#781 24.10.2013 14:07

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Pilke wrote:

Älä kerro heti, haluun miettiä tätä kunhan ehdin.


ootko jo miettinyt? icon_surprised  helpotan vähän, tämä biisi ei ainakaan puutu:

taitaa olla aika lailla objektiivinen totuus, ettei tämän parempaa musiikkia olekaan rakkauscolorflash

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#782 24.10.2013 19:45

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Ainii vitsi, oon unohtanu! Pitääpä yrittää muistaa viikonloppuna kuunnella levyt läpi ja pohtia asiaa.


Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#783 27.10.2013 19:40

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

TÄMÄ Anttilassa 12e!! Ja hienossa peltirasiassa!


Nyt Sydit soimassa, yritän miettiä tota Hantan arvoitusta. En ole vielä uskaltanu selata tuota kirjaa, koska tiedän, että sydän pakahtuu niin, että koskee. Niin mulle käy aina. Selailin tätä topsua muutaman sivun taakse päin ja huomasin, että en vieläkään ole laittanu rapsaa siitä Syd-levystä, jonka ostin levymessuilta. icon_redface Yritän muistaa.


Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#784 28.10.2013 10:19

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


siitä "arvoituksesta", ei se nyt niin jännä ole, mutta ehkä tosiaan kaksi huonointa sydin laulettua biisiä. voin vinkata myös ettei kumpaakaan löydy varsinaisilta albumeilta, mutta sehän lienee selvä, the madcap laughs kun on mielestäni maailman paras levy eikä barrettkaan kovin kauas jälkeen jää.

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#785 28.10.2013 16:38

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

psykokarkki wrote:


Kampin Anttila. Oli siellä vielä niitä ja varmaan saa muistakin.


Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#786 28.10.2013 16:39

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Pilke wrote:
psykokarkki wrote:


Kampin Anttila. Oli siellä vielä niitä ja varmaan saa muistakin.


huh, shinne siis ihan kohta colorflash

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#787 28.10.2013 21:19

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

suuret kiitokset pilke pus

sinne jäi vielä kaksi tommosta, mutta aika jännä jos tää oli muka joku super limited edition of 2000. siellä oli kans iggy pop ja david bowie, mitähän niissä olis mutta sinne jäi, niitä oli enemmän.

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#788 01.11.2013 00:35

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

have you got it yet? vol.2 rakkaus

1: Opal (Opel) - Take 9 remixed 11 april 1969 00:00
2: Love You - Slow Acoustic Take 2 - 11 April 1969 06:24
3: Love You - Take 1 - 11 April 1969 07:47
4: Love You - Take 3 - 11 April 1969 10:13
5: It's No Good Trying - Take 1 - 11 April 1969 12:27
6: Terrapin - Take 3 - 11 April 1969 18:46
7: Here I Go - Take 5 - 2010 Remix 23:48
8: Wouldn't You Miss Me? (Dark Globe) - Remake Take 1 - 26 July 1969 27:07
9: Dark Globe - (Version 2) Duet - 12 June 1969 30:03
10: Long Gone - Acoustic - 12 June 1969 32:59
11: She Took a Long Cold Look - Unedited/Unmixed - 26 July 1969 34:48
12: She Took a Long Cold Look - Take 4 remixed - 26 July 1969 36:37
13: She Took a Long Cold Look - Take 5 - 26 July 1969 38:25
14: Kevin Ayers: Religious Experience - Take 10 - 17 December 1969 41:10

CD Only Bonus Tracks - All Alternate Mixes
15: Silas Lang 44:02
16: Swan Lee 46:48
17: Lanky Part Two 49:29
18: Golden Hair: Gareth Cousins Mix 51:04
19: Clowns & Jugglers 52:59
20: Clowns & Jugglers - Keyboard Mix 55:42
21: Love You 57:14
22: Long Gone 58:29
23: Dark Globe - Peter Jenner Mix 1:00:11
24: Dark Globe - Malcolm Jones Mix 1:03:08
25: Maisie 1:06:03
26: Slow Boogie 1:08:53
27 John Lee Hooker 1:11:49

All rights belong to EMI, please do not copy.

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#789 08.11.2013 17:20

267 tearz
From: summerisle
Registered: 03.03.2008
Posts: 13,266

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


voodoo jippu biggrinpeuk eiq people bez magic people

lol apua kulli

deadhorse kaka ultravox kaka 017 finger wanha ff sheeplove deadhorse tongue finger tongue sheeplove


#790 08.11.2013 22:05

ammattimainen dipinheittäjä
Registered: 20.11.2010
Posts: 2,602

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN


vittu nyt sä kuolet, tai ainaski lyön haarukalla kulliin


#791 09.11.2013 20:22

Registered: 21.03.2011
Posts: 266

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Biisi ei tietty ole tolta levyltä, mutta joskus keksin päässäni Have a Cigar -biisiin mielestäni tosi makeen rumpufillin ja sitten kun kuuntelin sen biisin seuraavan kerran niin totta kai osoittautui, että just sellainen fillihän siinä on (siinä all pull together as a team -kohdassa muistaakseni). spede


#792 09.11.2013 20:29

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Tolto wrote:

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN

tuon levyn kohdalla kyllä sama biggrin


#793 09.11.2013 22:32

Vuoden Foorumisti 2019
From: Leppädanger
Registered: 28.12.2009
Posts: 12,204

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

ydinaukio wrote:
Tolto wrote:

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN

tuon levyn kohdalla kyllä sama biggrin

Vittu mitä paskaa.


#794 04.12.2013 10:53

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

ummagumman studiopuolta on turhaan haukuttu, varsinkin the narrow way on ihan tajuton helmi colorflash

ei vaan äkkiseltään löydy youtubesta kuin coveria sun muuta, tässäkin joku livesessio kolmososasta. ykkösosa kuulostaa muuten aika krautilta eli toisinpäin icon_surprised

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#795 04.12.2013 11:46

Registered: 15.06.2011
Posts: 757

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

KZ wrote:
ydinaukio wrote:
Tolto wrote:

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN

tuon levyn kohdalla kyllä sama biggrin

Vittu mitä paskaa.

Nick Masonhan on tunnetusti yksi maailman surkeimmista rumpaleista.

Tiedon tasta jo aiemmin eraan tunnetun taikurin vaimon kautta, mutta nyt tiedan paljon enemman.

Naytta sikta etta arabut tuesivat mita ouhuivat kun ne lupas ottaa maailman yli muuttamalla joka paikkaan ja lisaantynalla ottavat yli.


#796 04.12.2013 18:17

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Kuvainraastaja wrote:
KZ wrote:
ydinaukio wrote:
Tolto wrote:

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN

tuon levyn kohdalla kyllä sama biggrin

Vittu mitä paskaa.

Nick Masonhan on tunnetusti yksi maailman surkeimmista rumpaleista.

Itsehän en taidoista osaa sanoa tuon taivaallista, eikä mua kiinnostakaan kuka on taitava ja kuka ei, vaan mikä kuulostaa hyvältä omaan korvaan. Pink Floyd kuulostais todella erilaiselta jos Masonin tilalla olis joku toinen. Joku superrumpali olis ollu liian dominoiva. Ja joku Pompeii, eihän siinä ois voinu soittaa kukaan muu.


Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#797 04.12.2013 18:24

vegan princess
Registered: 07.03.2006
Posts: 22,060

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

pompeiin tykittelyyn masonin jatkuva fillailu toki sopii hyvin. toimii. mut dark siden löysän tunnelman jatkuva rikkominen typerillä filleillä, jolloin komppi pysähtyy täysin, on kyllä anteeksiantamatonta.


#798 04.12.2013 19:26

ammattimainen dipinheittäjä
Registered: 20.11.2010
Posts: 2,602

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Pilke wrote:
Kuvainraastaja wrote:
KZ wrote:
ydinaukio wrote:
Tolto wrote:

kuuntelin tässä Dark Side of the Moonia ja nyt vasta huomasin (kaverin "vinkistä"), että jonkun ois pitäny sanoa tolle rumpalille että VAIKKA FILLIT ON SIISTEJÄ MUTTA EI NIITÄ PIDÄ TUNKEA JOKA VITUN VÄLIIN

tuon levyn kohdalla kyllä sama biggrin

Vittu mitä paskaa.

Nick Masonhan on tunnetusti yksi maailman surkeimmista rumpaleista.

Itsehän en taidoista osaa sanoa tuon taivaallista, eikä mua kiinnostakaan kuka on taitava ja kuka ei, vaan mikä kuulostaa hyvältä omaan korvaan. Pink Floyd kuulostais todella erilaiselta jos Masonin tilalla olis joku toinen. Joku superrumpali olis ollu liian dominoiva. Ja joku Pompeii, eihän siinä ois voinu soittaa kukaan muu.


