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jees eli nyt viimein oma topikki, kopsaan aloituksen sublime frequencies -topikista:
harmittavan lyhyt pätkä mut:
He is a great talent. Stay tuned for the doc, probably late this year. He is working on a new CD and we are going to do one more shoot in Agadez.
Omara "bombino" Mochtar vaikuttaa olevan välillä myös bambino mut sou not
olis melkein oman topikin paikka
no voi sentään, group bombinon pääjehulta on julkaistu uusi albumi, nimellä omar moctar aka bambino, mutta vain digitaalisessa muodossa
agamgam 2004, akustinen nuotiokitara-albumiReaktion wrote:We're very proud to announce the release of Bambino's first album 'Agamgam 2004'.
Still largely unknown to Western ears, Omar Moctar, aka "Bambino", is the idol of the young Tuareg of Niger. In late 2004 he recorded acoustic versions of 10 tracks in the Ténéré desert, which became this, his first real album. He sings and plays several of his compositions and also pays tribute to other Tuareg artists (Abdallah Oumbadougou, Hasso, Kedou). The label Reaktion has now made this historical recording available to download.
Available on all the legal platforms (iTunes, emusic, amazon, fnac, viginmega...).keräystä pystyyn että saatais vinyyliä tai ees cd:tä
pitäis varmaan tehä tälle oma topikki.
suomestakin saa, 10,49 maksais, nyt joutuu jo harkitsemaan
täytyypä muuten tilailla toi levy, toivottavasti royaltit menee sit tekijälle
syssymmällä tuplalevyä ja maailmankiertuetta, NÄMÄ SUOMEEN :psykee::psykee::psykee::psykee::psykee::psykee::psykee::psykee:
Tuareg musician Bambino from Agadez, Niger performs with his band at the foot of the ancient Grande Mosque attended by close to a thousand people. At the edge of the Sahara Desert, Agadez has been cut off from the rest of the world due rebellions and floods for three years. This concert gave Agadez a chance to celebrate its culture and heritage, ushering in a new generation of Tuareg. A new double CD, feature documentary and world tour are planned for the Fall of 2010. For more info go to:
Tosi hyvän kuuloista saundia.
Last edited by barton_funk (21.06.2010 16:59)
Halusin syväluotaa sitä yhteiskunta-akselien välistä juopaa, joka jo silloin varjosti minua ja minä sitä.
menin sit hankkimaan ton downloadauslevyn
ainaki 3 ekaa biisiä näköjään ihan samoja mitä sillä sublime frequencies -levyllä, versiotkin harvinaisen saman kuuloisia ja oli ongelmia kun ei biisejä oltu numeroitu ja joissain jotain erikoismerkkejä niin että oli vaikeuksia saada poltettua levylle. toivottavasti ei jatkossa tartte tämmöstä perseilyä, maksaisin reilusti ylimääräistä että joku printtais mulle kannet ja sais biisit valmiiksi levylle ettei kaikkee tarttis tehdä itse
"Agadez, the Music and the Rebellion" trailer
näköjään cumbancha-niminen firma julkaisee uuden levyn "agadez" ensi maaliskuussa
Bombino with Vieux Farka Tour in Timbuktu
From about Festivalau Desert:
"The band that got the most crowd response so far tonight was Bombino who is from Niger. His desert rock and roll guitar had the audience cheering. It is the new sound of Niger and with his new album and a film he'll soon be widely known. A member of the rebellion in Niger, Bombino brings a message of peace to the world and is an example of the spirit of changing guns for guitars."
ehdottomasti yksi eniten odottamiani levyjä tänä vuonna
Bombino - Agadez Preview from Cumbancha on Vimeo.
"I can't imagine any album being better than this in 2011" -Derek Beres, Huffington Post
emme pyydä vaan vaadimme - bombino flow-festareille 2011!
The elder Tuareg guitar player Intayaden originally performed this song. He was exiled to Libya during the drought of 1973. This song is in homage to his homeland, and reflects the pain he endured when he had to leave his family and friends behind. Bombino rearranged this traditional song during the second Tuareg rebellion when he was exiled in Burkina Faso. This song focuses on his homeland, and reaches out to other Tuaregs reminding them to think of their country as well. The trance-like chant about Niger and Mali transports the listener.
I greet my country where I left my parents
I greet my country
I greet my country where I left my love
I greet my country
I greet my country where I left my community
I greet my country
You know that I am suffering from it
I greet my country
My favorite musical movement to emerge internationally over the past decade is undoubtedly Tuareg music from the African Sahara. Championed by Tinariwen, the flood of the aptly titled desert blues that followed included an array of incredible artists, such as Terakraft, Toumast, Etran Finatawa and Khaira Arby. Yet no one has defined a sound as thoroughly and beautifully as 30-year-old Omara Moctar. A native of Agadez, Moctar, known as Bombino, lived through the Tuareg rebellion of the early 90s, picking up a six-string in the midst of heavy artillery. Agadez pays tribute to his birthplace, a linear and trance-inducing collection of ten exceptional tracks that throw a headnod to African blues suffused with Moctars outstanding guitar playing. His voice offers powerful accompaniment to the driving rhythms of Kammou Taliat and Tar Hani, while the nine-minute Ivat Idounia Ayasahen is the clear winner, with its opening ululations and handclaps setting the tone for a spectacular journey of percussion and guitar. I cannot imagine a better album being released from any part of the planet this year.
by Bombino
1. Ahoulaguine Akaline (I Greet My Country) 04:03
I greet my country where I left my parents
I greet my country
I greet my country where I left my love
I greet my country
I greet my country where I left my community
I greet my country
You know that I am suffering from it
I greet my country
2. Tar Hani (My Love) 06:30
I am telling you, my love will not leave you
Hold up my love everywhere you go
Put my heart and yours together everywhere you go
Do not listen to the words of enemies
They can destroy a true love
3. Adounia (Life) 05:05
Life! Life! Life! Life! Life! Life!
