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^ihan hyvä juttu, mut tätä en ymmärrä:
You see, there is such a thing as a good vaporwave track, a better vaporwave track. It involves what must be a challenging sample hunt through not old and readily available pop music but through unassuming muzak to find something unfamiliar and yet precisely familiar, something modern but not quite modern, something that is both obviously cheesy and yet clearly affecting. This isn't easy, and the effort and imagination that goes into it is appreciated. Instead however, "vaporwave" is becoming a formula. The point of listening to new music like vaporwave is to be surprised, changed and educated by imaginative artists, and if you're already familiar with James Ferraro, Daniel Lopatin, and the cartloads of screwed lo-fi retro kitsch on the Not Not Fun and Olde English Spelling Bee labels that came out three years ago, and the first vaporwave a year ago, then hearing all this formulaic chillnagogic pop offers you nothing. If you're not, it offers you something that's often inferior.
kun mun mielestä hyvä vaporwave-kappale on sellainen, joka kuulostaa hyvältä kuulijan korviin. miksi musantekemisen pitäisi olla jotenkin vaikeaa tai vaatia älyttömästi työtä? jos hyvältä kuulostavan saundin aikaansaamiseksi riittää jonkun vanhan biisin hidastaminen ja kaiuttaminen, niin sit se riittää.
Hyvä pointti kyl. Ehkä tossa lainassa haikaillaan sellaista myyttista uhrautuvaa taiteilijahahmoa, joka on vihitty antamaan meille vaporwave-kommentaareja jälkiteollisesta ostoskeskuskapitalismista. Sellaisesta fantisointi sopii tosiaan huonosti vaporwave-eetokseen, joka nakkaa paskat kaiken maailman jaotteluille ja kategorisoinneille ja sille, miten pitäisi hommia tehdä.
Last edited by Folkhälsan (30.07.2013 14:58)
Vuoden nuori muotoilija.
toba klassikolla ylös
saint pepsi
Last edited by ydinaukio (12.09.2013 01:20)
So, in 2010, Daniel Lopatin released Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1, a compilation of chopped-and-screwed 80's pop that had previously been released as videos on Lopatin's "sunsetcorp" Youtube channel. This was essentially the beginning of vaporwave, providing both the musical techniques and the general conceptual basis for it, as well as the foundation for pretty much all of Lopatin's releases from Replica onwards.
Come 2011, another proto-vaporwave album gets released in the form of James Ferraro's Far Side Virtual, which provides the forthcoming vaporwave releases with yet another vital element - the recycling of 90s corporate muzak, something that ended up doing double duty as both a critique of late capitalism and an examination of the disposability of pop music itself.
Then, 2012 hits. Albums start getting released by artists like Laserdisc Visions, Macintosh Plus, New Dreams Ltd., Prismcorp Virtual Enterprises, Sacred Tapestry, and 情報デスクVIRTUAL - all of which, interestingly, are released by digital-and-cassette-only online label Beer on the Rug, and all of which, it later turns out, are aliases of 21-year-old Ramona Xavier, AKA Vektroid. Other major players include Will Burnett, AKA Internet Club / Ecco Unlimited, Saint Pepsi, and Mediafired, along with the numerous imitators that sprang up in their wake. Vaporwave becomes an absolutely fucking huge sensation. It gets write-ups in Dummy, Vice, and becomes bigger in the blogosphere than fucking seapunk -
Then, as it is in the process of becoming something far, far larger than any of its progenitors ever anticipated, the major players simply shut down their vaporwave-related projects and move on to other things. Prism Projector is released and Tinymixtapes, an exponent of the microgenre from the beginning and probably the primary source of much of the conceptual side of it, writes an obituary for vaporwave. Vektroid releases Shader as Sacred Tapestry along with a press release effectively declaring the end of her vaporwave-related projects and retroactively removes the images of faces from her albums Floral Shoppe and 札幌コンテンポラリー - I'll let you interpret the symbolism there.
So, in the wake of all this, the question is probably: what did it all mean? The mainstream consensus (by the aforementioned 'zines) was that it functioned as a criticism of capitalism / corporatism; others suggested that it was simply shitty, apathetic 2deep4u blogwash; I personally interpret it as an examination of nostalgia itself, and how the passage of time can make even the worst cultural detritus emotionally evocative. Lopatin, speaking about Replica, simply stated that "I like the way the semiotics are fucked with." And, regardless of whether it's dead, its influence continues to reverberate throughout the musical continuum - reaching, notably, into the dance music sector, with artists like Jam City and Nguzunguzu from the Night Slugs / Fade to Mind camp appropriating some of the sound and aesthetics of the movement; Arca (who was, incidentally, picked up by Kanye West for production on Yeezus), Contact Lens, and Mykki Blanco, most notably, introducing those aesthetics to the hip-hop sphere.
voisko otsikon vaihtaa muotoon "Vaporwave - bigger in the blogosphere than fucking seapunk"
Kiitos 2010-2013.
Täst se lähti:
Last edited by Folkhälsan (09.10.2013 14:45)
Vuoden nuori muotoilija.
Ensin James Blaken artistiura ja nyt tämä
Älä päästä painiks sitä
voisko otsikon vaihtaa muotoon "Vaporwave - bigger in the blogosphere than fucking seapunk"
vois mun mielestä.
bzort glorf bööth
voisko otsikon vaihtaa muotoon "Vaporwave - bigger in the blogosphere than fucking seapunk"
No justhan tossa oli, että koko homma kuali, joten ei enää kannata.
Vuoden nuori muotoilija.
no en tosissani kysynyt
no en tosissani kysynyt
Ihme kujeilua!
Vuoden nuori muotoilija.
parin sekunnin sämplestä massiivinen, uusi musiikkiteos.
ramona xavier = nero.
Tää SAINT PEPSIn Hit Vibeshän on muuten aika hiton hyvä -levy! Ei tää kyllä kovin paljoa vaporwavea muistuta, kun tulee mieleen enemmän vaikkapa Avalanches, mutta mitäs tuosta. Call Me Maybe -remix kanssa aika kultaa. … l-me-maybe
luxury eliten greatest hits
snoopin pitäis räpätä tähän.
Muistin tämän olemassaolon silleen äsken että nyt meen vihdoin kuunteleen enemmän sen yhen otsikon musaa, jonka näin joskus vuosi sitten täällä, ja sitten koko ilmiö olikin jo sillä aikaa julistettu kuolleeksi - fuckin internet age
Full support näille musiikkiesityksille kyllä edelleen
Se on ihan järkyttävää. Se on kuvottavaa kusetusta. Se on helvetinmoista suhmurointia. Se on törkeää. Se on ihan karseaa katsoa.
joo ylös en tiä onks oikee topikki mut hyvää meininkii kyl
voodoo jippu eiq people bez magic people
lol apua
hyvä esimerkki täydellisistä saundeista.
Miksei pitäisi nauraa? Vittu tässä mitään diplomaatteja olla.
Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu
vielä elossa
kyl tää on edelleen suosikkini:
Halusin syväluotaa sitä yhteiskunta-akselien välistä juopaa, joka jo silloin varjosti minua ja minä sitä.