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Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi
Itkua ja parkua taas:
January 25, 2022
This is not a rant or an hysterical bombast. It is a polite and calmly measured request: Would you please stop mentioning my name in your interviews?
Would you please, instead, discuss your own career, your own unstoppable solo achievements and your own music?
If you can, would you please just leave me out of it?
The fact is: you don’t know me. You know nothing of my life, my intentions, my thoughts, my feelings. Yet you talk as if you were my personal psychiatrist with consistent and uninterrupted access to my instincts. We haven’t known each other for 35 years - which is many lifetimes ago. When we met you and I were not successful. We both helped each other become whatever it is we are today. Can you not just leave it at that? Must you persistently, year after year, decade after decade, blame me for everything … from the 2007 Solomon Islands tsunami to the dribble on your grandma’s chin ?
You found me inspirational enough to make music with me for 6 years. If I was, as you claim, such an eyesore monster, where exactly did this leave you? Kidnapped? Mute? Chained? Abducted by cross-eyed extraterrestrials? It was YOU who played guitar on ‘Golden Lights’ - not me.
Yes, we all know that the British press will print anything you say about me as long as it’s cruel and savage. But you’ve done all that. Move on. It’s as if you can’t uncross your own legs without mentioning me. Our period together was many lifetimes ago, and a lot of blood has streamed under the bridge since then. There comes a time when you must take responsibility for your own actions and your own career, with which I wish you good health to enjoy. Just stop using my name as click-bait. I have not ever attacked your solo work or your solo life, and I have openly applauded your genius during the days of ‘Louder than bombs’ and ‘Strangeways, here we come’, yet you have positioned yourself ever-ready as rent-a-quote whenever the press require an ugly slant on something I half-said during the last glacial period as the Colorado River began to carve out the Grand Canyon. Please stop. It is 2022, not 1982.
Morrissey. January 2022.
Dear @officialmoz . An ‘open letter’ hasn’t really been a thing since 1953, It’s all ‘social media’ now. Even Donald J Trump had that one down. Also, this fake news business…a bit 2021 yeah ?#makingindiegreatagain
— Johnny Marr (@Johnny_Marr) January 26, 2022
Morrissey on julkaissut ensimmäisen uuden singlensä kolmeen vuoteen. Rebels Without Applause -nimeä kantava kappale on irrotettu miekkosen tulevalta Bonfire Of Teenagers -pitkäsoitolta. Laulaja on itse kehaissut tuotosta ”elämänsä parhaaksi levyksi”, mutta sen ilmestymisajankohdan kanssa on hieman epäselvyyksiä. Albumin ilmoitettiin alunperin näkevän päivänvalon ensi vuoden helmikuussa, mutta Morrissey on sittemmin todennut julkaisun venyvän ja levyn ”kohtalon olevan täysin Capitol Recordsin käsissä”.
Bonfire of Teenagersin tuotannosta vastaa Ozzy Osbournen kahden viimeisimmän studioalbumin työstöjä luotsannut Andrew Watt, ja sillä soittavat muun muassa Red Hot Chili Peppersin basisti Flea, rumpali Chad Smith ja kitaristi John Frusciante. Lauluhommissa vierailevat ainakin Miley Cyrus ja Iggy Pop.
Morrissey Thinks Capitol Sabotaged His Record Because He’s “Too Diverse”
A post titled “Bonfire Doused” asserts that “Morrissey is ‘too diverse’ for Universal Music Group.
Capitol Records (Los Angeles) will not, after all, release Morrissey’s 2021 album ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’. At the same time, Capitol Records (Los Angeles) are holding on to the album.”
Morrissey’s 13 favourite songs:
New York Dolls – ‘Jet Boy’
Sparks – ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both of Us’
The Sundown Playboys – ‘Saturday Nite Special’
Bob & Marcia – ‘Young, Gifted and Black’
The Tams – ‘Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy’
Buffy Sainte-Marie – ‘Soldier Blue’
Al Martino – ‘Granada’
Shocking Blue – ‘Mighty Joe’
The Crystals – ‘All Grown Up’
Paul Jones – ‘I’ve Been A Bad, Bad Boy’
The Supremes – ‘I’m Livin’ In Shame’
Roxy Music – ‘Do The Strand’
Mr Bloe – ‘Groovin With Mr Bloe’
Morissey on nauhoittanut uuden levyn – edellinenkin albumi yhä julkaisulimbossa
Uuden levyn nimi on Without Music The World Dies
tänään kännykkäni arpoi tämän ja kuulostipa pitkästä aikaa tosi hyvältä ja vini reillykö tällä soittaa kitaraa, kovin smiths-tyyppinen biisi, hetken mietin alussa että onko se marr kun on kitarassa. oi niitä aikoja kun mortsu vielä teki kunnon musiikkia eikä levittänyt kaiken maailman idioottimielipiteitä
Andy Rourke RIP.
