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#841 08.09.2010 18:40

jamppa, synkkä sienestäjä
From: Guttenberg-galaksi
Registered: 05.12.2008
Posts: 26,139

Re: the Fall


Halusin syväluotaa sitä yhteiskunta-akselien välistä juopaa, joka jo silloin varjosti minua ja minä sitä.



#842 09.09.2010 15:03

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


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#843 17.09.2010 19:04

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

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#844 28.09.2010 19:55

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

harvinainen b-puoli (ivanhoes two pence) masquerade-sinkulta:

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#845 02.10.2010 15:51

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

silvis postas tän facebookissa niin laitetaanpa tännekin, huomennahan nää olis tampereella jos vaan itku

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#846 03.10.2010 21:27

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

psykokarkki wrote:



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#847 04.10.2010 21:36

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

lisää harvinaisuuksia:

ja kohta tavastialle EIQ itku itku itku itku itku itku itku itku itku itku

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#848 12.10.2010 21:30

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

egroeg yobwoc:

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#849 13.10.2010 19:33

Viini-illan Göbbels
Registered: 14.06.2005
Posts: 34,555

Re: the Fall

http://soundcloud.com/nicos-bike/sets/n … sbikedemos

Tätä bändiä on kuvailtu sanoin the fall with tits. En tiiä, mutta hiton hyvältä kuulostaa.


#850 15.10.2010 18:04

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: the Fall

midnight in aspen / aspen reprise rakkaus


#851 15.10.2010 18:05

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: the Fall

oho, oiskohan yks kerta riittäny icon_redface

no ei icon_coolpeuk


#852 15.10.2010 23:21

267 tearz
From: summerisle
Registered: 03.03.2008
Posts: 13,266

Re: the Fall

no EI KAI peuk

kohta muuten ilmestyy wonderful & frightening deluxe-hässäkkä, kolme vai neljä levyä, en tiä mut colorflash:peuk:

Every fan of music which breathes fire needs this record

voodoo jippu biggrinpeuk eiq people bez magic people

lol apua kulli

deadhorse kaka ultravox kaka 017 finger wanha ff sheeplove deadhorse tongue finger tongue sheeplove


#853 17.10.2010 19:42

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

ja fall on sit jättäny dominon


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#854 20.10.2010 17:13

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


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#855 20.10.2010 19:07

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

Mark E Smith Blasts & Bottles Mumford & Sons

Mark E. Smith wrote:

"We were playing a festival in Dublin the other week. There was this other group like, warming up in the next sort of chalet, and they were terrible. I said 'shut them cunts up' and they were still warming up, so I threw a bottle at them. The bands said 'that's the Sons of Mumford' or something, 'they're number five in charts!' I just thought they were a load of retarded Irish folk singers."

icon_lol tongue

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#856 26.10.2010 10:46

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


EDIT: editoimaton versio vielä:

    I was lucky enough to be asked by Vice to do a phone interview with Mark E. Smith, head honcho/cantankerous genius of legendary UK band The Fall on the eve of their return to Australian/NZ shores, and it’s really an opportunity that you can’t pass up despite knowing it could potentially be the most uncomfortable and nerve-wracking 20 minutes of your life. Anyways, it was to my delight to find Mark E. Smith in a jovial mood and he kept laughing at stuff I was saying (Mark E. Smith finds me funny!). His laugh could best be described as a demented sounding cackle, a long stream of ha-ha-has, and he kept clearing his throat violently and making clicking sounds like he was one of the natives in The Gods Must Be Crazy (playing with his dentures most likely).

    Mark E. Smith: oh hiya is that Hugh?

    Hugh: Hi Mark how ya going?

    MES: I'm well [makes sound of clearing throat/clicking sound - I’ll leave the rest of these out so as to not disrupt the flow of the interview]

    H: Excellent. Where are you at the moment?

    MES: I'm just at home in Manchester. Where are you?