If you permit yourself to be obsessed by the difficulties of life
They will carry you away!
You will forget your friends
You will forget your community
Life is short and we have to enjoy it during our short stay
Life! Life! Life! Life! Life! Life!
4. Kammou Taliat (You, My Beloved) 04:30
You my lover know that I keep you in my heart
True love deep in my heart links us forever
Everywhere I go, I think about you
And I always listen to my heart it reminds me of your love
I will never forget you
And I will die with your love
You my lover know that I keep you in my heart
5. Tigrawahi Tikma (Bring Us Together) 05:17
I am feeling sick to see my community unable to unite itself
We share the same culture, the same language, the same problems
Why can't we come together?
This situation injures a living heart
We have to love each other and have the same goals in order to fight for our rights
Love must be our link; our culture will bring us together for a better future
6. Tenere (The Desert, My Home) 03:32
Wide open spaces of the desert! In the desert! Desert! In the desert!
Desert! In the desert! Oh desert!
There is solitude in the desert, and a lack of water
I am sitting on a dune and thinking about the hostility of life in the desert
I am realizing the hard conditions of the life of my brothers
Sun is burning in the desert. There is no rain in the desert
To live in the desert, we need to have a strong morale
We live in the most beautiful space and the hardest space for life
Wide open spaces of the desert! In the desert! Desert! In the desert!
Desert! In the desert! Oh desert!
7. Iyat Idounia Ayasahen (Another Life) 09:08
Another life is the hardest life in that it separates friends
It separates friends because it doesn't allow for heritage
We follow material goods and forget our relationships
We leave our friends because of money
We fool our friends because of material things
Are material things more important than men?
8. Azamane (My Brothers United) 04:32
People! Hold on for a moment!
Anyone you contact, will tell you
Our community needs help
We are suffering and we have to stand up for our rights
We have to fight against injustice and discrimination
But he has other ideas concerning just his own life
At the end you will realize that he is fighting only for his own interests
And he has no aims for the people
Oh my brother! We have heard so many ideas without a good future
We have lost many men for our rights but there are no benefits for us at the end
It is necessary to find another solution
People! Hold on for a moment!
9. Assalam Felawan (Peace To You) 06:16
We are greeting you, the Tuareg people
How are you?
How do you experience this difficult situation?
The injustice, discrimination, lack of water, bad health, and lack of education
That refuses to end?
Please preserve our culture! Preserve it! Don't let it disappear!
We thank our parents who raised us amidst these difficulties, requiring much patience
Don't let the efforts of our parents disappear for nothing
10. Tebsakh Dalet (A Green Acacia) 05:09
A green acacia in the center of the water makes the soul breathe
Its breathing came to me bringing a soft air
When her love invades me, she becomes like a green flower
Green acacia, which is in the center of the water, makes the soul breathe
released 22 March 2011
levyn vois ennakkotilata jos ois kortti tai paypal tai muuta, download heti ja limited edition digipack-levy postissa, mutta voi myös kuunnella:
en viitsi edes kysyä viittiskö joku tilata mulle toivottavasti tulee johonkin cdon:iin tai vastaavaan sit joskus
no nyt on paypal ja tilaukseenhan tuo lähti
joku vois hommaa suomeenkin, hollannissa hengailevat näköjään useampaankin otteeseen, mm. flow-lauantaina joten ei taida sinne päästä mut:
Jun 25
Nyama Festival Delft
Delft, Netherlands
Jul 01
Festival Delle Colline
Turin, Italy
Jul 24
Hollywood Bowl
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 09
Bezau Beatz Festival
Bezau, Austria
Aug 13
Venlo, Netherlands
Oct 13
Korzo Theater
The Hague, Netherlands
Oct 14
MC Frits Phillips
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Oct 20
Muziekcentrum Vredenburg
Utrecht, Netherlands
Oct 21
De Doelen
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Oct 22
Podium Mozaiek
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hoitakaapa nämä myös kanssa tänne pohjoiseen.
bzort glorf bööth
agadez-levyn latausversiossa tulee muuten 2 bonuspiisiä + yksi ylimääräinen liveversio, eli:
11 Mahegagh (What Shall I Do-)
12 Adinet (Tuareg People)
13 Tigrawahi Tikma (Live Version)
My wife and I would like to announce the arrival of our first baby girl!! We are so thrilled. After the naming ceremony, we'll post pictures and her name. So blessed.
Bombino - Tar Hani (My Love) on Later Live with Jools Holland - Nov 2011
agadez on muuten julkaistu myös tuplavinyylinä.
mainittu nuorgamin parhaiden 2011-biisien sarjassa
# 206 Bombino Tar Hani (My Love)
Tinariwenin vanavedessä julkaistuista tuareg-bändeistä Bombino osoittaa olevansa vähintään tunnetumman isoveljensä veroinen. Liideri-Bombinon käärmeen tavoin kiemurteleva kitarointi on kotonaan vilpittömän ja intiimin Agadezin alleviivaamattomassa tuotannossa. Albumin rytmikkääseen mutta raukeaan tunnelmaan on mukava paeta kyyniseltä läntiseltä rockperinteeltä. (Juho Kaitajärvi)
etusivu uusixsixsix