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So, like, dudes!!! How awesome is music??? Like, ALL music!!! Music is what makes your fucking world go 'round! Music is what cheers you up when your girlfriend sucks!!! Music is what keeps you going when EVERYTHING sucks!!! You know?
I mean, let's say you have this one favorite band, and, like, all of their music is your favorite shit! Like, you know every song, all the words, everything about the band
you LOVE them!!! One day you hear that they're coming into town and they're going to play this big concert, you know? So like, you're super excited and you immediately slam down your $25 to see this group!
So like, the concert night is slowly approaching and every day you're thinking about how awesome it's going to be! I mean, this is, like, YOUR FAVORITE BAND!!! You know? So finally after three weeks of waiting, it's concert night! You get out of work early and head out to your friend's house to get ready for the show! Your friend is excited too, but not quite as excited as you, because, like, this is your favorite band and you've never seen them in concert before!
So like, there is a feeling of fucking in the air as the two of you drive out to the concert! You've got a mix tape of the band's best songs playing on the car stereo and you can hardly wait to get to the fucking place! Finally you pull into the parking lot! There are tons of other cars pulling in too, and you have trouble finding a parking space, but finally you get one near the end of the lot! You jump out of the car and start high-tailing it to the fucking entrance!
It's awesome cuz as you're running you can hear other people's stereos playing the band's songs, and other people talking about how awesome the band was the last time they played!!! You can hardly wait to get into the fucking place, and after about ten minutes of waiting in line you finally get to the main concert space!!! AWESOME!!!
The excitement is at a blistering level now! There is an opening band playing, but nobody really cares about them
YOU JUST WANT TO SEE THE MAIN ACT!!! THE BAND YOU CAME TO SEE!!! So finally the opening band packs up their shit and the stage is set for the headliner
There's a shit-load of tension and the crowd can hardly contain themselves!!! All of a sudden the house lights go down and the band comes out!!! IT'S INSANE!!! They rip into your favorite song right off the bat!!! You completely lose your shit and start dancing around like a fucking madman, but it rules cuz, like, everyone else is going nuts too!!!
You go to a fucking music show to tear shit up and dance the fucking world into pieces!!! So, like, don't go to a show and like get pissed off because some awesome dude is acting like an idiot and running circles around you and your lame-ass, gay-ass friends while you stand there "trying to enjoy the music." FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I hope you get slam-danced into your grave you tired old soft-boy!!! LET'S GET A PARTY GOING!!! Every fucking show should be a fucking party!!!
When I say the word party, I don't mean your fucking 12-year-old nephew's gay-ass birthday bash
I MEAN A FUCKING PARTY!!! I want to see people losing their shit!!! Let's have fucking ten punk bands, ten hip hop DJs, and ten auctioneers (you know, the fast talkers), and let's have them all do their shit ALL AT ONCE!!! So, like, it should be, like, total chaos!!
Every great chaos-killer party should be, like, the fucking party they would have on December 31, 9999! You know what I mean?? Can you imagine the fucking vibe at that party? IT WOULD BE A FUCKING MIND-BENDING, EAR-BLASTING, CUM-DRINKING, STOMACH-CHURNING SKULL FUCK!!!!! Think of the fucking "rollover" on that night
from 9999 to what? 10,000!!! So, like, every fucking party should be like a New Year's Eve party for the year 9999! Just get a whole bunch of people together and lock them in your grandparents' basement, start blasting some music, and POW!!! It's like
World War III!!!!
Get some black people, some white people, and some, like, total weird dude and make them all start fighting. Eventually they'll all get tired, so, like, have them bundle up in a blanket and roll around for a while!!! You know! And, like, everyone else should keep rolling them around for a while!!! You know! And, like, everyone else should keep rolling them around the room and, like, splashing water on them and blowing air-horns in their ears and stuff!!! And then, like, totally start playing music really loud and, like, running around and totally, like, breaking everything in sight and, like, just, like, SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS!!! You know??? IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!
Cuz life's too short. Like, I once read about this weird old woman who, like, had one true dream in life
and that dream was to have sex with a salmon fish. She bought a live salmon at a fish market, you know, and, like, took it home to have sex with it. This is where it gets weird, cuz like she was lying in the bathtub, and, like, had the fish swim into her (where it counts). Then she, like, held it in there and, like, poked its eyes and shit so that it would wiggle all around and give her the pleasure she was looking for!!!