    H: I'm at home too. Hang on I’ll just shut my door, my housemate Caitlin is watching Home and Away. What's your take on Home and Away?

    MES [Cackles] It's fookin’ rubbish but me ma’m likes it.

    H: What's your general take on Australian soaps on the British psyche?

    MES: Well Neighbours has gone down the fookin' gurgler hasn't it? [cackles again].

    H Australians in Europe (sweet Fall tune, Youtube it or something). Are they still as irritating now as they were back in 1988?

    MES: [cackles] I'd forgotten about that song…Most of the Australians I know are from Perth or Brisbane. Not many make it as far as Manchester. Where I live it's real Jewish like; half of Poland live here it seems.

    H: The other half live in Caulfield.

    MES: [cackles...again] Is that right?...The Fall actually played Poland three weeks ago and the booker over there was trying to charge us like a thousand Euros or something because I dropped the microphone and broke it... That's just something you got to get used to [sort of trails off at this point].

    H: What advice would you have for Australian backpackers travelling abroad to limit the amount of damage they're doing to the Australian national image?

    MES: [cackles] I'm not sure there's much that they can do.

    H: On the first Fall tour of Australia and NZ back in 1982 Marc Riley got the boot and likewise Martin Bramah got axed on the 1990 tour. Should any current members of The Fall be worried about losing their job on this tour?

    MES: Haha. They're all young blokes but yeah it's all coming back to me. Too much freedom. That's what happens when you give the band too much freedom.

    H: so you're not going for a hat trick?

    MES: Hahaha. No not really but I guess we'll wait and see.

    H: While were on the Australian theme The Fall covered The Saints' ‘This Perfect Day’ on The Marshall Suite. What struck me at the time it was released was that it's the only time that The Fall had covered someone that could be seen as contemporaries of The Fall, in the sense that you both emerged from the punk thing. What attracted you to covering the Saints and this song?

    MES: Oh yeah right, ahhhhhhhh well when the Fall cover a song I only do it if I feel that it can be improved, that something can be added to it. [pause] I actually think this is one example where we failed [cackles]...

    H: But why chose them as opposed to other bands that came out of the punk movement...

    MES: [pause] Seeing them on Top of the Pops was the other big thing. They had a certain attitude...and they could fookin’ play…which helps [cackles]. In fact, for Christmas a friend of mine gave me a live CD of theirs, it's really fucking good.

    H: Your autobiography, Renegade, reads a bit like a self-help book or a guide to living in parts. Have you ever thought about going the whole hog and writing a self-help book?

    MES: [big Cackle] I've never thought of that, that's not a bad idea actually. I tell you what, the strangest people have read that book. I mean people who, like, have said they never liked The Fall or my music have really liked the book. People coming up to me and saying, like, "they've got your book in the prison library or the public library [cackles] and I read it and realised your not such a bad bloke after all.”

    H: It seems like the book is full of handy tips to live your life by, you could start your own religion or something...

    MES: Well the book started as a sort of spoof of those footballer's biographies like “my first match” “the time we won the blah blah cup” I just took it from there.

    H: Your Future Our Clutter is a snappy title but it seems to imply that you’re none too impressed with the younger generation. Do you care to elaborate?

    MES: [mishears question... or something] They're only ten years younger than me most of those blokes but yeah, a lot of our audience coming to Fall shows are in their teens and early 20s. We seem to be connecting with that audience again, which is nice.

    H: it's funny you should mention that because I got into The Fall in the mid-90s in high school and I couldn't find anyone who even knew The Fall let alone liked them…

    MES: Oh no doubt it was like a wasteland there for a while.

    H: But it does seem like The Fall have a much higher profile amongst the kids in the last 5 years or so. What do you put that down to?

    MES: Well they're the downloading generation aren't they? Also having all the early Fall stuff reissued properly a couple of years back helped I think instead of the shoddy reissues and pressings that were going on in the ’90s.

    H: I actually saw The Fall play in 2000 at the Royal Festival Hall as part of a John Peel presents series. Dick Dale was the support...

    MES: oh yeah, I remember that.

    H: And I was down the front and caught some lyrics that you chucked into the audience that go, "Everybody thinks he's a gangster/Everybody thinks he's Ali G/Everybody picks up change like he".

    MES: [chuckles] I was wondering what happened to them. I thought Jarvis Cocker must've stolen them. He was hanging about with his duffle bag [chuckles].

    H: I get told I look like Jarvis Cocker because I wear glasses...

    MES: That's really unfortunate for you, isn't it? [big chuckle]

    H: I suppose so.

    MES: I heard that Sydney's changed a lot…

    H: Probably not as much as Melbourne has over the years. Although I've never been there I've heard that Manchester has been rather tarted up too.

    MES: [groans] I don't even recognise the fookin’ place. I was telling Elani just the other week [adopts gruff authorative tone] "I know this city like the back of me fookin’ hand" and you would wouldn't fookin' believe it but I got fookin’ lost!

    H: If I were to come to Manchester what sights would you show me?

    MES: I don't think you'd much like the place is all...it's a fookin' shithole [cackles]

    H: Which is kinda strange because Fall fans often have a romanticised idea of what Manchester is going to be like because of your songs. Anyway moving forward, I feel your contribution on the new Gorillaz album, Glitter Freeze, was a bit of a missed opportunity given that the live version that I saw from Glastonbury benefitted greatly from having more of your vocals on it. Were your vocals edited out or was it all planned to be a minimal contribution?

    MES: I don't know what happened there. There was more. What's his name...Damon said Gorillaz fans wouldn't get it.

    H: Not lowest common denominator enough for the average Gorillaz fan then?

    MES: hahah, I like that...

    H: I noticed on the live footage that you turn down the amp on (ex-Clash guitarist) Mick Jones’ amp and he looked a bit perplexed...

    MES: hahah, I never really was a fan of The Clash to be honest. I haven't seen the footage myself but a friend of mine said he looked a bit pissed off but it's what I'm always doing in The Fall, twiddling amps, it's just that I forgot where I was for a moment. Haha. It's only one song he’ll live...

    H: Is that to keep the band on their toes?

    MES: Yeah, something like that. Have you got all that you need from me?

    H: Absolutely and I look forward to seeing you play in Melbourne. You have my number now so if you want to have a barbeque or something round at my place just give us a call...

    MES: Thanks mate, that's really kind of yer. See you in Australia.

    H: bye Mark


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#857 08.11.2010 15:03

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

The Omnibus edition of The Wonderful and Frightening World of The Fall has been out for a few days in the UK and it's garnering high praise on the forum. They're only printing about 5,000 of these and a lot of shops have exhausted their supplies already. Many stores have sold out but it's still available online, including a pretty great deal on Amazon UK.

Speaking of, Paul Hanley wrote in with the following correction to the sleevenotes:

I'm quoted as saying that John Fogerty is the 'only publisher who never paid me' when in fact I said 'the only publisher who EVER paid me'. That one letter makes a fairly significant difference, as I'm sure you'd agree.

I'd like to apologise to John for the misunderstanding and take the opportunity to thank him for his help over the years.

We've received an email from Daryl Easlea who wants to apologise to everyone for the Paul Hanley "never/ever" misquote. He says it was a genuine glitch on his behalf that came through in transcription. It was most definitely "ever," and because set in such a positive context, one of those obvious things overlooked at proofing stage.

Latest word on the Omnibus edition of This Nation's Saving Grace is 24 January 2011. It'll be a 3xCD affair with no live disc.

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#858 10.11.2010 21:14

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

on kyllä komea boksi toi omnibus-hässäkkä ja huh sentään miten kolmoslevyn päättävä marquis cha-cha toimikaan, huikea versio colorflash

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#859 29.11.2010 11:36

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall


Released 24 January 2011


CD1 This Nation’s Saving Grace

What You Need
Spoilt Victorian Child
Gut Of The Quantifier
My New House
I Am Damo Suzuki
To Nkroachment: Yarbles


Demo Suzuki (Rough Mix)
Wonderful And Frightened pt.1 (Rough Mix)
Wonderful And Frightened pt.2 (Rough Mix)
Gut Of The Quantifier (Rough Mix)
Bombast (Rough Mix)
Barmy (Rough Mix)
My New House (Mark’s Rough Mix)
Paintwork (Rough Mix)
Ma Riley (Rough Mix)
Spoilt Victorian Childe (Rough Mix)
L.A. (Rough Mix)
What You Need (Rough Mix)
Edie (Rough Mix)
Cruiser’s Creek (Long Version)
LA (Take 2)
Bombast (Blackwing Version)
Paintwork (Gloss)


Couldn’t Get Ahead
Rollin’ Dany
Petty (Thief) Lout
Cruiser’s Creek (Single version)
Ma Riley
I Am Barmy (Long Version)
Cruiser’s Creek (4.16 edit version)
Spoilt Victorian Child (Peel session)
Gut Of The Quantifier (Peel session)
Couldn’t Get Ahead (Peel session)
Cruiser’s Creek (Peel session)
L.A. (Peel session)
What You Need (Peel session)

demo suzuki biggrin

ton cruiser's creekin "single version" ois paras olla se pitkä 12"-versio, sitähän tässä on vuosikaudet odotettu mad

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#860 16.12.2010 15:09

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

gorillazin jouluksi julkaisema iPad-albumi on nimeltään 'the fall' icon_rolleyes


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#861 16.12.2010 15:15

Registered: 20.06.2005
Posts: 15,706

Re: the Fall

Mikä on iPad albumi? biggrin

en ole kolmekybänen emoboy


#862 16.12.2010 15:21

Registered: 20.06.2005
Posts: 15,706

Re: the Fall

sv spede

en ole kolmekybänen emoboy


#863 16.12.2010 15:24

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

Sarjakuvahahmoyhtye Gorillaz on kiertänyt viime aikoina promoten uutta levyään Plastic Beach, jolle yhtyeen isä Damon Albarn on aikaisemmin kertonut tekevänsä jatkoa kiertueen vapaapäivinä iPadillaan. Kuukaudessa valmiiksi saadun levyn on nyt luvattu ilmestyvän tänä jouluna, joulupäivänä. Ilmaiseksi.

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#864 16.12.2010 15:56

Registered: 20.06.2005
Posts: 15,706

Re: the Fall

Mikä on sarjakuvahahmoyhtye biggrin

en ole kolmekybänen emoboy


#865 16.12.2010 16:03

Holtiton Mies joka Imppaa ja Grillaa
From: melkein noin 1000 keikkaa
Registered: 12.06.2005
Posts: 41,038

Re: the Fall


Ei mitään muttia, kaikki boikottiin saatana!!

Security Fee:n hinnalla sisään!


#866 16.12.2010 16:16

Registered: 20.06.2005
Posts: 15,706

Re: the Fall

No mut hassu sana. Soittaaksne hahmot siinä yhtyeessä?

en ole kolmekybänen emoboy


#867 16.12.2010 16:22

rankka rässi
From: 1927 'till infinity
Registered: 16.09.2005
Posts: 39,222

Re: the Fall


Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu


#868 16.12.2010 21:57

jäbä joka diggaa Sufjanin uusinta ihan homona
Registered: 29.01.2010
Posts: 26,423

Re: the Fall

Mikäs topic tää oli  017


In the last second of life, they're gonna show you how,
how they run this show.


#869 16.12.2010 22:42

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,411

Re: the Fall

mitäs hassuttelua, sarjakuvahahmotopik tiätty icon_surprised


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#870 18.12.2010 13:44

Viini-illan Göbbels
Registered: 14.06.2005
Posts: 34,555

Re: the Fall


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