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Pai Tapes presents an evening of experimental music, the second in a series of concerts organized by them. This is also a release event for their latest tape: Cut glass etchings disappeared by Taneli Viljanen (Pai tp10).
Satoi is Tuukka Jääskeläinen, and he will play a special, hardware-only ambient set, during which you will discover new aural landscapes with melodic undertones. … 06-02-2015
Taneli Viljanen makes lo-fi post-musique concrete thats interested in the gaps between sound objects and the movement from one place to a very different non-place. This is a release gig for the new tape/digital release, Cut glass etchings disappeared.
Previous releases … ct-at-noon … ure-ghostsSee also music from Helsinki: the music of Pahat Kengät takes the form of static sonic landscapes which draw their inspiration from interpreting childhood memories and photographs from the present state, focusing on their ambiance and changes in their sceneries. Pahat Kengät was also one of the sound artists in the Drones12 tape (Pai tp09).
Pahat Kengät ainakin rules. Ja siis Arcadia Bookstoressa, etu-töölössä tämä, Nervanderinkatu 11. Klo 18:00
Last edited by rc-lungen (02.06.2016 13:15)
Amppeliooppeli Ex-Pooppeli