02:38
11 Candy And A Currant Bun (28Jan67 acetate) 02:04
12 Instrumental (UFO, 24Feb67, prob "Interstellar") 04:35
13 Pow R. Toc H. (14May67 "Look Of The Week" BBC-TV) 01:02
14 Astronomy Domine (14May67 "Look Of The Week" BBC-TV) 03:59
15 See Emily Play (21May67 acetate, alt ending) 02:53
16 Emily jam at 16RPM (looped 5X) 00:42
17 Set The Controls (08Aug67 mono) 05:28HYGIY 2.0
Volume Two
length: 75:47
01 In The Beechwoods (19Oct67) 04:50
02 Vegetable Man (11Oct67, mixdown May68) 02:41
03 Vegetable Man alt instrumental (09-11Oct67, mixdown May68) 02:50
04 Untitled, take 7 (04Sep67 1st gen) 01:34
05 Remember A Day (12Oct67 mono) 04:24
06 Scream Thy Last Scream (07Aug67 Jenner 1974 mix) 04:41
07 Vegetable Man (11Oct67 Jenner 1974 mix) 02:31
08 Reaction In G (1967, b'cast 26Apr69 Beat Club, German TV 1stGen) 0:44
09 The Scarecrow (BBC 25Sep67 1stGen) 02:18
10 The Gnome (BBC 25Sep67 1stGen) 02:38
11 Matilda Mother (BBC 25Sep67 1stGen) 03:34
12 Flaming (BBC 25Sep67 master) 02:45
13 Set The Controls (BBC 25Sep67 master) 03:35
14 Reaction In G (BBC 25Sep67 master) 00:51
15 Scream Thy Last Scream (07Aug67 Jones 1987 mix) 04:42
16 Vegetable Man (11Oct67 Jones 87 mix, from "What Syd Wants") 02:39
17 Jugband Blues (24Oct67 mono) 03:00
18 Flaming (02Nov67 Tower mono 45) 02:47
19 Set The Controls (18Feb68 Belgian vid mix) 04:53
20 Vegetable Man (20Dec67 BBC 1stGen) 03:37
21 Scream Thy Last Scream (20Dec67 BBC 1stGen) 03:50
22 Jugband Blues (20Dec67 BBC 1stGen) 03:58
23 Pow R. Toc H. (20Dec67 BBC 1stGen) 04:38
24 Tomorrow's World instrumental (17Dec67) 01:45
tässä vielä juttua biisivalinnoista yms:
Beyond that, I have a request -- somewhere in the art, please
dedicate these to the memory of Syd Barrett and also to the memory of
Bernard White, who founded the Syd Barrett Appreciation Society,
published Terrapin, and was the first to locate most of the material
featured in HYGIY.Also, please be certain to credit Harvested somewhere for the
Malcolm Jones '87 mix of "VegMan" on Vol 2. (They did excellent,
painstaking work restoring the swooping levels on that. There was no
point in re-inventing the wheel, so we cloned theirs.)Aside from that, most tracks have been upgraded from HYGIY 1.0, and
the few for which we couldn't find better sources were remastered--
sometimes very slightly, often significantly. Noise reduction was
hardly ever used. (With such good sources, EQ does a better job in
most situations.) Everything originally in mono is now back to mono,
which is most of the material.It's pure mono too, identical in each channel. That means it will
compress WAY down. (Lossless flac files of the mono tracks are only
slighly larger on average than MP3s @ 320.) That means fast
downloads and quick torrenting. These will stream through the
starlit skies of the dark globe in no time at all.A few comments--
I've said it before but it bears repeating-- we do our best to be
accurate with it, but it would be impossible to present these tracks
in strict chronological order *and* wind up with a disc you could sit
through happily from beginning to end. On CD1 there's a lot
of "Interstellar Overdrive" because that was most likely to get
recorded back then. On CD2 there would be two consecutive mixes of
the lost "Scream/Veg" single, as well as the Beechwoods tape and BBC
versions.The Beechwoods tracks are all of a piece, sonically, so it made the
most sense to keep them together. They open Vol 2, which is where
they should have been all along--and would have been, had they not
surfaced after the original Vol 2 was already out.(Oldtimers know it well, newer members may not be aware... but the
Beechwoods tape surfaced because of HYGIY. One of our members had
it, assumed it must be circulating, then when he got his discs he
realized what he was sitting on. He sent it off to Kiloh and it
premiered on HYGIY CD4.)Most of the challenge in programming these discs is in keeping
multiple versions of the same tune away from each other as much as
possible. So occasionally we have to make a quick detour a few
months backwards or forwards. Hopefully these things make emotional
sense even when the calendar says otherwise.We lost a couple tracks when the deluxe "Piper" came out last fall,
and others have been eliminated for other reasons.For example--in the end, we pulled the short clip of "Reaction In
G" with German voiceovers. It stuck out like a sore thumb on CD1.
