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ANP - live in japan cd
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Kohta keikalle!
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DJ Katapila - Trotro 2x12"
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Haino Keiji - the book of eternity set aflame cd
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
White Light - Parable LP
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Joo Third Ear Bandin teh Magus meni ja nyt Michel Banabilan Marilli
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Olen kuunnellut kahta vanhaa musikaalia:
Cole Porter: The New Yorkers (1930)
Sisältää hitin Love for Sale. Oikein mukavaa kuunneltavaa. Saataisin jossain vaiheessa kunnella uudestaankin.
Irving Berlin: Louisiana Purchase (1940)
Olen pitänyt kovasti joistakin Berlinin lauluista (Puttin' on the Ritz, Cheek to Cheek). Tätä musikaalia en kuitenkaan taida jaksaa kuunnella loppuun. Muutamaan otteeseen toistuva Louisiana Purchase -laulu on oikeastaan aika rasittava.
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Raatiopuhelimet k.o. lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Tampon Vaiston varassa
Tuanoi saatana.
Noniin !
Tuanoi saatana.
Täällä sick things - the sounds of silence älppy
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Täällä sick things - the sounds of silence älppy
Mitäs helvettiä, mick turner oli siis tässä
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
kuulitko? niinko nortin jämät
Life - Violence, Peace and Peace Research LP
Lisäpisteitä nerosta levyn nimestä
Liian pitkä levy, liikaa biisejä, mutta meininki on toki katossa koko ajan.
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
John Zornin Naked City cd kirjastosta lainassa.Tää oli aikanaan Kuvolan kirjastossakin. Noi Yamantaka Eyen kanssa vedetyt lyhyet naurattaa edelleen vedet silmiin.
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
John Zornin Naked City cd kirjastosta lainassa.Tää oli aikanaan Kuvolan kirjastossakin. Noi Yamantaka Eyen kanssa vedetyt lyhyet naurattaa edelleen vedet silmiin.
Muutenkin avautuu nykysin tän levyn tunnelmat ihan eri tavalla kuin joskus nuorisolaisena.
Nyt Granicus - Daftpunk levy LP
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Nyt Granicus - Daftpunk levy LP
Hitto tää on niin mageen orgaanista ja varioivaa hard rockia ettei paremmasta väliä. En kyllästy tähän koskaan.
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Dark Quarterer - s/t cd
Ehdottomasti parhaita italialaisia heavy metal levyjä kautta aikain, ja miksei muutenkin. New wave of british italian progressive heavy metal
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Elektradrive - ...over the space cd
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
vitun nuorisolaiset... särkyneet... sinä nouset!
vittu älä lannistu tanja...
...instagramma, kuuntelen pelkkää kasevaa... kasevaa...
...ja ehkä hieman sorsakoskea
Näin on.
Tuanoi saatana.
Tuanoi saatana.
Jesus Loves You: The Martyr Mantras
Olen kuullut aiemmin tältä levyltä ainoastaan hitin Bow Down Mister, jossa lauletaan tarttuvasti Hare Krishnaa. Ihan viihdyttävä levy, mutta tuskin tältä tulee jatkossa muuta kuunneltua kuin sitä yhtä biisiä. Sama juttu kyllä Boy Georgen muunkin tuotannon suhteen, että lähinnä niitä hittejä on kiva kuunnella.
george harrison: all things must pass
ØSC - Kuudes linja 2018
Tuanoi saatana.
Tuanoi saatana.
Tall Dwarfs
bzort glorf bööth