But she ended up dying from it cuz she bought a bad fish. The fish was infested with some kind of shrimp eggs and they got inside of her and grew up into shrimps and then she died because of it
But, hey, I mean, it's, like, totally gross to you and me, but, like, this is what this woman really liked to do
and she did it til death!!!
Like, if you try having sex with a salmon-fish and you get all fucked up and you end up dead with a fucking pussy full of shrimp, then at least you can look back at it all and think, "At least I tried all the stuff that I wanted to try
" and you can be happy. But if you go through your whole life, like, all unsatisfied and all wound up, then you'll go to the grave and be all stressed out and unfulfilled. You know? LIFE is simply TOO SHORT!!!
It's a damn shame that we can't live forever, but if we did live forever imagine if you always saved your cum!!! You know??? Like a big bottle with a vacuum top so that it wouldn't dry out. You would have like gallons and gallons!!! And think of how much someone would have to pay you to drink it all!!! Actually, you could make a living off of it!!!
Dude, like, love is the total deal!!! It's the all-around package! Everything comes back to love! Music and love go hand in hand I think! Like, you love your parents (even if they suck), or you love your friends, or you love your girlfriend, or, like, you love your pet!!! You know? Like, a cool pet is, like, what
a dog? Fuck that shit, man, how about a fucking baby rabbit, man
how totally awesome are baby rabbits? Dude, is that gay? I'm telling you, anyone in their right mind cannot deny that pets are fucking cool. Like, fish, dogs, spiders, lizards, birds, baby rabbits, mice, and rats
you know?
Like, remember the first time you thought you were in love? It was like, "No way!!" But the other person was totally into you, you know? How awesome was that day!!!??? Nothing else in the world mattered cuz, like, you had this totally hot babe that was all into you and it just made your fucking life into the world's own joy!!! You know? And how cool is Girls' Own Juice too? Like, remember the first time you discovered that shit!!!??? When she cums she really comes into your world. That much we all know!!! She gets what she wants, she gets what she needs, I get what I need
I need your love. Dude, love rules!!!
ANDREW WK[/quote:968ad4efb9]
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Tää W.K on kyllä jännä tyyppi kaikkine wolf eyes -yhteyksineen.
En tykkää tämä sortin americanasta.
Kane Robertsista tykkäsinspäm:
- Ett sjömanshem låter också som rätt plats för en full finsk sjöman.
- Han pundar och dampar loss i Vänersborg i vanlig ordning och hamnar i trubbel med polisen emellanåt.
Tää W.K on kyllä jännä tyyppi kaikkine wolf eyes -yhteyksineen.
+ tietty To Live and Shave in LA sekä Current 93:n kiertuebasistius
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
[quote:e0825c7ac1="Ulvis"]Ihanko itse keksit hänet?
joo, ja ostin sille noi hiukset
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
yksi eniten harmittavia missattuja keikkoja on andrew WK:n
tavastian vetäsy just ton i get wetin ilmestymisen jälkeen.
ja kyse oli vaan omasta laiskuudesta, ei ollut mitään
varsinaista estettä. tyhmä mikä tyhmä
party til you puke!
artimus p.
let me fall out of the window
with confetti in my hair
Tää W.K on kyllä jännä tyyppi kaikkine wolf eyes -yhteyksineen.
Eikös tää oo joskus soittanu myös Will Oldhamin kanssa ?
Joskus muistan nähneeni pätkän Konan Oopraienin shouta, jossa Will vieraana, ja Andrew taisi pianoa pimputtaa...kai.
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
menen nyt nukkumaan ajatellen Jan Vapaavuorta
Ton liikkeissä on jotain todella maanista. Ja toi levyn kansi missä sen nokasta vuotaa verta, niinku se ois juossu seinään rauhottuakseen.
Kuumimmissa levynkansissa nämä
menen nyt nukkumaan ajatellen Jan Vapaavuorta
Tää W.K on kyllä jännä tyyppi kaikkine wolf eyes -yhteyksineen.
musta noi WE-yhteydet on ehkä vähiten kiinnostava aspekti herrassa...
i get wet, ihan nero levy! she is beautiful, party hard, it's time to party, i love NYC, .... pelkkää hittiä hitin perään.
kakkoslevy wolf oli muistaakseni ihan turha toisinto ekasta. pitänee ottaa kuitenkin uusintakuuntelu siitäkin.
Black Metal on oikeasti muutakin kuin skandaalijournalismia.
jäsen: vitun hapan (suljettu?) pappaosasto
I Get Wet potkii just nyt ihan vitun lujaa.