It broke the chronology as well as the mood and didn't really add
anything. The fact is, we have the same track without the
voiceovers, so it's superfluous. The German version will appear on
the expanded "Esoterica" volume, where all the related,
miscellaneous, fan-created and otherwise oddball tracks wind up.Also, after an hour or so of comparison listening (with CD3 of the
new "Piper") it turned out that the '68 Belgian vid mix of "Paint
Box" is not that unique after all.There are subtle differences here and there. The wav forms don't
match up, and the EQ may be different. Even so, it seems like most
of the differences between this and the in-print version have more to
do with the sourcing than the master tape. Maybe it will turn up on
the "misc" volume as well, if there's room. (That one will be 2CDs
when it happens.)Of course, with that track gone we had to take another look at what
was where on the disc and shuffle around a little more. In the end,
I think we have two volumes that flow very nicely, tell the story
pretty well, and sound great.Some prefer to remain anonymous, some are no longer with us, and
the list is pretty long--so at this time, I'd like to thank everyone
who's involved themself in any way over the years. Kiloh and Pete in
particular, easily a dozen other people, and ultimately everyone
here... thank you, and enjoy.
Kiinnostaisko ketään ostaa Psychedelic Archivesin pinkkiä 10":sta?
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
mikäs se on?
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
mihin hintaan myisit?
mihin hintaan myisit?
Hehe kun en tiedä vielä. Googlailen just tässä, et missä hinnoissa toi noin yleensäkin liikkuu.
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
Tarjouksia otetaan toki vastaan.
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
But I know where SID Barrett lives...
Cause he's a hippie too
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
kympin voisin maksimissaan maksaa, mut enpä kuule tiijä
En mä ihan noin halvalla viitsisi myydä
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
tuolla you got it now -bootsi:
hitaasti latautuu kyl, mukana ennenkuulumattomia 74-sessioita, eli vain äärimmäisille kompletisteille.
Syd Barrett - You Got It Now (SODA 62), ST/BT/LP, 39:41
original LP -> turntable -> preamp -> Apple PowerBook -> Audacity (sampled at 24?-bit/96khz) -> ClickRepair (very light) -> xAct (Flac files) -> mailed data DVD-R -> FlacFrontEnd -> WAV -> Cool Edit Pro (convert 32-bit/96kHz to 16-bit/44.1kHz) -> WAV -> FlacfrontEnd 6 (no SBE)
01. Wouldn't You Miss Me (Dark Globe) - Take 1 (1987 Malcolm Jones Mix)
02. She Took A Long Cold Look At Me - Take 5 (1987 Malcolm Jones Mix)
03. Wined And Dined - Takes 1 & 2
04. Golden Hair - Instrumental Version #2
05. Bob Dylan Blues
06. Kevin Ayers - Religious Experience (Singing A Song In The Morning) - Take 10
1974-08-12, EMI Studios:
07. Boogie #1
08. Boogie #2
09. Boogie #3
10. If You Go #1
11. Ballad (Unfinished)
12. Chooka-Chooka Chug Chug
13. If You Go #2
14. Untitled
15. Slow Boogie
16. John Lee Hooker
17. Fast Boogie
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
no kaikkea ne...
On a whim, I Google-Earthed Syd's home address of "6 St. Margaret's Square, Cambridge, CB1, UK".
Follow the street south to the end of the cul-de-sac to the house on
the right (east) with the half red, half grey roof. Syd lived in the
grey roofed section with the semi-diagonal beige pathway leading to his
front door.Look at the street directly in front of Syd's lawn. There is a man
standing in the middle of the street near a red vehicle, and aided by
the shadow of the sun, you can clearly see that his arm is raised,
apparently gesturing to the house, pointing perhaps.Hmmmmm... these Google Earth photos are at least 3 years old...
...could it be?
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
nalle luppakorva -avattarelle
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
nyt sain HYGIY v2.0:n 2 ekaa levyä
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
tuolla you got it now -bootsi: latautuu kyl, mukana ennenkuulumattomia 74-sessioita, eli vain äärimmäisille kompletisteille.
Syd Barrett - You Got It Now (SODA 62), ST/BT/LP, 39:41
original LP -> turntable -> preamp -> Apple PowerBook -> Audacity (sampled at 24?-bit/96khz) -> ClickRepair (very light) -> xAct (Flac files) -> mailed data DVD-R -> FlacFrontEnd -> WAV -> Cool Edit Pro (convert 32-bit/96kHz to 16-bit/44.1kHz) -> WAV -> FlacfrontEnd 6 (no SBE)
01. Wouldn't You Miss Me (Dark Globe) - Take 1 (1987 Malcolm Jones Mix)
02. She Took A Long Cold Look At Me - Take 5 (1987 Malcolm Jones Mix)
03. Wined And Dined - Takes 1 & 2
04. Golden Hair - Instrumental Version #2
05. Bob Dylan Blues
06. Kevin Ayers - Religious Experience (Singing A Song In The Morning) - Take 101974-08-12, EMI Studios:
07. Boogie #1
08. Boogie #2
09. Boogie #3
10. If You Go #1
11. Ballad (Unfinished)
12. Chooka-Chooka Chug Chug
13. If You Go #2
14. Untitled
15. Slow Boogie
16. John Lee Hooker
17. Fast Boogie
enpä tota jaksanu edes kuunnella ennenq ostin itse levyn, komea sininen hieman marmoroitu vinyyli, hienot värikannet ja soundithan on ihan törkeen hyvät
suositellaan lämpimästi kaikille muillekin syd-fanaatikoille
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua