#1 14.06.2016 18:42

From: Tampere
Registered: 19.10.2005
Posts: 2,201

Midsummer Noise Dream / Oranssi 19.6.

Jon Wesseltoft (Norja)
Alexander Rishaug (Norja)
Johns Lunds (Tanska)
Olli Aarni
The Truckfuckers plays Pauline Oliveros & Alvin Lucier

Over auki klo 17:00
Liput 5 €


Oranssilla juhlistetaan kesäpäivänseisausta reilu vuorokausi etukäteen yhteispohjoismaisella kokeellisen musiikin ilotulituksella.

The Norwegian electronics musician Jon Wesseltoft is an improviser, composer and sound artist living in Oslo, Norway. Wesseltoft has been active since the late 1990s as a solo artist, and in various projects within longform music, metal, noise, improvisation, sound art and drone. He has collaborated among others with Okkyung Lee, Lasse Marhaug, Thorns/Thorns Ltd, Balazs Pandi and Maja S.K Ratkje.

Alexander Rishaug is a sound artist, producer and musician. His sound is melodic, melancholic and often quiet. Rishaug explores tones and textures through the use of electronics, field recordings, toys or simply just playing around with an instrument. Rishaug combines the intimate knowledge of his musical equipment with the curiousness of an amateur. The result is always a detailed, rich and subtle sound, with a sharp focus on structure, rhythm and stretched out melodies. His sonic landscapes build and expand slowly, thereby moving the listener along an exploration of the experience of time. Acoustic and digital sounds are blended so that the origin is sometimes difficult to trace.

Johns Lund is a Copenhagen based artist, mainly with focus on sound and performance. In 2001 he started yoyooyoy, a music collective, with fellow musicians Andreas Führer, Anders Meldgaard and Toke Mortensen. yoyooyoy turned out to be the centre of Lund’s career the following years. within the collective he played in the groupes Fjernsyn Fjernsyn, Slütspürt, Yoke & Yohs, G.E.K., Forkert and Sumo Freunds. Lund’s solo releases go against the normal assumptions of how a saxophone sounds. Having worked with guitar players Lund’s developed a characteristic sound, using intensity, persistence and endurance as main effects. Beside the more steady groups Lund has worked together with, Dane T.S. Hawk, P.O. Jørgensen, Peter Brötzmann, Fred Lohnberg Holm, Mette Rasmussen, Jooklo Duo and Mats Gustafsson, among others.

Pääasiassa kotikutoisen elektronimusiikin parissa toimiva Olli Aarni on ollut viime vuosina yksi alan ahkerimpia paikallisia tekijöitä. Vantaalaisesta peräkammaristudiosta tuntuu virtaavan tuoretta musiikkia jatkuvalla syötöllä ja julkaisut tulevat pihalle erityisesti kasetteina, tuoreimpana australialaisen Preservation-merkin julkaisema Muovia. Hänen musiikkia on vaikea lokeroida, varsinkin konserteissa lähestymistapa ja menetelmät vaihtelevat siinä määrin, että häneltä voi odottaa melkeinpä mitä tahansa.

The Truckfuckers on nykymusiikkiin ja improvisaatioon erikoistunut helsinkiläinen yhtye. Yhtye on esittänyt mm. Phill Niblockin ja Albert Aylerin musiikkia, tällä kertaa kuullaan tulkinnat Alvin Lucierin sävellyksestä Crossings (1982) ja Pauline Oliveroksen tekstisävellyksestä Breaking Boundaries (1996). Kokoonpanossa on mukana tällä kertaa Lauri Hyvärinen, Tommi Keränen ja Tanja Tiekso.

let me fall out of the window
with confetti in my hair


#2 16.06.2016 12:52

From: Hamburg
Registered: 28.09.2009
Posts: 5,227

Re: Midsummer Noise Dream / Oranssi 19.6.

tänne ois tarkoitus.

Amppeliooppeli Ex-Pooppeli


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