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Lauantai 24.8. klo 20-22
El Fant, Katariinankatu 3
Vapaa Pääsy!
Islaja is Merja Kokkonen: a composer, performer and recording artist who after living and working in Berlin for over a decade, is now in 2024 permanently back in Helsinki Finland. Islaja's latest album "Angel" Tape came out on Other Power in October 2023. At Fantasia, Islaja will perform wearing a special sonic suite, designed by Ulla Nurminen with an algorithm by Jarkko Räsänen.
uRge gropes, points, pokes and strokes. uRge is the urge to rage. uRge bursts with tangled yarns. uRge (Lumi Mannermaa and Maija Suominen) is a sonic performance duo whose work emphasizes breaking the masculine conventions of electronic music performance. Mannermaa studies music technology and Suominen performance art.
let me fall out of the window
with confetti in my hair