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Jean-Babtiste wrote:Dr. Know -Wreckage in Flesh LP
Mahtavan niheesti jytisevä levy.
Sama levy uusiks!
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Nyt dödistä eli Gorguts - Considered Dead LP
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
the pooh sticks - optimistic fool LP
juma että pärisee, vaikka ehkå ei bändi ihan parhaimmillaan enää niin kylläpä potkii vinskalta, kannatti ostaa :rokrok:
tää on kyllä oikeasti niitä harvoja bändejä joiden nimen kehtaa mainita vaikka samassa lauseessa jesus and mary chainin kanssa, yksi parhaista ikinä
Rippikoulu - Musta seremonia lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
suonuotio cd
laitoin nyt hetkeksi soimaan ku tulin saunasta ja olutta on... ja pitää pukea nopeasti päälle koska vanhukset odottaa alakerrassa ja otetaan gt:t
jatkan sitten myöhemmin
elikkäs eevil stöö paita päälle ja menox t: annie mestaritykittelijä
ja tänään ei kantsua, se on ehdoton nounou
(tänä vuonna ehkä 3 kertaa käyttäny eikä muista humehista tietoakaan t: samu haber)
åhå mikä topikki tää oli t: suonuotio - s/t biisi
Ei oo hyvä eevilstöö. Tänään ei sanota nounou millekään
Tuanoi saatana.
Whiplash - power and pain lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Destruction - Infernal Overkill LP
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Destruction - Infernal Overkill LP
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Tuanoi saatana.
Destruction - Eternal Devastation lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN - DAMAGE AND JOY :rakkaus::rokrok::rakkaus::rokrok::rakkaus::rokrok::rakkaus::rokrok:
Tuanoi saatana.
TD - Atem lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Vagusnerve - go back to the sirius cd
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Huh huh
Nyt neil young & crazy horse ja zuma lp
Last edited by Jean-Babtiste (09.02.2020 02:32)
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Tom waits - small change lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Leb i sol - 2 lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Michel Banabila - Marilli lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Ihq na mele a ka haku lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Dan hicks - it happened one bite lp
Cloud my sunny mood pikkasen hyvä biiso
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Dan hicks - it happened one bite lp
Cloud my sunny mood pikkasen hyvä biiso
Mama I'm an outlaw!
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Dvadip & turiya - illuminations lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
En korjaa
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Music emporium - s/t lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Simon finn - pass the distance lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Aarniseppä - hyönteisten temppeli 2cd
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Aarniseppä - hyönteisten temppeli 2cd
Tää on vähän semmonen, ettei kanna toistaseksi ihan koko kestoaan (140 min...), mutta toisaalta eipä tee mieli luovuttaakaan. Siis vaikka fushitsushalta tai taj mahal travellersilta sama pituus menee helposti, mutta onhan musa ja konsepti hyvin erilaisia. Tässä on kuitenkin omat lähes ainutlaatuset juttunsa, jotka kiehtoo.
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
East bionic symphonia - improv 1976 2 lp
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS