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#331 27.11.2014 17:30

valmistaa Vallilassa puudildoja
Registered: 07.08.2010
Posts: 6,354

Re: Swans

Oli muuten vähän harmi että vinyyliä ei ollut myynnissä. Filth olis kiinnostanut, kerta siitä tuli nyt uusintapainos.

Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti kippis ravittu, joten biggrin totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava kaka Nälkä.


#332 27.11.2014 17:45

vieressä retkottava nainen
From: blaze mountain
Registered: 21.10.2005
Posts: 19,567

Re: Swans

rc-lungen wrote:
jookcha wrote:

Swans - Filth

On muuten aika väärä levyostos, jos meinaat et toi eilinen himmailu on enemmän mieleen.

ei se nyt oo niin mustavalkosta etteikö tääkin kama uppoais. tuli keikan jälkeen sellanen fiilis että vois ottaa haltuun näitä alkupään levyjä ja pikaisen spotify-tsekkauksen perusteella kuulosti ihan hyvältä ff

Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?


#333 27.11.2014 20:35

vieressä retkottava nainen
From: blaze mountain
Registered: 21.10.2005
Posts: 19,567

Re: Swans

Jaahas Soundtracks For The Blind ekaa kertaa kuuntelussa ja kuulostaa tajuttoman hyvältä. Mähän oon ollu aivan pihalla tän båndin suhteen icon_lol Oisinpa kuullu tän joskus 2001 nii ei ois ikinä tarvinnu intoilla mistään gy!beistä :p

Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?


#334 28.11.2014 02:01

Registered: 05.10.2010
Posts: 263

Re: Swans

Hyvä keikka   peuk Eka biisi tais olla Frankie M oli kyll huikaisevan kova. Kyllähän tuossa keikassa riitti mötkömitasta huolimatta paljon siistejä juttuja mm: Giran käsien veivaus oli aika  icon_razz mut joo komp. kyllä volyymin tasolle. Eka Swanssin keikka, mutta jotenkin sitä odottelin vieläkin lujempaa volaa...

Last edited by Riemann (28.11.2014 02:04)


#335 06.12.2014 06:30

From: Jyväskylä
Registered: 01.04.2007
Posts: 2,652

Re: Swans

Neljäs Swansin keikka, kyllä mä edelleen tykkäsin. Nyt oli enemmän semmosta jumitusta eikä niin lapiolla naamaan menoa, mutta toimi kyllä silti.


#336 15.03.2015 15:58

267 tearz
From: summerisle
Registered: 03.03.2008
Posts: 13,267

Re: Swans


voodoo jippu biggrinpeuk eiq people bez magic people

lol apua kulli

deadhorse kaka ultravox kaka 017 finger wanha ff sheeplove deadhorse tongue finger tongue sheeplove


#337 15.10.2015 17:05

vieressä retkottava nainen
From: blaze mountain
Registered: 21.10.2005
Posts: 19,567

Re: Swans

Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?


#338 26.02.2016 10:26

vieressä retkottava nainen
From: blaze mountain
Registered: 21.10.2005
Posts: 19,567

Re: Swans

facessa aika hulina päällä kun Larkin Grimm syyttänyt Giraa raiskauksesta. hmm  icon_neutral
Swans' Michael Gira Accused of Rape by Former Collaborator Larkin Grimm, Gira Slams "Slanderous Lie"

Larkin Grimm wrote:

I will give you some history about why I am sharing the story about Thomas Sayers Ellis's abusive behavior now. I didn't always stand up for myself. Rape is a loaded word. No man wants to be a rapist. It implies cowardice as well as violence. It undermines the sexual power and magnetism that every man would like to have. No woman wants to be known as a rape victim, either. I want to be known for my strength, intelligence, and talent. Not known as a victim. My story with Michael Gira is an absolute tragedy that I have kept secret for too long. I am only speaking of it now because after being accused of "lynching" Thomas, I cannot ethically keep Michael's secret any longer. He's a white guy, and his crime was far worse than what Thomas did to me or Margaret.

Michael Gira and I had a beautiful, fruitful collaboration on my album Parplar. He was my record label boss and producer. He was my beloved, trusted mentor, really my guru. I lived in his house with him and his wife Siobhan and I babysat their daughter frequently in between working on new songs and incorporating Michael's valuable input. I loved him more than I have loved just about anyone, but I did not want to have sex with him, and I made that very clear over and over. In the spring of 2008, on the night that we finished recording Parplar at Trout Recordings with Bryce Goggin, we went out to eat at a steakhouse. My friend Johnny Dido was our waiter. We were with Michael's friends and they were drinking heavily and encouraging me to keep up with them. I'm a pretty lightweight drinker. At the end of the night it became obvious that I was too drunk to drive home, too drunk to even walk straight. Michael invited me to stay with his friends. They said they had a bed for me and that Michael would sleep on the floor. I trusted them and agreed.

At the apartment of Michael's friends, I crawled into bed without changing my clothes or brushing my teeth. I just passed out. A little later Michael woke me up coughing. He had bad asthma, and sleeping on the floor in the dust was aggravating it. I told him, slurred, half asleep, that he could sleep in the bed, just not to touch me. A little bit later I woke up with his penis inside me, no condom. As I opened my eyes, he said, "Uh, this doesn't feel right." and he pulled out.

The next morning, Michael begged me not to tell his wife about what happened. I drove home, numb. Then I took my bike around the block and got hit by a car, injuring my hip. That day I wrote one of my best songs, "The Butcher, or Without a Body or a Numb and Useless Mind." It was the last song I would be able to write for a few years. I spent the next 6 months in a suicidal depression. Michael would call frequently to talk about the progress on my record and to talk dirty to me. He would tell me he loved me and that he would leave his wife for me. I would refuse to talk dirty to him and try to bring the conversation back to business. When we met, the interactions were often sexually charged and I would squirm out of them as best I could. We never had sex again although he tried over and over, making me absolutely miserable. Mastering the record with Fred Kevorkian was particularly difficult. Michael took the opportunity to kiss me in the elevator, and I complied because I really, really, really wanted to be a successful musician. He'd often say to me, "I'm gonna make you a star, Larkin. You can trust me."

I stuck with this pattern for a long time, through my record release and the tours (with Michael!!) supporting it, but when it came time to write a new record, I found my creativity was totally blocked. I told Michael that he had had sex with me against my will and that I didn't feel safe with him any more. He then dropped me from Young God Records.

Many people have assumed, over the years, that Michael and I had a love affair, and in a way, for a time, maybe we did. But I never consented to having sex with him. I wouldn't have wanted to ruin such an important opportunity that way. Technically, he raped me. It took me a long time to admit that to myself. Years. Michael Gira, my producer, raped me and dumped me from his label when I confronted him about it, needing to feel safe.

What happened was awful, but as a prison abolitionist, an anarchist, and a nice person I didn't want to destroy his whole life with a rape charge. Looking back, he didn't think twice about destroying mine.

Sending my love to #Kesha I know how you feel. At least I got out of my record deal, though I was never offered another one after that.

Gira wrote:

re the horrible and untrue accusations from larkin grimm:
I am completely shocked myself. This is a slanderous lie. I will respond vigorously to defend my name against this horrible slur. I trust in the intelligence of those who have followed my work and respect me as a person, to know this is NOT the person I am. The rumor mill/"confessional" Facebook post travels like fire- but this one is lies. More soon. This is an utter nightmare. thank you for your support. please spread the word. this is lies!

Last edited by jookcha (26.02.2016 10:28)

Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?


#339 26.02.2016 12:36

valmistaa Vallilassa puudildoja
Registered: 07.08.2010
Posts: 6,354

Re: Swans

huig  huig  huig

Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti kippis ravittu, joten biggrin totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava kaka Nälkä.


#340 26.02.2016 12:49

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 102,012

Re: Swans

huh huh icon_eek

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#341 26.02.2016 13:00

Registered: 01.12.2013
Posts: 1,368

Re: Swans

giran vaimo kirjottanu tällästä https://m.facebook.com/coveredwithstars … 1239732330

Last edited by DEVILETERNAL (26.02.2016 13:11)


#342 26.02.2016 19:13

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: Swans

JM: Your 2008 album Parplar was co-produced by Michael Gira and released on his label. What was it like working with him?

LG: Totally magical and wonderful. I love that guy. We parted ways for good reasons but it was an experience that changed my life for the better. Mr. Gira is a very inspiring man. He is also a truly good, kindhearted person. Not everybody realizes that about him because his music is so intense. I think I could work in the studio with that guy forever and be happy. But our lives outside the studio really clash.

ilmeisesti jotenkin seonnut tuo larkin grimm.


#343 27.02.2016 05:24

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: Swans

ydinaukio wrote:

JM: Your 2008 album Parplar was co-produced by Michael Gira and released on his label. What was it like working with him?

LG: Totally magical and wonderful. I love that guy. We parted ways for good reasons but it was an experience that changed my life for the better. Mr. Gira is a very inspiring man. He is also a truly good, kindhearted person. Not everybody realizes that about him because his music is so intense. I think I could work in the studio with that guy forever and be happy. But our lives outside the studio really clash.

ilmeisesti jotenkin seonnut tuo larkin grimm.


Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#344 27.02.2016 05:57

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: Swans

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#345 27.02.2016 10:05

ray charlz
niin läski äijä
From: norf norf
Registered: 14.08.2010
Posts: 4,207

Re: Swans

ydinaukio wrote:

JM: Your 2008 album Parplar was co-produced by Michael Gira and released on his label. What was it like working with him?

LG: Totally magical and wonderful. I love that guy. We parted ways for good reasons but it was an experience that changed my life for the better. Mr. Gira is a very inspiring man. He is also a truly good, kindhearted person. Not everybody realizes that about him because his music is so intense. I think I could work in the studio with that guy forever and be happy. But our lives outside the studio really clash.

ilmeisesti jotenkin seonnut tuo larkin grimm.

aika rankkaa lähtökohtaisesti olettaa raiskauksesta kertovan olevan valehtelija vain siksi, että raiskaaja on joku jumalmuusikko olevinnaan. toisaalta sama ilmiöhän bill cosbynkin jne kohdalla. en vaan tajua henkilökohtaista tarvetta puolustella rakastettujen julkkisten sairaita tekoja, mutta tätä on näkynyt tänkin casen kohdalla somessa.

katsottiin äijien kanssa leffa, äijät lähtivät maustetyttöjen keikalle, itse jäin kotiin kuuntelemaan darkthronea.


#346 27.02.2016 14:15

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 102,012

Re: Swans

tää on kyllä hankala juttu. jotenkin tuntuu että ei välttämättä savua ilman tulta, ehkä jotain tosiaan tapahtui, mutta missä olosuhteissa, varsinkin jos tyyppi oli tosiaan hirveessä kännissä ja pyysi giran sänkyynsä. olisiko sitten kuitenkin ollut myöntyväinen, toisaalta tuollaisessa tilassa olisi mahdollisesti hieman arveluttavaa käyttää tilaisuutta hyväksi joka tapauksessa. ikävä tapaus.

piti oikein tarkistaa ja mulla on näemmä kolme larkin grimmin levyä, mm tuo parplar, en muista siitä mitään, pitäis varmaan kaivaa esille. muistan lähinnä vain yhden biisin aiemmalta (the last tree) ja se on hyvä. lisäksi muistelen että näin larkin grimmin joskus keikalla kirjalla, ja taisi olla ihan hyvä, en tosin muista niin tarkasti.

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#347 27.02.2016 14:26

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: Swans

ray charlz wrote:
ydinaukio wrote:

JM: Your 2008 album Parplar was co-produced by Michael Gira and released on his label. What was it like working with him?

LG: Totally magical and wonderful. I love that guy. We parted ways for good reasons but it was an experience that changed my life for the better. Mr. Gira is a very inspiring man. He is also a truly good, kindhearted person. Not everybody realizes that about him because his music is so intense. I think I could work in the studio with that guy forever and be happy. But our lives outside the studio really clash.

ilmeisesti jotenkin seonnut tuo larkin grimm.

aika rankkaa lähtökohtaisesti olettaa raiskauksesta kertovan olevan valehtelija vain siksi, että raiskaaja on joku jumalmuusikko olevinnaan. toisaalta sama ilmiöhän bill cosbynkin jne kohdalla. en vaan tajua henkilökohtaista tarvetta puolustella rakastettujen julkkisten sairaita tekoja, mutta tätä on näkynyt tänkin casen kohdalla somessa.

en pidä giraa minään jumalmuusikkona. tuon larkinin vastauksen perusteella vaan ajattelin että tuskin mitään tapahtui, omituista jos puhuu raiskaajastaan tuollaisilla sanoilla. näköjään olin väärässä.


#348 27.02.2016 16:13

electric barbarella
From: Törmä
Registered: 21.06.2005
Posts: 18,410

Re: Swans

giran statementista syntyy sellainen kuva, että hänestä ei ole olennaista keskustella siitä, oliko seksiin molemminpuolinen suostumus, tai että sillä ei ole väliä, oliko sitä:center:

Jouko Piho wrote: Kirjoitan täällä mielelläni, koska täällä porukka on fiksua ja asiallista verrattuna PIFin väkeen, josta osa on aivan liian alatyylisiä ja räävittömiä pilkkaajia.


#349 27.02.2016 19:11

not tupi
From: Helsinki
Registered: 20.06.2005
Posts: 13,980

Re: Swans

psykokarkki wrote:

lisäksi muistelen että näin larkin grimmin joskus keikalla kirjalla, ja taisi olla ihan hyvä, en tosin muista niin tarkasti.

Oli ainakin 29.12.2007 Myymälä2:ssa. Voi olla, että on ollut muuallakin muulloin.


#350 27.02.2016 20:30

vieressä retkottava nainen
From: blaze mountain
Registered: 21.10.2005
Posts: 19,567

Re: Swans

stratum wrote:
psykokarkki wrote:

lisäksi muistelen että näin larkin grimmin joskus keikalla kirjalla, ja taisi olla ihan hyvä, en tosin muista niin tarkasti.

Oli ainakin 29.12.2007 Myymälä2:ssa. Voi olla, että on ollut muuallakin muulloin.

Kirjassa tais olla 2006? Lämppäreinä oli Vuk ja Markku Lahtelan sirkus peuk

Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?


#351 03.03.2016 10:37

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 102,012

Re: Swans

"Hello. My name is Siobhan Duffy and I am Michael's ex wife. The wife married to him (together for 12 years) while Larkin and Michael worked together. It is shameful what Ms. Grimm has done. Michael is not a rapist. And we will be making a more offical statement soon with proof of either her instabilty and her intent to ruin Michael's life work. Michael and I divorced in 2011. In 2013 Larkin wrote me on Facebook messenger (not a public post) which starts..."Dear Siobhan, I'm Sorry, I'm sorry,I'm so, so, sorry for being an immature manipulative untrustworthy whore,losing my way,being constantly high, and not follwoing my conscience when you welcomed me into your home." She goes on to tell me about the drunken night of fooling around that never included coitus. And many people that worked with both Larkin and Michael reveal that she was bragging about it at the time and finding it laughable that he was afraid his wife (me) would find out. She taunted him with telling me. When she wrote to me and spoke to Michael about it, I asked him to remove her from his label out of respect of me. Larkin claims that when she confronted him with rape, which never happened, he removed her from the label. Another false statement. And this one Facebook post has brought his 30 plus career and his name into question? It seems the media does not fact check anything anymore. Making false claims of rape can ruin someone's life, but also it undermines every true report of rape. And as seen from above, Larkin is now trying to capitalize on the current hot topic of rape in the music industry. She even mentions Kehsa in her FB post. Yes Larkin, you finally got your name in Billboard, but at what price to Michael and his family?
Check your FACTS. #IstandwithGIRA #LarkinISLYING
And I would like to add that Michael Gira is one of several men being accused by Larkin Grimm of sexual misconduct, all of whom terminated their working relationships with her. Who is the problem?"

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#352 03.03.2016 13:40

valmistaa Vallilassa puudildoja
Registered: 07.08.2010
Posts: 6,354

Re: Swans

Mä en nyt ihan tajua että jos jo itse Girakin on, kieltämättä kyllä häveten, myöntänyt että oho kännissä sattuu ja tapahtuu (lol mikä peruste tämä on), niin miksi Giran sekä nykyinen että ex-vaimo asettavat noin pontevasti häntä puolustamaan? Eniten tosin kiinnostaa tuo väite, että Grimm on esittänyt "perättömiä" raiskaussyytöksiä aiemminkin, missä pelaa tämä huhhuh

EDIT: Ja siis Girakin olisi mieluusti voinut hoitaa hommansa vähän paremmin, että toki Giralle myös center

Last edited by Kalossimies (03.03.2016 13:41)

Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti kippis ravittu, joten biggrin totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava kaka Nälkä.


#353 03.03.2016 13:57

turska the wonder, tuohtunut vegaani
From: jojo
Registered: 13.06.2005
Posts: 9,517

Re: Swans

Kalossimies wrote:

Mä en nyt ihan tajua että jos jo itse Girakin on, kieltämättä kyllä häveten, myöntänyt että oho kännissä sattuu ja tapahtuu (lol mikä peruste tämä on)

Eikö se ollut lähinnä pahoillaan siitä, että petti vaimoaan vai oonko missannut jotain. Eihän kännissä vaimon pettäminen vielä raiskaajaksi tee. Ehkä siellä on jotain viestejä tai maileja lähetelty aikoinaan tapahtuman jälkeen, mistä voi päätellä mitä siellä on tapahtunut ja onko ollut yhteinen tahto. Paskamaisia tilanteita nämä, odottelen että joku ratkaisu tilanteeseen saadaan, ennen kuin alan päätäni enempää vaivaamaan tän kanssa.

ei muuta kuin voidetta rakoon ja ruuvi kiinni!


#354 03.03.2016 21:42

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: Swans

"hienoo" kuinka puolustus on " nainen on hysteerinen sekopää", joka on sattumalta just se tyyli millä housut kintuissa kiinni jääneet miehet ovat puolustautuneet vuosisatojen ajan

Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#355 05.10.2016 19:53

Vuoden Foorumisti 2019
From: Leppädanger
Registered: 28.12.2009
Posts: 12,204

Re: Swans




#356 08.10.2016 12:19

Registered: 21.01.2007
Posts: 3,617

Re: Swans

Ruger Hauer-topsusta:

Tolto wrote:
ydinaukio wrote:
Tolto wrote:

Michael Giran raiskausepäilyt tuli esiin ja muistaakseni myös sitten vahvistettiin?

ei ole vahvistettu. tai jos on niin linkkiä tiskiin

http://pitchfork.com/news/63799-swans-m … -responds/


Eight years ago, while I was still married to my first wife, Larkin Grimm and I headed towards a consensual romantic moment that fortunately was not consummated. As she wrote in her recent social media postings about that night, I said to her, "this doesn't feel right," and abruptly but completely our only intimate encounter ended. It was an awkward mistake.

Larkin may regret, as I certainly do, that the ill-advised tryst went even that far, but now, as then, I hold her in high esteem for her music and her courage as an artist.

I long ago apologized to my wife and family and told them the truth about this incident. My hope is that Larkin finds peace with the demons that have been darkening her soul since long before she and I ever met.


This is a perfect example of why we need to have education about consent. In a gentlemanly move he admits the act happened but cannot conceive of himself as a rapist. Thank you Michael Gira for your honesty. This is your truth as you remember it. Unfortunately, this was still rape. I said no to you many times before that day, begged you not to interfere with me sexually, even made it a part of a verbal agreement we had when I signed a contract with you. I asked you to promise that you would never have sex with me. You assured me that I could trust you. That is about as clear a NO as I could ever cry. I asked for this because I had had other experiences in my music career and I KNEW.

That night I was far too intoxicated to give you consent for any sexual act. The psychological effects of this betrayal were devastating. Even worse, when I finally confronted you about what you had done, you terminated my relationship with Young God Records, damaging my career and leading people to believe there was something wrong with me or my music.

In the end, this is about business. Art is my career. I have worked long and hard for this career, making incredible sacrifices along the way to continue to make music. The fact that a man in power can throw a women's life and work away like they are garbage, simply because she won't sleep with him, is an immoral injustice that happens to many, many women in music. I won't stand for it and neither should you.

The "Demons darkening my soul" are the men like you who interfere with my ability to do my work as a musician. This is a job I am good at. All I want is to be left in peace while I am working.

tosin jos ydiksen mielestä naiset jotka laittaa kuvia instaan ansaitsee seksuaalisen häirinnän ni ehkä tääkään ei sit oo oikee raiskaus

ydinaukio wrote:

toi giran raiskauksen myöntäminen oli mennyt ohi ja tosiaan kummallista että tuosta on oltu kaikkialla hiljaa.
offtopik späm.

Ei ole Gira myöntänyt raiskausta, on sanonut, että pientä ulkoaviollista nussimista tapahtui Grimmin kanssa yhteisymmärryksessä.

Noin 130-kiloinen naapurinmies, 23-vuotias mies ja alusvaatteisillaan ollut nainen kaatuivat ojaan.
Tehokkain tapa piiloutua on painua pohjaan, ja jos miehistö makaa punkissaan eikä tuota energiaa ja hiilidioksidia niin kolmesta viiteen päivään voi olla siellä colorflash peuk dance


#357 12.01.2017 23:03

valmistaa Vallilassa puudildoja
Registered: 07.08.2010
Posts: 6,354

Re: Swans

Saaks tätä bändiä enää kuunnella nyt kun Gira meni pilalle? frown2 Tämmöiseen steitmenttiin tosin törmäsin viime maaliskuulta:

Heroes Are Gang Leaders’ Margaret Morris Challenges Larkin Grimm’s Rape Allegations

Larkin Grimm has admitted in writing that, when off her medication, she lacks compassion and enjoys playing tricks on people. During her short tenure with Heroes Are Gang Leaders, she wove a tapestry of lies about her past marriage, false suicide attempts, and a number of other stories that she carefully tailored to the particular listener in order to garner their sympathy and rely on their decency to keep her confidences private. As her statements became bolder and more difficult to fathom, members of HAGL began discussing them and quickly discovered that Larkin Grimm is a very calculating liar. When she feared her place in the band was in jeopardy, she fabricated sexual harassment allegations against the main three band members who saw through her lies and wanted her out. Later she addressed the entire group, promising no more lies and that she was trying to be a better person–that she felt that the person she was when she was playing was the better person that she strived to be in life.

Mut sitä piti tulla sanomaan, että alan pitää To Be Kindia "uuden" Swansin pääteoksena. The Seerillä on aika paljon haahuilua, mutta tää on tosi "tiivis" "paketti". Bring The Sun / Toussant L'Ouverture on ehkä parasta Swansia suunnilleen ikinä colorflash

Last edited by Kalossimies (12.01.2017 23:04)

Oivalluksen hetkellä olin heikosti kippis ravittu, joten biggrin totesin, onkos kellään sitä fallin ekaa sinkkua, eiku että lehden nimen on oltava kaka Nälkä.


#358 13.01.2017 00:38

From: Hala Suuressa Magellanin pilve
Registered: 07.02.2007
Posts: 27,774

Re: Swans

Itelle Swansin pääteokset ovat olleet sivarista asti ne 80-luvun teokset. En muista olenko kuunnellut yhtä ainutta tuoretta Swansin levyä kokonaan.  icon_rolleyes

bzort glorf bööth


#359 13.01.2017 09:27

Vuoden Foorumisti 2019
From: Leppädanger
Registered: 28.12.2009
Posts: 12,204

Re: Swans

Ylivoimasesti parhaat swansit on kymppiluvulta.


#360 13.01.2017 10:53

From: Hamburg
Registered: 28.09.2009
Posts: 5,227

Re: Swans

KZ wrote:

Ylivoimasesti parhaat swansit on kymppiluvulta.


Amppeliooppeli Ex-Pooppeli


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