En oo Pompeiita kuullu, mutta myönnän toki itekki että ois aika hankala kuvitella miltä Pink Floyd kuulostais ilman Masonia, sen jotenkin ilmava soitto on kuitenkin aika olennainen osa bändin soundia.


vittu nyt sä kuolet, tai ainaski lyön haarukalla kulliin


#799 08.01.2014 00:25

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

The Making of the "Have You Got It Yet?" Series (1)

jännä että satuin liittymään laughing madcaps -yahoogroupiin sattumalta juuri, kun toi HYGIY?n eka versio saatiin valmiiksi ja jakeluun.

Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifMitään UG:tä ei ole olemassag71u3wL.gifPUFF PUFF BONG BONG


#800 09.01.2014 17:16

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


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#801 14.01.2014 10:41

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Lost Syd Barrett recording to be released

Easy Action plans to release one of the last known live performances of Pink Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett. The label’s managing director, Carlton Sandercock, tells “Floydian Slip,” “We have indeed purchased and are preparing to release a live set by The Last Minute Put Together Boogie Band featuring Bruce Pain, Jack Monk and Twink. Guesting is Fred Frith and, on two maybe three songs, Syd Barrett.

“The music played in this set is a million miles away from anything Pink Floyd have ever done,” he adds.

The performance was recorded Jan. 27, 1972, at the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England.

The set list is as follows:

    Sea Cruise
    L.A. to London Boogie
    Drinkin’ That Wine
    Number Nine (Gotta Be Reason)
    Let’s Roll
    Sweet Little Angel

Auction house Bonhams put up for bid a reel tape of the show in June 2010. Expecting to fetch $5,000, the item didn’t meet its reserve price and was later sold to Easy Action.

The label plans to release the recording, possibly as a vinyl-only release to being with, in March.

tuskinpa musiikillisesti kiinnostava, mutta muuten kyllä colorflash

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#802 14.01.2014 16:03

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

psykokarkki wrote:

on two maybe three songs, Syd Barrett.



Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#803 16.01.2014 11:36

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Long, long ago.. back in the mid-1980's there used to be a Syd
fanzine called "Opel" which was put out by a nice guy called Ivor
Trueman. Although he's still alive and kicking about the music
scene, his 'zine isn't. Tragically, copies of the excellent fanzine are
now practically impossible to locate. They contain several exclusive
interviews which are genuinely important to the field of Sydology.
Since I've been blessed with all of the issues (except for one) and
a fair amount of typing time, I sought Mr. Trueman's permission to
provide the interviews to all of you nice Echoesians. He agreed,
provided that no money changes hands.
This interview is of Twink. Twink, of course, has been long
rumoured to have tapes of all of the Stars rehearsals and gigs.

Thanks to bear for providing this forum, you for reading this, and
especially to Ivor Trueman for taking the time and trouble of
conducting the interview and publishing it for future generations.
And now.... TWINK!!!

Thinking Pink!

Early in November I met up with Twink in windy East Anglia, but
before we get submerged in all that I thought it would be best to
provide a little information about Twink's career. (We've also had a
few requests to do this.) So here goes:-
In 1963 Twink began playing for an RnB combo called "Dane
Stephens And The Deep Beats", after a year they changed their name
to "The Fairies" and recorded a single for Decca, "Don't Think Twice
It's Alright".
In '65 they released two more singles for Hmv, "Don't Mind" &
"Get Yourself Home" and split sometime before '67. Twink then
joined The In Crowd, shortly before they changed their name to
"Tomorrow" and began playing such gigs as the Ufo.etc. Tomorrow
consisted of Keith West-vocals, Steve Howe-guitar, John "Junior"
Wood-bass & last but not least, Twink on drums. They recorded a
fine psychedelic album called "Tomorrow" & had a minor hit with
that great song- "My White Bicycle". However all good things must
end sometime & as Tomorrow split Twink was enlisted by the Pretty
Things for the first ever concept album "S.F. Sorrow" whilst he also
recorded his own solo LP "Think Pink". This was another classic
album full of swirling vocals, sitars & other psychedelic fragrances.
This album is highly recommended.
During 69/70, Twink played on Mick Farrens solo album "Mona"
and helped form the original Pink Fairies with Mick Farren & Steve
Peregrine Took. It wasn't until April '70 however that the Pink
Fairies got their act together properly (if you can call it that), and the
line up at the time consisted of Twink, second drummer Russel
Hunter, Paul Rudolf-guitar, and Duncan Sanderson-bass. Hunter,
Rudolf & Sanderson had all previously been members of the Deviants
along with Mick Farren and had also played on Twink's solo LP.
The Pink Fairies landed a deal with Polydor, releasing a single
"The Snake"/"Doing It" and album "Never Never Land". Twink left
the band in the middle of '71 though he does play on the Glastonbury
LP. Twink did later re-join the Pink Fairies for six months in '73 &
then for their last gig which was recorded & came out as an LP called
"Live At The Roundhouse '75".
Early in '72 Twink played live at a one-off gig with Eddie Guitar
Burns, where of course, he was joined on stage by Syd Barrett. They
jammed through a blues tune & went on to form the ill-fated Stars.
After Stars had collapsed Twink went into hibernation, apart from
the already mentioned Pink Fairies re-unions he next surfaced in 77
when he recorded an EP as Twink & The Fairies & sang lead vocals
for "The Rings". (Who had a single titled "I Wanna Be Free" on
Chiswick records). After that... well this is where the interview

I) I know that you played with Tomorrow & The Pretty Things & The
Pink Fairies but after that it all seemed to stop really.

T) That was when things had started to go really wrong. I had a
drink & drug problem.

I) You did that "Do It '77" EP in 77.

T) Yes that was after "The Rings" who I did vocals for , and after that
EP came out in 78 I went to Belgium & did some sessions over there.
I got a straight job with an American Computer company in Brussels
and I stayed with them for five years in fact. The job that I had was
relocated to the U.K. in 1981, so I came back over to here. Although
I'd always had the idea of getting back into music, I still had a
problem. And since May this year, when I admitted to myself that I
had a serious drink & drug addiction problem, things have been
getting better. Today I don't have to have a drink or take any drugs.
I'm focussing on a second solo album, which I've prepared and is
ready-although I haven't got a deal yet. I'm planning to go to
America by the end of November as I was there in January & made
some contacts & there seems to be some interest over there. And
I'm also planning an album with Ron Wood, Kim Gardner & Jon Lord,
which is a continuation of an earlier project.

I) Kim Gardner.

T) He was in Ashton Gardner & Dyke.

I) And the Creation.

T) The Creation and also The Birds-both groups with Ron Wood. It
was around that time when I first met them. I saw The Creation
down at Blaises & The Birds at the 100 Club, I jammed with them
down there as well. In '68 I was sharing a flat with Jon Lord, Ron &
Kim used to come over all the time. That was when Jon took us into
Decca studios one Sunday afternoon. And we had this structured jam
on 3 titles which later came out on an "Immediate" blues album
called Blues Anytime Vol 3, just the three tracks which we did.

I) Who was that credited to?

T) The Santa Barbara Machine Head-and that's the name that we're
going to be using for this album, now. I was with Kim in LA last
January and a week after I arrived Jon Lord was playing the Civic
Centre Longbeach with Deep Purple-on the Perfect Strangers tour. So
I went down there & said "I've spoken to Kim, we think it'd be nice
for us all to get together & record an album." and he said that he'd
love to do it, even though we hadn't seen each other for 15 years.
That only left Ron, and when Kim came over to London in June he
managed to get through to him. (They're kind of like brothers). And
there was a meeting & Ron said 'yeh I wanna do it but I've got to
finish the Stones album first'. So that's where we are at the moment.

I) That's quite a line-up.

T) I've drafted a few ideas and I've got the amber light from Ron's
manager so we're just waiting for us all to get together.

I) What about your second solo album ?
T) It's called 'The Doves' and I've got some great musicians for that.
But I don't want to mention any names now 'cos I don't want people
to think 'ah this guy's trying to make a comeback on somebody else's
name', but there are some really good people on it.

I) What kind of music will it be ?

T) Very modern.

I) So it won't be like the 'Do It '77' EP then.

T) No, nothing at all like that. That EP was 50% disastrous from a
musical point of view. The new album is going to be far more
"musical" than anything I've ever done.

I) I thought the first solo album was quite melodic & tuneful
actually, whereas the EP is more like the Pink Fairies.

T) Yeh that's right, well that's what I was going for with that EP.
Actually, & I haven't told this to anyone in an interview before, but
"Psychedelic Punkeroo" on the EP...

I) ..is credited to "A. Syd" and has lyrics about him.

T) Yeh, that song is a song for Syd, basically. I wrote that song about
Syd and I credited it under that pseudonym, which I used just for
that song.

I) Moving a bit further into the past, have you any memories about
Ufo ? You must have been fairly close to Syd at that time.

T) We weren't very close actually at the Ufo, as such...

I) But you played on the same bill together.

T) Oh yeh, many many times and in fact the first time that I went
down [to] the Ufo the Floyd were playing. I can't say that I
remember them as being fantastically good but I appreciated what
they were doing. I knew that it was 'new' & very experimental and
I've always been looking for new things & I think I latched onto the
fact that it was new.

I) Do you think it was very different from what came out on the first

T) Oh yeh, It was much more raw and unstructured and just kind of
jamming-cosmic jamming.

I) What was Ufo like ?

T) It wasn't very big but it had a great atmosphere; light shows,
incense burning, theatre groups, people just doing things. People in
costume and obviously the glittering sparkling things in their faces-
the make up. It was fantastic-it was really great & as soon as I saw
it I wanted the band that I was with to play there and it affected me
immediately, I started to get new ideas myself-things like mime,
more free form playing, using light shows & things like that.

I) Was the music of Tomorrow more free form live than on record ?

T) We used to play very free live, there was a lot more energy live-
the album is more or less a condensed version of what we did live.
It's more structured on the album-like a three minute song on the
album may have been 20 minutes live.

I) There's a story about one of the Ufo gigs just after the Rolling
Stones had been busted. Everyone cleared out of the club to picket
The News Of The World and Tomorrow waited until 5am to perform
their set.

T) Yeh, that's right, & I think we had a lot of daffodils 'n' stuff to
throw out into the audience that night as well. And I also think that
was the planting of the seed for "Revolution" on the album.

I) When you were crawling through the audience shouting
"Revolution" while Steve played a heavy feedback riff on guitar...

T) Yeh, it's amazing. And there were a lot of people going 'No no no'
and I was going 'Yes yes yes'... but that was all just youth, rebelling
from me.

I) What about the 14 Hour Technicolour Dream ?

T) I remember that, we weren't booked to play, we just drove up &
played. We just said "We're Tomorrow & we're playing"-bluffed our
way onto the stage; and did a really good set, I think. We enjoyed it
anyway. But that was the kind of thing you had to do at the time, if
you were trying to get into something which had already started, you
had to push your way in. The people who were organising the gigs
had probably been thinking along those lines for years & then it
suddenly became a movement. And the movement had already
begun by the time we arrived. It was still early days for the
movement though. As soon as I'd heard about Ufo I went down
there, it had been going for 2-3 weeks & I went down there one
Friday night.

I) Was that before Tomorrow formed ?

T) I think we were still called 'The In Crowd'.

I) So you joined them when they were still called 'The In Crowd' ?

T) Yes, and a few months after I'd joined them we changed the name.

I) What happened to Tomorrow in the end ? It all seemed to

T) Well, that's what happened.

I) Keith West having his solo hit.
T) Yes, that created a bad feeling. It appeared to me that we'd
agreed that Keith's record was going to come out as Keith Tomorrow,
and Steve was going to make a record as Steve Tomorrow & likewise
Junior & myself, 'cos we were trying to push the band. And then of
course Keith's record came out as Keith Tomorrow & there was
immediately a feeling of "What's going on ?". And then it was a hit.
We started getting all these strange gigs that we couldn't really play
the way that we wanted to because they wanted "Grocer Jack" Keith's

I) That also happened with the Floyd after Emily.

T) And the next thing that happened was Keith, myself, Steve &
Junior met one day round at Steve's and Keith said that he wanted to
go solo but wanted to keep the group together & produce the group.
And it was really up to us to decide if we wanted to do that. I think
Steve wanted to go on but both myself & Junior were pissed off with
what was happening-we really didn't know what was happening-we
just didn't like being pushed left, right & centre, so our immediate
reaction was 'no we'll go our own separate ways'.

I) Junior did play on your solo album though.

T) He made a brief appearance on the solo album but he did co-write
a couple of the songs. We were working as "The Aquarian Age" after
Tomorrow and we had a single out called "10,000 Words In A
Cardboard Box" which we later re-recorded on the album. But after
that single Junior decided that he'd had enough & decided to go into
Casino's. He became a croupier-got married & went to Greece. And
he made a lot of money & now he's got a yacht, he's taken a long
vacation & he's sailing around the world. Junior had had a nervous
breakdown & cirrhosis of the liver-and all that gave him a very deep
insight into where his life was, 'cos he nearly died, & he started
thinking about what he was doing & saw through the falseness in the
music business & he decided to get out. And of course at that point
I'd just joined The Pretty Things. I was asked to join & I said that I'd
help out for a month. That was my intention because I believed in
what I was doing with the Aquarian Age.

I) Well, the version of "10,000 Words..." on your solo album is great if
that's anything to go by...

T) It's similar to the Aquarian Age's version but it's a bit different.
The Aquarian Age's has a violin solo on it & it was also produced by
Mark Wirtz. So, I joined The Pretty Things for a month but ended up
with them for a couple of years. I only did "S.F. Sorrow" with them,
except for a couple of tracks on that which they'd already started to
record. "S.F. Sorrow" is quite a good album-I wrote the stage-play
for S.F. Sorrow.

I) What was that???

T) We performed it at the Roundhouse twice-it was mime, I took the
lead part, the main character-S.F. Sorrow, and the rest of the group &
their girlfriends took part; all miming to the tape with dialogue in
between the songs..spoken by Phil May.

I) Pete Townshend wasn't in the audience was he?

T) Well he listened to S.F. Sorrow while they were recording Tommy
'cos they phoned Phil May up & said 'hey Phil, we think it's great &
we're working on something very similar'.. But I think it's gone on
record now that S.F. Sorrow was actually the first concept album.

I) Yeh but Tommy got all the critical acclaim.

T) I think Phil May was very disappointed with that-still, that's life.

I) What about your solo LP.

T) That was done while I was with The Pretty Things & some of them
appear on the record: Wally Allen, John Povey, Victor Unit, & Phil
May, I think in retrospect that album could have been a lot better
than it was content/material wise. It was experimental.

I) It's got a lot of nice sounds on it-voices, sitars etc.

T) Yeh, in fact when I put a band together & do some gigs I'm
actually going to put some of those ideas into the live show-some of
the actual vocal things. There's a track called "The Dawn of Magic"
which I want to do getting the audience to participate in the vocals.
At the time of that album I was really influenced by what the
"Living Theatre" were doing. They were a theatre group which used
a lot of audience participation, very free & relaxed kind of shows. I
remember them opening their act with the stage pitch black &
there'd be fifty people on stage all with incense sticks held in their
hands, and you'd just see all these little coloured dots which they
kept moving around for 10 minutes-for me, it was great. I was
really influenced by them-Dawn Of Magic was influenced by them &
some of that carried on into the Pink Fairies. A track called "Thor"
which consists of a vacuum cleaner just going backwards and
forwards, with a guitar folded over backwards. If you listen
carefully you can hear the hoover...

I) Some of the other people who played on your solo LP were from
The Deviants & later on The Pink Fairies. How did you form The Pink

T) I didn't form original Pink Fairies. We just used to go out together
& found ourselves doing gigs together-we just found ourselves being
together and I think Mick Farren put the name together after Tony
Wiggins (who was the Deviants road manager) sort of threw in Pink
Fairies at some point & then Mick Farren said yeh, 'We're the Pink
Fairies Motorcycle Club & All Star Rock N Roll Band, that's who we
are.' and that's how it started.

I) 'cos you were in a band called The Fairies before.

T) Yeh, I don't know if that was in Tony's mind when he actually
threw the Pink Fairies in..

I) What about Mick Farrens solo album, Mona

T) I play drums on that.

I) After the Pink Fairies you next played in Stars. How did that all
happen ?

T) I was living in Cambridge, after I'd left the Pink Fairies I went
back to London for a while & then moved to Cambridge. And while
in Cambridge I met Jack Monck & some local musicians, though we
didn't do anything serious.

I) You hadn't known Jack Monck before then ?

T) No. I met him through Jenny, Jenny Spires who was an ex-
girlfriend of mine, and she was also an ex-girlfriend of Syd's. It was
Jenny & Jack who brought Syd down to the Eddie Guitar Burns gig at
Kings College Cellar. And Syd had a jam that night. And I think, I'm
not sure if it's the next day, but within the next day or two Jenny &
Jack came round to my house in Cambridge & we were talking &
someone said "wouldn't it be great to get Syd playing again." It
wasn't just me who said that, it was everyone. So Jenny said 'Oh I'll
fix up a meeting with him, we'll go & see Syd & ask him if he wants
to play with you & Jack.' So that's what we did. We went round to
his house & I think his Mum answered the door & then Syd came to
the door & Jenny said, 'This is Twink & Jack, they want to know if
you want to form a band, just the three of you.' So he said 'yeh,
alright, come in'. And that was that. We started rehearsing down in
the basement of his house, that's how it started. I think I'm right.

I) Did you do much rehearsal ?

T) Not really, we did about two weeks & then we had this gig come
up at the Corn Exchange.

I) Who arranged those gigs ?

T) A guy called Steve Brink. And I'm sure Steve's intentions were
good but he was just as crazy as everybody else, y'know. If we'd had
some sort of management direction then we wouldn't have done any
gigs for six months or maybe a year or something, but we went
straight into it. He came in & said 'I've got this gig with MC5, I'm
going to put you top of the bill.' We said yes & he printed the tickets.
This is very important to me actually, the tickets said "Stars-Twink's
new band", and it looks as though, from that, that people think that I
actually got the bands name on the ticket like that because I was
more 'together' than Syd. But that's not true & I'd like it to go on
record that it wasn't anything to do with me-it was the promoter
trying to be overhelpful to me & I'd never seen the tickets before
they came out or anything.

I) I think the gigs attracted more attention than they should've done,
as Syd hadn't been in the limelight for quite some time.

T) Yeh.

I) But you did some gigs in Cambridge apart from the Corn Exchange.

T) Yeh well some of the gigs were great, some of them were really
good but the Corn Exchange gigs were awful. The one that I
remember best of all was the one that I enjoyed-the one in the
Market Square in Cambridge, in the open air, that was great. And we
did as few in the Dandelion Coffee Bar, I think we did two there &
they were also good.

I) That was all around the same time.

T) Yes, all around the same time, 'cos the band didn't stay together
very long. Straight after that gig the bad press that we got, I think it
was Roy Hollingworth-Melody Maker, he did a piece & he killed the
band in fact, with that review. 'Cos Syd came round with it in his
hand the next day, he saw it & says 'I don't want to play anymore'.
So that was it. I mean I expected that, I thought that that was a
possibility that something like that might happen, but it was a shame
that it did.

I) What about the recording of the earlier gigs ?

T) Well I don't know where the tapes are.

I) Which gigs were recorded ?

T) I think all of them were.

I) And the rehearsals ?

T) Syd recorded the rehearsals.

I) On a portable cassette ?

T) As far as I remember, yes, just on a cassette. And the other one's
were recorded on a really professional set up by a guy from America
that was based in Cambridge. He was related in someway to Leonard
Bernstein & his name's Victor but I can't remember anything else.

I) Did you realise that the Eddie Guitar Burns gig was also recorded -
a guy in Cambridge has a professional quality tape.

T) No, I did have once one of the Stars gigs, between me & Jolly, who
was a friend I was working with at the time. He used to make
badges. He had a tape but I don't know what happened to it. The
tapes were good-they were all Syd's songs, Floyd material. I don't
think we had any new stuff, but I can't remember.

I) So Syd wasn't still writing anything at the time ?

T) I can't remember. I know he was painting at the time, he was a
beautiful artist, he did oil paintings, fantastic abstract paintings. I
guess most of those are still at his house, Jenny's got one of them.

I) Are you still in touch with Jenny ?

T) No. I don't know if Jack is. They were married but I think they're
divorced or separated now.

I) Have you seen Syd recently ?

T) No. Well yeh-I bumped into him a few years ago in Harrods. I
was going down the escalator & he was going up. But I haven't seen
him for a while.

I) One of the guys writing a book on the Floyd has been to see him
recently - Mike Watkinson. [Note, this is my mistake, Mike hasn't
been to see Syd yet.]

T) Yeh, he's been in touch with me but we haven't got together yet.