Andy and I met as schoolboys in 1975. We were best friends, going everywhere together. When we were fifteen I moved into his house with him and his three brothers and I soon came to realise that my mate was one of those rare people that absolutely no one doesn’t like.
Andy and I spent all our time studying music, having fun, and working on becoming the best musicians we could possibly be. Back then Andy was a guitar player and a good one at that, but it was when he picked up the bass that he would find his true calling and his singular talent would flourish.
Throughout our teens we played in various bands around South Manchester before making our reputations with The Smiths from 1982 to 1987, and it was on those Smiths records that Andy reinvented what it is to be a bass guitar player.
I was present at every one of Andy’s bass takes on every Smiths session. Sometimes I was there as the producer and sometimes just as his proud mate and cheerleader. Watching him play those dazzling baselines was an absolute privilege and genuinely something to behold. But one time which always comes to mind was when I sat next to him at the mixing desk watching him play his bass on the song The Queen Is Dead. It was so impressive that I said to myself ‘I’ll never forget this moment.’
We maintained our friendship over the years, no matter where we were or what was happening and it is a matter of personal pride as well as sadness that the last time Andy played on stage was with me and my band at Maddison Square Garden in September 2022.
It was a special moment that we shared with my family and his wife and soul mate Francesca.Andy will always be remembered, as a kind and beautiful soul by everyone who knew him, and as a supremely gifted musician by people who love music.
Well done Andy. We’ll miss you brother.
Johnny x
RIP Andy
Morrissey Eulogizes the Smiths’ Andy Rourke: “He Will Never Die as Long as His Music Is Heard”
"Sometimes one of the most radical things you can do is to speak clearly. When someone dies, out come the usual blandishments … as if their death is there to be used. I’m not prepared to do this with Andy. I just hope … wherever Andy has gone … that he’s OK. He will never die as long as his music is heard. He didn’t ever know his own power, and nothing that he played had been played by someone else. His distinction was so terrific and unconventional and he proved it could be done. He was also very, very funny and very happy, and post-Smiths, he kept a steady identity - never any manufactured moves. I suppose, at the end of it all, we hope to feel that we were valued. Andy need not worry about that."
mortsu puhuu pitkästä aikaa asiaa:
jutussa pisti tosin silmään:
Suurin osa Huvilassa kuulluista Smithsin kappaleista oli peräisin vuodelta 1984, bändin kahdelta ensimmäiseltä levyltä, The Smiths ja kokoelmalta Hatful of Hollow.
biisilistan mukaan kuudesta smiths-biisistä tasan puolet löytyi hatful of hollowilta, debyytiltä ei ainutkaan (tai ehkä kirjoittaja on cd-aikakauden ihmisiä joille this charming man ympättiin debyytille, tai sitten muisti alkaa vanhalla miehellä jo reistailemaan) ja loput kolme oli vuodelta 1986. faktat kuntoon, mr. römpötti
"how soon is now part 2" soimaan ihan vain muistutuksena että vielä joskus mortsu teki maailman parasta musiikkia
The Smiths: every song ranked in order of greatness
instruja ja miserable lie loppupäässä kuten pitääkin, mutta mitä hemmettiä jeane tai suffer little children tekee loppupäässä, top 10 -matskua ovat kärkipäässä siten ne selkeimmät tapaukset, paitsi ykkösenä ylläri: cemetary gates
- Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others sijalla 45? Mitä he-le-vettiä?? Ainakin 40 sijaa liian alhaalla.
- Still Ill aivan liian alhaalla (#17)
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
Oikean rytmin kiinni saan iskelmä lol alkaa kiinnostaa hehe
Jotain tanssin bez eiq ja fall joo.
joopa joo, eiköhän nää comeback-puheet voisi muutenkin lopettaa jos ei andya kaiveta haudasta ylös.