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Suomalaiset pienlevy-yhtiöt Creative Class War ja Hillotehdas julkaisevat 20.3.2025 neljän kokeellisen soolokitaristin antologia-albumin CD- ja C-kasettiformaateissa. Uutta musiikkia levyllä esittävät Edgars Rubenis (Latvia), Kalle Tikas (Viro), Kadonnut Manner (Suomi) ja Eric Arn (USA/Itävalta).
Helsingin levynjulkkarikeikalla Suomenlinnan Linna Barissa perjantaina 21.3. heistä kolme ensimmäistä esittää kukin oman soolosettinsä. Illan aikana matkaillaan vanhan ragtimen ja country bluesin muotojen uudelleentulkinnoista dronen ja maailmanmusiikkivaikutteiden kautta abstraktimpiinkin tunnelmointeihin.
Soitot klo 19-22. Vapaa pääsy, vapaaehtoinen matkakulukolehti (toivesumma 5-15 € oman maksukyvyn mukaan).
Finnish microlabels Creative Class War and Hillotehdas will release an anthology album of four experimental solo guitarists on 20.3.2025 in CD and C-cassette formats. On the album you will find new music by Edgars Rubenis (Latvia), Kalle Tikas (Estonia), Kadonnut Manner (Finland) and Eric Arn (USA/Austria).
The first three of them can be heard doing their solo sets at the Helsinki album release show at Linna Bar in Suomenlinna . During the evening, we will travel with the music from reinterpretations of old ragtime and country blues forms through drones and world music influences to more abstract atmospheres.
Music from 7 to 10 PM. Free entry, voluntary donations for travel expenses will be collected (suggested donation of 5 to 15 euros.)
Lauri Manner (b. 1983, Suomussalmi, Finland) started out in the 90's playing bass in punk bands. He started his autodidactic journey in fingerpicking acoustic guitar in 2015 after obsessively listening to John Fahey records for years, found solace and meaning from doing that and made his debut recording as Kadonnut Manner ("The Lost Continent") in 2017, with 4 albums of his own compositions now published. Lauri currently resides up on the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi and intends to keep on making music and touring no matter how bad the state of the world gets.
Edgars Rubenis (b. 1983, Riga, Latvia) got involved with acoustic guitar and seemingly old-sounding music in 2020. Up till then he had defined himself through experimental rock in Mona de Bo and a string of long-form pieces in the field of contemporary composition.
His acoustic guitar trilogy "Pains And Boogies" is published by dis ce que in the Netherlands.
Kalle Tikas (b. 1974, Tallinn, Estonia) has been on his musical journey since the beginning of the 1990's playing blues rock and prog rock. In the 2000's he got involved in various free improv collaborations, also composing music for contemporary theatre performances. 2015 marked the beginning of his journey into the avant blues world – together with avantgarde singer Eleonora Kampe they formed a duo called Ringhold. Ringhold presented a new and independent way of playing electric blues. “Painted Storm” - the track contributed to this album is Kalle's first work on acoustic guitar.