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
Sanotaaks tää Andrei Doubleyou Kei vai Andrei Tuplavee Koo vai Andrei Wee Koo
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
Sanotaaks tää Andrei Doubleyou Kei vai Andrei Tuplavee Koo vai Andrei Wee Koo
and Drew double, you gay :center:
Nyt oli kyllä ihan vitun huono.
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
[quote:597927e036="Jean-Babtiste"]Sanotaaks tää Andrei Doubleyou Kei vai Andrei Tuplavee Koo vai Andrei Wee Koo
and Drew double, you gay :center:
Nyt oli kyllä ihan vitun huono.[/quote:597927e036]Itse asiassa aika kova :mad2::peuk:
'My only premise is that there are times when one must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and directed to the gravest possible damageto kill.'
ontäs aiankin joku turska joo DECICIDERS
ai saatana, tätähän ois pitäny laittaa parhaat saundit-raatiin.
ois ollu ehkä epäreilua muita kohtaan
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!
Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!
Hurahdin I get wetiin sitten monta vuotta myöhässä.
Onhan tässä varmaan uuden vuosituhannen yksi parhaista bilelevyistä. Toisaalta ei mulle tuota kovinkaan paljon vaikeuksia kuvitella, kuinka Andrew on lukaissut nuoruusvuosinaan the klf:n jamppojen käsikirjan The Manual (How to Have a Number One the Easy Way) . Sen verran valmiiksi tehdyltä konseptilta koko kaverin ulosanti vaikuttaa. Mutta sitten toisaalta vituttaa edes kohdella tätä minään itsetietoisena parodiana. Tän levyn biisit ovat oikeasti hyviä, toistivatpa ne sitten jotain formulaa tai ei. Hyvät levyt tekevät sen mitä pitääkin, eli laitetaanpa tilaa siihen Dylanin ja Kraftwerkin viereen.
Nyt kun vaan vielä saisi pois mielestä noi js666 & lemmenlaiva-assosiaatiot Party Hardia kuunnellessa...
Voi vittu ugh! Syyskuussa tulossa uutta levyä! Vähän eri meisningillä ku aiemmin!
RELEASE DATE: September 8th, 2009.
Andrew's first ever new-age instrumental solo piano concept album. "55 CADILLAC" showcases Andrew's spontaneous piano improvisations, as well as the visualized manifestations of his car.
"55 CADILLAC" will be released on September 7th, 2009 in the UK, and on September 8th, in the USA and the rest of the world. Special edition gatefold vinyl by Ecstatic Peace!, and special edition CD by Skyscraper Music Maker.
The "55 CADILLAC" recording process began in Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, January 23rd, 2009. Andrew played his very own Steinway Concert D piano, set up for optimum tape recording by F.F.V., using a mobile triple cassette sound system.
Photographer, Andrew Strasser, has completed a comprehensive photo shoot of AWK's prized 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood limousine, which features heavily into the album's artwork. Mario Dane mixed the album at Skyscraper Music Maker in Manhattan, NYC.
Hmm... Kiimaa!
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
Mickey Mouse Club March - Andrew WK
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
Toi 55 Cadillac on nyt julkaistu!
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
Mitäs jännää täällä tapahtuu?
Kotisivulla kuunneltavana kait koko levy.
Tiesitkö muuten, että räppi, mitä jotkut jopa musiikiksi sanovat, on isossa maailmassa jengimusiikkia. Nämä "kuuluisat" räppärit ja heidän jenginsä selvittelevät välejään toisiaan ammuskelemalla.
Voi vittu nyt kyllä! :rockhands::pint:
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
bzort glorf bööth
Tiesitkö muuten, että räppi, mitä jotkut jopa musiikiksi sanovat, on isossa maailmassa jengimusiikkia. Nämä "kuuluisat" räppärit ja heidän jenginsä selvittelevät välejään toisiaan ammuskelemalla.
No, kumminkin, ens kuussa CCWBW julkaistaan täälläkin, mukana rarities-bonuslevy Mother Of Mankind:
Tiesitkö muuten, että räppi, mitä jotkut jopa musiikiksi sanovat, on isossa maailmassa jengimusiikkia. Nämä "kuuluisat" räppärit ja heidän jenginsä selvittelevät välejään toisiaan ammuskelemalla.
bzort glorf bööth
tsekatkaa andrewin kamun tai sivupersoonan? aleister äxän kappale "tom tit"