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The Centre for Music & Technology of the Sibelius Academy is proud to announce
MuTeFest '12
March 5th - 12th, 2012
MuTeFest is a week of concerts and events which showcase some of the many sides of the Centre for Music & Technology, with a wide range of artistic contributions from current and former students and staff, including concerts of live electronics, tape music, music for instruments and electronics, contemporary 'mechanical' music, and improvisation. Other events include the musical theatre production Etiäinen on Monday March 9th, and the CMT club night on Saturday March 10th. Admission to many of the events is free, and open to all; most are in and around the Musiikkitalo. Check the MuTeFest Facebook event for more information.
Come get to know the cutting edge of the Finnish music technology scene! Welcome!
A more detailed programme of the week's events is attached, and pasted below.
For more information see: … vent/3302/
Hope to see you there!
The Centre for Music & Technology of the Sibelius Academy presents:
MuTeFest 2012
March 5th - 12th, 2012
Klang!: Tickets 15/10/5.
Etiäinen: Tickets 12/6.
All other events: free entrance!
Monday March 5th, 10:00 - 17:30
Acousmatica III: Agoracousmatica
Agora, Sibelius Academy, Musiikkitalo
James Andean, Alejandro Montes de Oca Torres, Alejandro Olarte
An all-day smorgasbord of acousmatic music, in the 'Agora' public foyer of the Sibelius Academy.
Monday March 5th, 18:00
Black Box, Musiikkitalo
defunensemble presents the premiere of a new work by Gilbert Nouno, with Eric-Maria Couturier of
the Ensemble Intercontemporain as guest cellist, as well as works by Erno Poppe and Natasha Barrett.
Tuesday March 6th, 19:00
Black Box, Musiikkitalo
Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski, Alejandro Montes de Oca Torres, Alejandro Olarte
A concert of live electronics and live water sounds, playing with memories and impressions of an
underwater sonic world, based on sound installations from the Sonic Seascape Terraces project from
Turku 2011.
Wednesday March 7th, 19:00
Mechanical (and) Live Music: Rhythms, Tunings, Interactions
Camerata, Musiikkitalo
Music by Debussy, Harvey, Maher, Mureddu, Ligeti, Nancarrow, Risset and Tenney.
Elisa Järvi, piano, Yamaha Disklavier; Libero Mureddu, electronics; Jaakko Kulomaa, visuals.
Thursday March 8th, 19:00
CM&T Improv
Black Box, Musiikkitalo
An evening of improvisation, electronic and otherwise, from the Centre for Music & Technology. The
evening will end with an open session; bring along your instruments, voices, noisemakers, and join us!
Friday March 9th, 19:00
Camerata, Musiikkitalo
Performances by Andrew Bentley, Sami Klemola, Alejandro Montes de Oca, The League of
Ghentlemen, and Rank Ensemble.
Saturday March 10th, 19:00
MuTe Night
Chamber Music Hall, R-Talo, Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 9
Join us for the MuTeFest club event: performances, festivities, and sonic merry-making.
Monday March 12th, 19:00
Mediakeskus Lume, Hämeentie 135 C
Sketches of the unknown... A music theatre collaboration between students of Siba, Aalto, and
Metropolia, with music, sound and general sonic goodness provided by students of the CM&T.
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