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Neil Youngin tuotanto palaa Spotifyn listoille – artistilta harvinaisen yrmeä tiedote asiasta
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Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
^ huh huh
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Niin tässähän siis kuullaan ensimmäistä kertaa koskaan Cortezin "kadonnut verse"
They jammed for six minutes before Young sang the opening lines, igniting the crowd into a frenzy, but the big moment came near the end, when he began singing completely unfamiliar words. As he teased earlier this month, it was the legendary lost segment of the song that failed to record during the 1975 Zuma sessions because the console briefly lost power. Young recently found the lyric manuscript, and worked out where they originally fit in the song.
“I floated on the water,” Young sang. “I ate that ocean wave/Two weeks after the slaughter/I was living in a cave/They came too late to get me/But there’s no one here to set me free/From this rocky grave/To that snowed-out ocean wave.”
It was a remarkable moment to witness. After 49 years and over 540 live performances, the world finally got to hear the song as Young originally wrote it.
Neil Young Stuns at 2024 Tour Launch, Unveils Lost ‘Cortez the Killer’ Verse
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
Neil Young refuses to race against time
Who in the history of rock-and-roll has been this good at making music this loud at this age? I say nobody.
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?