I) How long were the sets that STARS performed ? The gig list for
the Corn Exchange gig was supposed to have been: Octopus, Dark
Globe, Gigolo Aunt, Baby Lemonade, Waving My Arms In The Air,
Lucifer Sam and a couple of 12- bar blues

T) I can't remember exactly, how long the sets were but I think it
was about 40-45 minutes. It's quite amazing actually, when you
think about it, that he was keen at the time to do this and y'know he
was really 'there'. He's a great guitarist & a great musician.

I) Did Fred Frith ever play in the Stars line-up ? We got a letter
from him in New York saying that he played once on stage with Syd.

T) He didn't play in Stars but I don't know whether he did play with
Syd, it might have even been the Eddie Guitar Burns gig.

I) Was there somebody else there then ?

T) I honestly can't remember. It could well have been that though.

I) There's a rumour that Stars also did See Emily Play in rehearsal.

T) Yeh, I think that's right, but I'm not sure.

I) What happened to the proposed gig at Essex University ?

T) We tried to do that without Syd, because Syd had said that he
didn't want to play anymore-but we had that booked so we all went
down there with the intention of playing, I'd brought another couple
of musicians in to cover for Syd. But in fact the promoter didn't want
us to play 'cos Syd wasn't there-so it was a bit of a disaster.

I) Were you still going to play Syd's material ?

T) No. It was going to be other stuff. But it was the wrong thing to
do we should've pulled out. But we decided to go down there and it
didn't work out.

I) What do you think of all this new psychedelic stuff ?

T) I don't know much about them all really. I don't focus on them
when they come, I know the Rain's Parade's management very well.
Malibu Management-they're real nice people-but I have no idea
about their music. I've heard the Church, have you heard of them ?

I) Yeh, a bit poppy.

T) Then there was something the other day, I heard one track by The
Fall on 'The Tube' & what I heard was like something out of the Ufo.
It's all a bit dated, but I understand that the kids have got to draw
their inspiration from somewhere-so that's where they're coming
from & they'll obviously go onto better things.

That just about concludes the interview, I'd like to say a big thanx
to Twink for the interview & to Allan Thompson for putting me in
touch. Also I'd like to wish Twink all the best in '86 & look forward
to The Doves with immense interest.
If you're into other psychedelia/hippy stuff you won't be
disappointed in the self named Tomorrow LP or Twink's solo album
"Think Pink"; both are rated highly by most people I know with
copies. There's also a cheapish compilation of Pink Fairies stuff
called Pink Fairies (what else) which is ok & the Glastonbury album
is worth hearing for "Uncle Harry's Last Freakout". Stamp collectors
are probably more at home with "Do It '77", the EP which came out in
78 & features "Psychedelic Punkeroo".

Ivan the Terrible


That's just how it appeared in Opel #11 on 5 December 1985. If
you enjoyed reading this, please seek out the Malcolm Jones
interview and Mr. Jones' amazing book "The Making Of The Madcap
Laughs". Please stick this interview on your homepage and send it to
your non-Echoesian friends. Until next time...

Sinister But Happy,

Scott Frank

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#804 29.01.2014 19:32

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

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#805 29.01.2014 20:37

Ei mikään karkkipussin käskyläinen
From: Tsadi
Registered: 17.01.2007
Posts: 19,439

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

icon_surprised  dance


Lounaissuomalaiset ovat kykenemättömiä ilmaisemaan tunteitaan. Ihailen sitä.


#806 31.01.2014 18:38

Registered: 31.01.2014
Posts: 53

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

henk.koht. lähinnä syd-osasto kiinnostaa. tosin bbc-bootlegtuplalla myös syd-vajaat 60-lukuvetäsyt ovat loistavia. olenkohan jo tuhkaa silloin kun vegetable man ja scream thy last scream julkaistaan virallisesti?


#807 06.02.2014 21:50

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Registered: 14.11.2006
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Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


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#808 10.02.2014 17:53

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
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Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


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#809 14.03.2014 22:37

From: Vaasa
Registered: 03.02.2014
Posts: 28

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett

Ziisus tää Piper on kova levy! Varsinkin Lucifer Sam ja Flaming olleet kovassa pyörityksessä. En ymmärrä miksi en aiemmin ole tajunnut tämän levyn hienoutta. Kyllä se Syd vaan osas vääntää biisejä! Myös Barrettin soolot olleet myös kuuntelussa, mutta vaatinevat hieman enemmän kuuntelua, että pääsen kunnolla käsiksi.


#810 14.03.2014 22:38

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 101,452

Re: Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett


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